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5 Types Imposter Syndrome - Which One Are You?

You don't have to live life with self-doubt.

By Chrissie Marie MasseyPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
5 Types Imposter Syndrome - Which One Are You?
Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Imposter syndrome can be difficult to overcome. You may feel you've beat it, only to have it creep back up and sideline your writing projects. Self-doubt is one of the worst feelings to have. It haunts me now and then.

The term imposter syndrome was first used in 1978 by Pauline Rose Clance and Suzanne Imes, Thought Nova reported. They believed it only affected highly successful women. Now, we know all women and men are at risk of this disorder.

I read a study that suggested imposter syndrome's cause is the feeling of not being good enough. It can affect both men and women - 70% of highly educated women will battle this condition at some point in their lives.

It sabotages your successes by comparing your success to others. No person's success should be compared to another, as we are all on our own journeys. With imposter syndrome, it'll convince you that your success is luck and eventually people will find out you're a fraud. They will take away everything from you because you don't deserve any recognition.

Have you ever felt like you don't deserve success? Do you worry someone will expose you and reveal you don't know what you are doing? Do you feel your success is nothing because others have the same level of achievements?

If yes to any of those questions, you may struggle with imposter syndrome. Now, we established you may have a problem. Keep reading to discover the five types of imposter syndrome.

1. Perfectionist

This one is easy to see why they would be a risk group. Perfectionists need their life to be in order or they feel out of control. They rarely see mistakes as lessons, but they are a failure. The way to get past it as a perfectionist is to change your point of view.

When you can see a mistake is a life lesson and change the way you complete a task, it will end the self-doubt.

By Andre Hunter on Unsplash

2. Control Freaks

Before starting a business as a control freak, you'll research until you feel prepared for any circumstance. Then, the unexpected happens, something you haven't studied, and it will throw you for a loop.

Instead of unraveling and determining you are not a good businessperson, take a step back and learn to deal with the problem. It's okay that you don't know what to do. It's perfectly fine to learn how to handle situations on the go.

3. Natural Leader

Several years ago, I worked with a client who felt out of place in the digital age. You file taxes online now. Banks are mostly on the internet. Businesses often discuss deals via email. For a 60-year-old woman, it was hard to learn. She often thought of quitting because it was hard for her to learn.

But she didn't. I taught her how to run her business and set up her internet banking. Within a few months, she was a pro at it. It wasn't long before she was not only a power-blogger, but a savvy businesswoman, too.

By Sammy Williams on Unsplash

4. I Can Do it Alone People

Are you the type that wants to do all alone? Are you embarrassed to ask for help when you need it? It doesn't mean you are weak when you ask someone to help you with something.

Most people enjoy helping others. If they are busy, most will make time when it is convenient for them. You just need to be open to asking for help and be patient enough to wait for them to have time to assist.

5. Superman

Do you think you work harder than anyone else in the office? Do you think to be successful, you must excel at everything in life - family, career, friends, and hobbies?

It's a good thing to want your life to be as close to perfect as it can be, but life can throw a wrench into your plans that can create chaos in your life. For someone struggling with a superman complex, you must learn life is not always perfect, no matter how much you plan.

Which type of imposter syndrome do you struggle with right now?


Originally posted on Medium.


About the Creator

Chrissie Marie Massey

Chrissie has spent the last 20 years writing online for several major news outlets. When not writing, you’ll find her watching a Lifetime movie, wearing her favorite PJs with a frozen soda in hand.

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