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Are You Following a Keto Diet?

Everything you need to know about the keto diet so that you can decide if it might be right for you.

By Tony EneojoPublished 2 years ago 10 min read
Are You Following a Keto Diet?
Photo by Alison Marras on Unsplash

1. What is the Keto Diet?

The keto diet is a high-fat, low-carb diet that restricts carbohydrates to 20 grams or less per day. The body depends on ketone bodies, also called ketones, to produce energy. The diet includes plenty of protein and healthy fats like butter, coconut oil and coconut cream.

You can make a keto bread in just about any recipe you know how to make. And, it's super easy to do too! Just add eggs, milk or cream and some other ingredients (usually nuts or seeds) as you would with any bread recipe.

Keto Bread Recipe Keto Bread Recipe

2. How Does it Work?

When we think of ketosis, we envision the extreme. While it can be a temporary state of being, there are ways in which you can experience this very effectively and naturally.

Ketosis is a state where your body is constantly burning fats as its primary fuel source. It’s only when the body has run out of those fats that it turns to carbs as its primary fuel source. While you cannot force your body to go into ketosis, if you know how and why it happens, you stand a better chance at maintaining and increasing your ketogenic diet.

How does keto work? Let’s take a look at what happens to your body when you go into ketosis:

Your body starts breaking down fat for energy. Say goodbye to all those good-for-you foods like butter, cream and cheese! Also, your liver stores lots of fat (around 15%) in order to supply the rest of your body with glucose (which makes up about 80% of the 2,000 calories consumed by an adult). When you enter ketosis, the liver has been forced to break down its stored fat reserves because glucose is no longer present from food sources. So over time, this causes the liver to break down more fat than it was storing beforehand. Eventually this process will slow down completely and allow carbohydrates once again to be provided by food sources.

So what exactly is going on with our bodies during ketosis? Our bodies burn stored fat for energy instead of glucose as we normally do in a state known as "glycolysis." The benefits can be seen in terms of weight loss as well as overall health and general wellbeing. We show some examples below:

What should I eat while I'm on The Keto Diet?

If you are already on a low carb diet such as Atkins or paleo but want to start eating more healthy foods without feeling deprived or that it's taking away from those low carb foods then here are some ideas on what to eat:

1) Nuts: Cashews | Almonds | Walnuts | Pecans | Macadamia nuts | Peanuts | Hickory nuts | Popcorn | Almond meal or powder 1) Cheese: Cheddar or mild cheeses 1) Eggs: Hard boiled eggs (have them raw if possible) 1) Beans: black beans (no lima beans) 1) Oils like coconut oil/coconut butter/olive oil/ghee 2

By Nadine Primeau on Unsplash

3. Who Is a Good Candidate for the Keto Diet?

The keto diet is a low carb, high fat diet that was popularized by Dr. Robert Cray. It's the very low-carb form of the Atkins Diet, but with less emphasis on protein intake for weight loss purposes (similar to Paleo).

It does not work for everyone and you should consult with your doctor before following it as some people can experience adverse effects when following it. It also has some potential side effects like kidney stones, so it's best to be aware of them if you're considering giving it a try.

What is keto? The ketosis is an eating pattern that involves limiting carbohydrates to 5–10 net grams per day (the amount in a medium bagel), and then eating lots of fat. The goal is to become more efficient at using fats for fuel and not get hungry because your body will then turn to stored fat for energy instead of carbs.

Keto diets have been around since the 90s, but they gained traction in 2014 when researchers at the University of Alabama School of Medicine reported positive results in a study involving 70 obese people who followed a ketogenic diet over six months.[14] This was the first study to show that High-Carbohydrate/Low-Fat diets were successful at achieving long term weight loss and reducing body mass index — also called BMI — while improving metabolic health risk factors compared with Low-Carbohydrate/High-Fat diets.[15]

Another study published in February 2016 showed that people who went on a ketogenic diet lost more weight than those who didn't lose any weight or lost less weight. [16] In fact, another study published in April 2016 showed that women who followed the Atkins Diet lost more fat than women who followed other low carbohydrate diets.[17] This led Dr. Paul Maffetone, M.D., director of clinical research at Columbia University Medical Center, to state: "I would say if you are interested in trying a very low carbohydrate diet with sort of moderate protein or exercise... this could be an option," especially because both women and men seemed happy on this diet.[18] Another study published by researchers from Tufts University also found that people who followed this type of diet experienced better glycemic control than those who did not follow it.[19] Another short term effect often discussed is belly fat reduction when following this type of diet, however most studies don't support this claim.[20][21][22] This may not be true when following high carb

4. How Long Should you do the Keto Diet?

There’s no doubt that the keto diet can be a challenge to follow. However, if you’re serious about your weight loss goals and would like to give it a try, then you might want to consider making a commitment to the keto diet.

The ketogenic diet is a low-carbohydrate, high-fat eating plan that's been used for decades as a way of losing weight and controlling blood sugar levels.

Ketosis is when the body's ability to use fat for energy is reduced rather than carbohydrates – so in other words, it's when your body runs on fatty acids instead of glucose. Once you get used to the diet and find that it works best for you, there are no rules as long as you stick with it.

In fact, there are no rules at all if you stick with the diet and only eat fats from sources like grass-fed meats, butter or coconut oil. By eating foods high in healthy fats such as avocados and olive oil, your body will start producing ketones which are then used for fuel instead of glucose – meaning that your body burns fat instead of carbs for energy. This can help reduce cravings for sugar so that you don't feel hungry or deprived and help speed up your weight loss progress by speeding up your metabolism.

But what does this mean exactly? Well firstly, you must burn more calories than you take in every day – this means burning more fat for energy than carbohydrates (and therefore burning less stored fat). Secondly, some people need extra calories from protein in order to stay full on fats after a meal (which isn’t true unless they have a lot of carbs). And thirdly, some people may not have enough fat on their plates after meals because they don't eat enough vegetables!

So what are people who follow the ketogenic diet supposed to do? Well firstly, make sure that you stick to moderate amounts of protein at each meal. We usually advise around 500g per day but it really depends on how much protein an individual has available in their diets – so one person might not need anything else other than protein at every meal (or maybe even just an extra 500g per day). You should also be eating loads of vegetables daily at each meal and ideally make sure that 20% or more of all your food intake comes from vegetables each day! While meat is great for most people who follow the ketogenic diet because it has such high amounts of

5. Is it Safe?

Understanding the keto diet is very important. This is because it's an effective way of using less carbohydrates in your diet, and thus, how you burn fat.

To understand how this works, one has to know what a keto diet is. It involves eating a high fat, low carb diet for a prolonged period of time (usually about 60 days).

In regards to breads, keto bread recipes are especially good for those who follow this diet because they're easy to make and don't require any special equipment or ingredients.

There are many different kinds of keto bread recipes available on the internet nowadays but here we will focus on two that have been widely used as well as recommended in various health blogs and forums:

1) Make Ahead Keto Bread

This recipe is simple and easy to prepare. All you need to do is make sure that you leave out the sugar and add some slices of your favorite bread instead.

2) Keto Cheese Bread

This kind of bread can be made with either cream cheese or cheese instead of butter; however, I prefer using butter because it adds flavor to the bread whereas cream cheese does not really offer much when melted on top of it and thus makes for a bland taste. So I recommend using this type for baking breads rather than making sandwiches or something similar. You can also use half cream cheese/half regular butter if you want more filling or if you want it less sweet (which will be easier with half cream cheese). If you want to make only the filling without the sandwich-type crusts then just cut off some slices from the slice portion (the larger part) and put them on a plate with some ham or other tasty meat like turkey/chicken/beef/etc as a side dish, then slice into small pieces while cooking your sandwich-type crusts on top (that's all there is to it)! Try this recipe – it's easy! You can get more information by visiting Keto Bread Recipe . 2) Keto Buttermilk Buns Recipe The most popular type of keto buns we have seen so far has been made with egg dough; however, there are other options that have popped up recently such as coconut flour batter rather than egg dough. This recipe uses coconut flour batter while baking which yields more dense buttermilk biscuits - they cook faster and come out beautifully browned too! You can also try this recipe – these are really yummy! 3) Coconut Fl

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By Hossein Farahani on Unsplash

6. What to eat on the Ketogenic Diet?

Is the keto diet right for you?

Keto is a low carb, high fat diet. The idea is to eat lower carb, higher fat meals and avoid carbohydrates as much as possible. It's also known as a "fat-adapted diet", and has been labeled as being a "healthy low-carb way to lose weight". There are several benefits of a ketogenic diet such as improved health and performance – so if you're an athlete or someone who works out often, this diet might be right for you.

You can follow the keto diet by simply following these three simple rules:

1: You can eat whatever you like but it must be healthy.

2: You can have one meal per day with no snacks or snacking between meals.

3: No more than 20g of carbs per day (that’s about 1/4th cup of white rice).

Here's some specific foods that you can only eat on the keto diet: meat, fish (such as salmon), eggs, cheese, butter, cream and full-fat dairy products such as cream cheese, heavy cream or Greek yogurt. Here are a few food items that should stay out of your ketogenic diet:

1: Processed foods like cakes, cookies and brownies; processed meats like ham; desserts (doughnuts, cookies and bars); sugary drinks like calorie-packed soda; grains (like pasta); pasta sauce; coffee; chocolate; starchy vegetables like potatoes and sweet potatoes

7. Low-Car

The keto diet has been around for a while but only recently has it started to gain attention. It’s often called the “keto flu” or the “keto-flu”, because people feel lethargic, tired and often experience sleep issues during and after they start following the diet.

While most of the effects on some people from this change in diet can be attributed to lifestyle choices and not due to changes in metabolism (so many people simply don't have an issue with their body's ability to handle dietary changes), there are still many people who feel the effects of it.

If you have been following a ketogenic diet for a while, then you need to ask yourself if this is something that might be beneficial for you or if it's going to make things worse. If you're just starting out, then by all means stick with your current diet, but if you're getting ready for a big holiday meal (like Thanksgiving) or maybe even planning on switching up your menu at work (to something else), then it might make sense to start switching your meals – even just one day if that's what works best for you – so that there isn't any substantial change when it comes to your body.

If you want to find out if this is something that might work well for you, then check out our guide on how to determine whether or not a diet is right for you.

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About the Creator

Tony Eneojo

People call me 'The Doctor', because of the simple reason that I like to provide value to someone's life & Writing is one of the Chennel.

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