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7 Effective Ways to Get Rid of Ant Infestation - Easy Home Remedies

Ants are not the number one enemy of humans, but when they attack households, they test the homeowner’s patience.

By Pestkil ltd.Published about a year ago 4 min read

From the kitchen, bed, and garbage bin to your yard, you can find these pests everywhere.

Having ants around the home not only damages things but is also considered unhygienic.

There are 12000 types of ants which you will find in different areas of the globe. They can bite humans, contaminate food, and spread bacteria wherever possible.

Here are some useful home remedies to get rid of these pests, which you must try!

Before you choose to carry out ant treatment in Cayman or your home country, make sure you try these simple home remedies, which are natural and cost-effective.

The best part is you can easily find these ingredients in supermarkets or your kitchen.

  • Using Borax Powder

Borax is generally used in various cleaning products. It affects the ants by intruding on their digestive system.

Using borax is easy. You can create a liquid with borax by adding water and confectioner sugar.

You can use a narrow opening container to fill this mixture. Sprinkle this formula around the mounds. These ants carry the sweet powder to share with their friends.

Keeping children and pets away from Borax is advisable as it can harm their health.

  • Get Rid of Ants using Peppermint

Ants don’t like peppermint odor, so they avoid places with peppermint traces. Prepare a mixture where you can add 10 drops of peppermint extracts, water, and essential oils; sprinkle it where you find these ants.

You can either use a dry or liquid mixture and use it twice a day.

  • Try Cinnamon for the Best Results

When searching for a non-toxic way of getting rid of ants, Cinnamon will top the list with other ingredients. Cinnamon can kill ants and also works as a repellent.

You can sprinkle cinnamon powder across the ant paths, kitchen countertops, and across anthills.

People also use cloves along with the cinnamon for better results.

It is one of the best DIY methods that can be frequently used and does not harm your interiors.

  • White Vinegar will do Wonders!
  • Ants cannot tolerate the smell of white vinegar, so it is advisable to form a solution where water is mixed with vinegar. Add essential oil to the solution and sprinkle in the pain areas - ant home, yards, doorways, and across indoor plants. Repeat this procedure daily.

You can also use this mixture while you mop the floor. Add a small amount of mixture to the bucket to keep ants at bay.

  • Do the Citrus Way!
  • Citrus has natural acids that work very well in keeping ants away by disguising their regular smell. Squeeze lemons, oranges, grapefruit, or other citrus fruits into a spray bottle and pour the juice into window sills, doorways, and other concerning areas.

Eliminate ant infestation in Cayman by using this effective orange peel powder.

So the next time you enjoy eating your orange, don’t throw away the peel and make the best use of it to ensure you don’t suffer more ant menace.

  • Make the Best Use of Coffee
  • Who would have thought a simple ingredient at your home that you consume daily could keep ants at bay?

Coffee beans can be an effective ant-repellent substance that not many know about.

Spread coffee powder around your plants. Most ants hate the aroma of coffee, unlike humans, making it one of the sought-after ant-proof ingredients.

  • Very Basic - Keep the Food Items Covered!
  • They say - prevention is better than cure, and we cannot agree more. Keep your food items away from ants, keep it in containers, or cover it.

Make sure the food particles do not fall on the ground, as ants have easy access to that. Keep the kitchen top neat and clean, to be more precise.

Ants are drawn towards starchy and sweet food like honey, sugar, cornmeal, and fruits. Therefore, one of the most effective ways to deter them is to make sure you do not serve them these foods.

Make sure you clean all the plates and wash utensils right after having your meals.

Clean the places crumbs gather - kitchen, couch cushions, near pet foods, and garbage pails.

What’s Important?

  • Baking soda will not help you as there is no scientific evidence that it can eradicate ants, so avoid falling for these myths.
  • Ants can live around water sources, so do not pour water on them for immediate results.
  • Make sure you take action from day one, as once the population of ants grows in your home; there’s no going back.
  • If home remedies are not working for you or you don’t have the time to carry out these activities, call residential pest control in Cayman, as they have the expertise and tools to eradicate ant infestation quickly and effectively.
  • Once the experts are involved in the process, you will see the results in a few days or weeks.
  • Communicate and ask for the most practical ways to eliminate these creatures.

Try these smart hacks and DIY, or do not hesitate to contact local pest get rid of ants once and for all.

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About the Creator

Pestkil ltd.

Pestkil have specialized pest-control solutions. Depending on the property & the type of pest, we implement unique pest control solutions to ensure that your house is pest-free & that it remains that way for years to come.

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    Pestkil ltd.Written by Pestkil ltd.

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