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7 common mistakes we often make when drinking water.

Staying well hydrated is so essential. We should drink between two and three liters of water a day. As simple as the gesture may seem, we still make mistakes when we drink.

By At Home Health TipsPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
7 common mistakes we often make when drinking water.
Photo by Bluewater Sweden on Unsplash

The human body is comprised of 60-75% water. This percentage depends on various factors, such as age or sex.

In order for the body to keep up with its metabolic capabilities, we should ensure that any fluid loss is compensated.

In the summer, for instance, we lose more fluids through sweat than in the winter.

In the winter, the feeling of thirst usually subsides and this can be dangerous because we then forget to drink, despite the fact that we are constantly losing water through respiration.

Here are 5 common mistakes we often make when drinking water:

Drinking too much water

Some believe that the more water you drink daily, the better. They take this idea to extremes and swallow large amounts of water in a short time.

However, it is detrimental to the body and can lead to various symptoms such as flatulence and nausea. Which can add unnecessary stress to the heart and kidneys. The kidneys are forced to expel excess water from the body, which also causes fatigue.

Drinking too fast

Drinking water too quickly will dilute your saliva. Saliva is an important element for digestion as it helps to stimulate the juices in the stomach. If the water drunk does not contain enough of it, the body will not be able to absorb it properly.

Also, if you drink water too quickly, you'll have to rush to the bathroom.

The body will therefore not have time to store water and absorb the important nutrients that supply the various organs.

Confusing thirst with hunger

When the stomach rumbles, most people think it's time to head to their fridge. But behind these not very discreet noises hides perhaps another desire: thirst. In this case, you just need to drink a glass of water before sitting down to eat. Also, drinking before you eat can help reduce your appetite.

Drinking standing up

If you always consume water while standing or walking, this can have serious consequences. Since in this position you consequently drink quicker as well. And this has a negative effect on our digestion and on our health in general.

Likewise, the muscles are not as relaxed when standing as when sitting. This can cause a blockage in the digestion process.

Drinking Ice Water

During the scorching summer, everyone likes to drink ice cold water to cool down, but it can actually take a heavy toll on the body.

It is recommended to always drink water at room temperature. Drinking cold water narrows the blood vessels and disrupts the digestion process. It can also lead to unwanted fat accumulation on the body, as cold temperatures solidify fats from the foods you eat.

Drinking water while eating

Drinking a lot of water when you're eating can dilute your gastric juices like hydrochloric acid.

The digestive juices which will be less effective and risk disrupting and slowing down digestion, especially protein and you may end up with Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) or an acid reflux.

So its recommended if you're going to drink with a meal just don't overdo it, it's better if you drink maybe a half hour before the meal or a half hour later.

Only drinking when you're thirsty

This is one of the biggest mistakes people make when it comes to drinking. Because if you're thirsty, it's actually already too late. The body then functions at low speed and there may be a risk of dehydration. So get into the habit of drinking water at regular intervals, even if you're not really thirsty.

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At Home Health Tips

You don't need to go to the doctor every time you get a cold! Check out these at home health tips for when you're feeling unwell.

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