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5 Ways Stress Can Make You Look Older & How to Fight Back


By Healthy Lifestyle the storyPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 3 min read
5 Ways Stress Can Make You Look Older & How to Fight Back
Photo by Christian Erfurt on Unsplash

Who doesn’t like to look their best? The answer probably isn’t anyone. Stress, however, can have an effect on your appearance that you might not realize until it’s too late and you’re looking in the mirror, wondering where all the years went! Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to fight back against stress to slow its age-accelerating effects. Here are five of the most effective techniques you can use to fight back against stress and keep it from making you look older than you really are.

#1: Pro-Aging Hormones

When you are stressed, your body produces cortisol and adrenaline in your adrenal glands. Cortisol is known as a pro-aging hormone because it breaks down muscle tissue and weakens collagen, which leads to sagging skin and wrinkles. It also suppresses immune function and increases blood sugar, two things that wreak havoc on your skin. Adrenaline can cause rapid aging too; people who look perpetually tired tend to be those who have chronically high levels of cortisol. To fight back against stress-induced aging, try meditating or taking deep breaths – both tactics promote anti-stress hormones like endorphins and oxytocin. These help keep cortisol at bay while making you feel happier, more alert and less stressed!

#2: Inflammation

Yes, stress can inflame your body and that might make you look older, but it also increases your risk of everything from arthritis to heart disease. Take a close look at how you deal with stress. There are healthy ways and unhealthy ways to cope. When dealing with stress, try deep breathing exercises and other healthy coping mechanisms that include social support or exercise. And if necessary, consider seeking professional help for major stressors like serious medical conditions. Many professionals find relief in writing in a journal or talking things out with friends or family. But no matter what form it takes, it's important to treat your mind as well as your body when fighting inflammation due to stress.

#3: Cortisol

The Culprit of Wrinkles, Acne, and Cellulite – The stress hormone cortisol negatively affects your skin in many ways. One of its most notable side effects is prematurely aging skin. Cortisol also contributes to several other common signs of aging such as wrinkles, acne, and cellulite. If you want to avoid these symptoms of aging, then it’s important to learn how your body reacts to stress and what you can do about it. Here are some things that make you look older than your age:

#4: Minimize Stress

Managing stress is one of those things that’s easier said than done. When you’re stressed, your facial muscles may contort, leading to premature lines or wrinkles. To get rid of them—and look younger in general—find a healthy way to manage your stress and stay away from these 17 bad habits that make you look older . In addition to helping keep your skin looking young, reducing stress can also help you sleep better , which means less fine lines and wrinkles on your face. And remember: Stress relief doesn't have to be complicated; taking time for yourself and having fun are some of the best ways to combat stress, says Dr. Siegel.

You don't need an expensive cream or treatment at a spa when there are plenty of foods that naturally fight off signs of aging.

#5: Hydrate, Eat Well and Get Enough Sleep

When we're stressed, our bodies produce more cortisol, a hormone that's released when we're under stress. A study from Johns Hopkins University showed that people who were under more stress showed a higher level of cortisol and that those who had higher levels of cortisol over time also experienced more skin aging than their peers. There are other skin-aging culprits—like UV rays and smoking—but both of these factors are easily avoidable. So try to minimize your exposure by protecting yourself with sunscreen and staying away from smoky environments. Have you ever noticed how much better you feel after a good night's sleep? Turns out there's a reason for that—stress takes a toll on your body and resting allows it time to recover.

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