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6 Tips to Help You Work from Home With Peace of Mind

Work from home without stress

By Giuseppe ButticèPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

Working from home is a privilege not every employee gets. There are pros and cons to working from home, of course. On the upside, remote workers have greater flexibility to manage their time and work around their personal responsibilities. On the downside, it’s harder to stay focused on tasks when you aren't in an office setting with peers. Here are 10 tips to help you work from home with peace of mind. Working from home has its challenges but also many benefits. Depending on where you live, commuting to and from work every day can be a challenge — especially in areas that don't permit snowfall or heavy rainfall before starting your car (Seriously? They’re called puddles for a reason). Working from home can alleviate those challenges and give you more flexibility as a new parent or caregiver of other individuals who need your assistance.

Click here to find the work from home that's right for you.

  • Plan your day the night before
  • Working from home can be challenging because you don't have the structure of an office setting. It's critical to plan ahead and create a daily routine that works for you. You may want to write down the 3-5 tasks you want to accomplish each day, either on paper or digitally. You may also want to write down what time of day you want to complete each task. If you have children, you may want to plan out your day in 30-minute increments to allow for a morning and afternoon break.

  • Set a timer to stay on track
  • If you're working on a task that requires a certain amount of time, setting a timer can help you stay on track. This can also help you stay focused on the task at hand so you're not tempted to check your phone or browse the web. Some people find that a timer with a visual cue is helpful, so they can see the passage of time and use that information to stay focused. There are many apps that can help you set timers for various tasks.

    • Take breaks and exercise

    Taking breaks throughout the day and exercising during your lunch break can help you stay focused and boost your productivity. Many employers today are understanding about remote workers taking a few minutes out of their day to walk around the block or do a quick yoga sequence on their mats. There are many apps that can help you track your breaks and workouts. And if you want to take your workouts to the next level, you can also find a wide variety of online classes to choose from. Remote workers are increasingly using an online platform called Sworkit to find a quick, effective, and customizable routine they can do at home in as little as 10 minutes a day.

    • Turn on a trusted screen filter

    You may want to consider using an online screen filter to block certain sites that can eat up your time and distract you from your necessary tasks. This can prevent you from opening up your social media accounts or clicking on a link that can take you away from your work. There are many options for screen filters. Of course, you can also install a browser add-on or extension to block specific sites, but a screen filter protects you no matter which browser you use to access the internet — even if you decide to switch browsers at some point.

    • Use a VPN with ad-blocker

    If you work from home on a consistent basis, it’s a good idea to use a virtual private network (VPN) that allows you to filter out harmful viruses or other malicious threats. You can also use a VPN as an ad-blocker to eliminate all of the distractions that come with online ads (and believe us, there are many). You can also set up a VPN to access company resources remotely. This is a great option if your company doesn't have remote working policies in place yet. You can also use a VPN to connect to the company network if you want to access shared files, printers or other devices on the network. This can be particularly useful if you work in an industry that requires special licensing or certifications that you need to access remotely.

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    • Establish a routine to feel more comfortable

    If possible, try to mimic the office environment as much as you can. Maybe have a set time each day when you conduct meetings or make calls with co-workers. If you have a comfortable desk area, try to keep it neat and tidy at all times. It’s better to be at home, feeling comfortable and organized than to be at a coffee shop or other public place. If you want people to treat you like a colleague and not a weirdo at a table in a coffee shop, try to mimic the home office as much as possible.


    Working from home is an awesome privilege. It allows you more time to spend with loved ones and the freedom to do what you need to do to get things done. However, it does come with its challenges. That's why it's important to be prepared and follow these tips to make the most out of working from home.

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