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7 Ways to make a conversation with anyone

To find friends anywhere

By EndlessDreamPublished 2 days ago 4 min read

Hello, everybody.

How many of you know the person sitting next to you from before today?

And do you remember the first conversation that you ever had with that person?

You know conversations are links. Let's imagine every conversation to be a tiny metal link. And every time you talk to a stranger, a metal link is formed. And every conversation that you have after that moment, the link gets stronger and stronger. And every day each one of us meets so many strangers. And with every conversation we build new links. Until finally at the end, we've created a kind of massive World Wide Web of conversation. World Wide Web. conversation is a fascinating thing. A conversation is an adventure. A conversation gives you a whole new perspective. A conversation opens a door. Conversations can make war and conversations can make peace. And conversations define who we are as a human race. Think about this. Every single person in your life was once a stranger to you. And you knew nothing about them until you had that first conversation. So I'm here today to tell you HOW to talk to strangers with 7 ways that you can make a conversation.

1.Just do it and say “hello”

What's the worst that can happen? They want to talk to you. Well, they're not talking to you now. The first word floodgates. the first word acts as a floodgate. once you said the first word everything else just flows. So keep it simple. A "Hi," a "Hey," a "Hello." And do what every good bowler does. Just gather the enthusiasm, the positivity, the energy, put on a big smile and say, "Hi!"

2. Skip small talk, ask personal questions

Honestly, Don’t get stuck with : "Hi!" "Hey!" "How are you?" "I'm fine." "What's going on?" "Nothing much." "Same old." "So tell me what's new?"

Maybe you can ask about their name. Or how did your parents think of it? Is there a story behind it? Or ... How long have you lived in this city? And do you remember the first day you landed here? Where do you come from? And where does your family live?

Skipping the usual small talk and diving into more personal questions can lead to fascinating conversations. It’s like peeling back the layers to discover the unique stories and experiences that make each person who they are.

Answers to those questions are always something unique, always something personal.

3.Find commonalities

Find the "me too"s. Nothing kills a conversation like a negative. When you meet someone for the first time make an effort to find the one thing that you and that other person might have in common. When you start at that point and then move outward from there, you will find that all of a sudden the conversation becomes a lot easier. And that's because both of you suddenly are on the same side of something. And that's a really powerful feeling.

Now, what could you possibly have in common with a stranger you ask? Could be anything, right? You're both in the same place at the same time, maybe you're from the same country, maybe you both like the winter or you're longing for it to rain. I don't know, you'd find something. When you find a "me too," you automatically have a kind of buy-in from the other person.

4.Pay a unique compliment

People will forget what you do, and they'll forget what you say, but they will never forget how you made them feel. So be generous. And go out and give someone a nice full compliment.

Try and construct a compliment that's unique and genuine, and you don't have to lie. When you look at someone and say, "I love how when you smile, it's like your nose smiles, and then your eyes smile, and your ears smile, even your forehead smiles and suddenly, the whole person is just smiling”.

5.Ask for a simple question

Ask for an opinion but don’t ask about something really difficult. It feels almost intimidating. They might feel fail, and this is an examination, and that's the lesson.

Just ask something simple. Keep it generic. How do you like your coffee? When did you watch your last movie? What did you think of it? And when somebody gives you their opinion: really listen. Don't listen to reply. Listen to listen.

6.Pay attention at the moment

When someone's trying to communicate with you, the least you can do is really be in that conversation.

Just be wholeheartedly present, just be there. And make eye contact. eye contact is where all the magic happens. You can feel the conversation. when you are looking at someone in the eye, nine out of ten times, they will not dare look away, right?

7.Remember the little details about a person

Remember their name. It's so important. It's awful when you meet someone for 18th time, and you say, "You must be Paul, no Peter. Something with the P and it ends with ..." It's terrible. Remember someone's name and say it back to them. You have no idea how important you're making them feel, and that's not the only detail. Remember all the other details as well. The places they like to go to, the places they've been to, the places they want to go to, their pet's names. How their pet's been feeling lately? The things they like.

Remember these little things about people and repeat it back to them, ask be genuinely interested, and automatically you kind of become an investor in their well-being, so they'll feel responsible to you to keep that conversation going.

There we go. Seven amazing ways that you can make conversation with anyone, and seven reasons why you should use the break that's going to come up to talk to a stranger that you don't know. A conversation is like reading a book. You can turn to any page you want. You can flip to your favorite chapter. You can read as long as you want, and you can read what you want, and every person, trust me, is a really good book. And it so sad that entire human lives are being boiled down to 140 characters and catchy headlines.

how to

About the Creator



I’d like to take a quick moment to introduce myself.

My nickname is EndlessDream

I had a lucky chance to come across this platform where I could share my experiences. I hope you have a fun time reading articles that can bring you “new”

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    EndlessDreamWritten by EndlessDream

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