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5 Unique Methods to Boost Testosterone Level

Proven Ways to Increase Testosterone Levels Naturally

By RudyardPublished 4 years ago 5 min read

Testosterone is a male sex hormone responsible for bone and muscle health, sperm production, and hair growth. It stimulates the development of secondary male sexual characteristics that occur mainly in the testes, as well as in the ovaries and the adrenal cortex. You can lose testosterone with age and even chronic disease.

Lower levels of testosterone for hypogonadism can lead to a succession of problems, including low energy levels. According to a recent study from the George Washington School of Medicine and Health Sciences, low testosterone levels can increase the risk of depression in men.

Fortunately, light therapy for testosterone boosts up, and other natural ways are available. Read on to explore these 5 unique methods to boost testosterone levels.

1. Workout and Lift Weights

The workout is an excellent way to prevent many lifestyle-related illnesses. Interestingly, it can also boost your testosterone level. A recent study published that people who exercised regularly had higher testosterone levels. In the elderly, exercise increases testosterone levels, physical fitness, and reaction time.

New research in obese men suggests that increasing physical activity was even more beneficial than dieting to boost testosterone levels. Resistance training, like weightlifting, is the best type of exercise to increase testosterone in the short and long term.

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) can work well. Although all forms of exercise should work to some extent. Taking caffeine and creatine monohydrate as supplements can further increase your testosterone levels when combined with a workout program.

2. Use Light Therapy for Testosterone

Medical scientists have studied the effects of natural light on testosterone production for decades. Research over the past decade, and particularly in recent years, has been even more illuminating. It has given the medical community more concrete reasons to believe in the potential of light therapy to boost testosterone levels.

Waking up in bright light causes an increase in male hormones that could alleviate sexual dysfunction and other symptoms of depression. A new watch shows that early morning light therapy has caused an epidemic of a pituitary hormone called luteinizing hormone (LH) that increases testosterone levels in men.

Researchers say that sexual dysfunction, including loss of libido and decreased sexual activity, are commonly reported symptoms in people with depression, as well as the common side effects of antidepressant drugs.

In a study, published in the current issue of Neuroscience Letters, researchers observed LH levels after one hour of phototherapy (1000 lux) from 5 to 6 a.m. for five consecutive days in 11 healthy 19-year-old men at 30. The same group was also exposed to a placebo light (less than 10 lux) for a similar period. The researchers found that LH levels increased by 69.5% after light therapy, but these levels remained unchanged after exposure to placebo light.

3. Take Natural Testosterone Supplements

Testosterone replacement therapy is available by prescription. But you may want to look for natural supplements first. Studies show that these can help boost your testosterone level.

Vitamin D: Some studies show that vitamin D supplementation can improve sexual function and boost testosterone levels in men with vitamin D deficiency. The truth is that many Americans have low levels of vitamin D. If you experience symptoms of low testosterone levels, you can also ask your health care professional to monitor your vitamin D levels.

Ashwagandha: This supplement is said to be an "adaptogen." Adaptogen is a natural element that helps the body control stress. In a study in 2019, overweight men who took an ashwagandha supplement for 16 weeks saw a 15% growth in testosterone, on average, compared to men who received a placebo.

Zinc: Some studies have shown that zinc supplements can improve sperm quality in men with low fertility and boost testosterone levels in men with zinc deficiency.

Magnesium: Magnesium plays a crucial role in various bodily processes, including muscle function and bone structure. Some researchers have found that magnesium supplementation can be a testosterone booster.

Fenugreek: A 12-week study showed that men who took a fenugreek supplement experienced a rise in testosterone levels, morning erections, and the frequency of sexual activity compared to men who received a placebo.

4. Minimize Stress and Cortisol level

Research still points to the dangers of long-term stress, which can increase the hormone cortisol levels. Unnatural elevations of cortisol can quickly lower testosterone. These hormones work similarly to a rocker: when one goes up, the other goes down.

Stress and high cortisol levels can also increase food intake, weight gain, and the storage of harmful body fat around organs. In turn, these changes can negatively affect your testosterone levels.

To get optimal levels of health and hormones, you should try to reduce repetitive stressful situations in your life. Focus on a full diet, good sleep, regular exercise, laughter, and a balanced lifestyle, all of which can diminish stress and improve your health and testosterone levels.

5. Avoid Xenoestrogens and other T-Reducing Chemicals

Many endocrinologists are giving the alarm about the harmful effects of exposure to common household chemicals. Known as "endocrine disruptors," these chemicals interfere with our body's hormonal system and cause problems such as weight gain and learning disabilities. One type of endocrine disruptor is especially bad news for our testosterone levels.

Xenoestrogen is a chemical that mimics estrogen in the human body. When someone is exposed to too much of this estrogen-like chemical, T levels drop dramatically. The problem is that xenoestrogen goes crazy everywhere: plastics, gasoline, shampoos, and toothpaste. The universal feature of this chemical in today's world is one of the reasons why some endocrinologists say that testosterone levels are lower in humans today than in recent decades.

It's probably not surprising that excessive alcohol or drug use, whether for medical or recreational purposes, can also lower testosterone levels. On the other hand, laughter, happiness, and success can help improve your health and testosterone levels. So, ensure that they are part of your daily life.

Final Thoughts

Low levels of testosterone will result in reduced libido, erectile dysfunction, weak bones, and other health problems. Low testosterone can also indicate an underlying medical condition. Consult your doctor if you think your testosterone level is low.

Knowing your testosterone level will help you understand which method is right for you. All of our suggested options are science-backed and to better inform you. Ask your doctor which option suits your physical condition. Sometimes, a few lifestyle changes may be enough to rejuvenate your body and mind.


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