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7 Ways You Can Use Short YouTube Videos To Make Money

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By Gadgets Within BudgetPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Remember to use this 3-Click Software for YouTube Short

YouTube is a platform with millions of active users, making it an ideal place to reach a wide audience and make money. One way to do this is by creating short videos that capture the viewer's attention and provide value. Here are 7 ways you can use short YouTube videos to make money.

If you’re thinking about creating videos to make money, but you’ve never made them before, it can feel a little overwhelming! How will people find your videos? Will they be of high enough quality? Will you have any viewers? If you haven’t started making videos yet, here are 7 ways you can use short YouTube videos to make money in the comfort of your own home. You don’t need fancy equipment or expensive software – just a camcorder and the willingness to try something new!

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1) Keyword Research

Keyword research is a topic that’s used interchangeably with search engine optimization (SEO), but it’s actually about more than that. The process for researching keywords—words and phrases people might enter into search engines to find information about products or services—is invaluable whether you intend to market on Google, Bing, Yahoo, or any other online channel. To ensure your content gets seen by as many people as possible, consider these three keyword research tips

2) Gaining Subscribers

When you have a large number of subscribers on your channel, it gets easier to make money from advertisements. No, YouTube ads aren’t very profitable in and of themselves—$1 per 1,000 views is typical—but it doesn’t take many subs to begin earning decent side income. Once you’ve signed up for YouTube and connected your channel to an AdSense account (see Chapter 16), use these suggestions to increase your sub numbers

Remember to use this 3-Click Software for YouTube Short

3) Getting found on Google

Google directories or listings have long been one of the best ways to get found on Google, but with some recent changes it’s become even more important. For example, if you run a business in one of these cities: Boston, Los Angeles, New York, Philadelphia and San Francisco then you can submit your details directly to Google.

4) Monetizing through Google Adsense

Start off by simply using Google Adsense. To use Adsense on your videos, sign up for an account and click ‘Advertise with Google’. Then click on ‘Apply now to show ads on Youtube’ under video monetization. If you’re not already verified you may need to do so by providing details of your website, its audience and other relevant information.

Remember to use this 3-Click Software for YouTube Short

5) Monetizing through Sponsorships

Running your own YouTube channel has one major advantage: you’re able to produce and post sponsored content. Here’s an example of a sponsorship paid for by Audi to promote their A3 vehicle. As you can see, they’ve posted a detailed description of why their car is such a great purchase (with specs and pricing info) along with several short videos showing off their sleek new ride. If people like what they see, maybe it will influence them when it comes time to buy!

6) Monetizing through other ads

Many people assume that you have to partner with a brand in order to make money through YouTube. While it is possible to do so, there are many other ways you can earn revenue on YouTube without doing any partnering. Examples include running ads before your video and placing relevant keywords within your video’s title, description and tags (which allow you to run ads on that keyword). There are even some third-party services that will scan videos for you and suggest places where you can put ads.

7) Audience Building through Subreddits and related sites

Subreddits are incredibly valuable places to build an audience if you can understand how they work. Reddit has over 542 million people on its platform and these numbers keep growing every day. If your video gains some traction, it’s possible that you will end up with hundreds of thousands of viewers! Although Reddit is a good place for gaining viewers, it does not convert them well into monetizable subscribers. The best way to do so would be to use your personal social accounts as well as other social platforms.

    By implementing these strategies, you can turn your short YouTube videos into a profitable venture. From affiliate marketing to sponsored content, the possibilities are endless. Keep experimenting and finding new ways to monetize your content, and you'll be well on your way to making a steady income from your YouTube channel.

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Gadgets Within Budget

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