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5 Things Truly Happy People Do Every Day

Which tip will you implement to live a happier life?

By Chrissie Marie MasseyPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
5 Things Truly Happy People Do Every Day
Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

We've all heard the spiel that happiness is a choice. In the past, I have thought it was a bunch of hogwash. However, experts say if you change your attitude, happiness isn't hard to achieve.

According to Thought Nova, shifting your gratitude can change your whole life. Instead of wanting more from life, experts said happiness starts by appreciating what you have.

I can tell you that living a happy life requires self-discipline. When a negative thought pops into your mind, you have to redirect it with a positive one. It takes work, at least at first.

It's not a secret that happy people see the world differently. They want to experience everything life offers. Below, I've listed five amazing things only truly happy people do every day.

1. Happy People Say Thank You Often

It's easy to brighten another person's day. Sometimes it is as simple as saying "thank you" to a person at a grocery store. It doesn't take much, but a simple, "I appreciate you" seems to make others feel good.

When you brighten someone's day, something amazing happens. Their smile makes you feel good. You can't help but feel you did something good. So, go ahead, say thank you to others. It's a good start to living a happy life.

2. Surrounds Themselves With Positive People

As someone who tries hard to be happy most of the time, I can tell you I don't engage with people who aren't positive. Nothing kills my mood faster than someone who is negative all the time. It sucks the energy right out of me.

If you surround yourself with positive people, even if you feel depressed or anxious, you immediately feel better. Being happy is contagious.

By Melissa Askew on Unsplash

3. They Don't Live In The Past

After surviving a traumatic event, it is easy to feel stuck in the past. My husband's first marriage dissolved in a toxic way. They both cheated on each other, and she left him for a woman. After his affair partner ended up pregnant (another traumatic event), he tried for over a decade to make things work between them. In the end, they ended things and try hard to be civil for their son.

For years, he lived in the past. He would get angry that his business and marriage failed. He grieved the loss of his family. It was a very hard time for him.

When he met me, he was still living in the past. We helped each other get out of the past and live in the present. Happy people don't live with regret or in the past. They look to the future and foster positive connections with others.

4. Happy People Don't Compare Themselves To Others

This is one that is hard for many people, especially here on Medium. It's hard to see why someone would find success after just a few months when others never find it.

As a writer or person in general, you cannot compare yourself to others. We are all different and everyone has a unique skill set. What may work for one person won't work for another.

You cannot live a happy life unless you break from comparing your life to others. Try concentrating on your happiness without comparing yourself to anyone else. If you can master that, you will find happiness is easier to achieve.

By Ian Stauffer on Unsplash

5. Happy People Accept What They Can't Change

Life isn't perfect and no matter how hard you try, it will never be ideal. Happy people accept that life isn't always fair and roll with life's punches. Unless you accept that life will give you a beating every once in a while, you won't be happy.

It is vital you learn to accept injustice and not let others' actions derail your progress. To accept an injustice doesn't mean you aren't working to change laws or the way law enforcement deals with conflict. It just means you accept that's how things are at this time, and you won't let it make you miserable.

Finding happiness is a choice. You can work toward living a happy life. It turns out the old saying it true, "Happiness comes from within."


Originally published on Medium.


About the Creator

Chrissie Marie Massey

Chrissie has spent the last 20 years writing online for several major news outlets. When not writing, you’ll find her watching a Lifetime movie, wearing her favorite PJs with a frozen soda in hand.

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