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5 Simple Tips for Sticking to a Regular Exercise Routine


By DevarajPublished about a year ago 6 min read

I. Introduction

A. Regular exercise is essential for maintaining physical and mental health. It can improve cardiovascular fitness, build muscle and bone strength, and reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and certain cancers. Additionally, regular exercise can improve mood, promote better sleep, and help with weight management.

B. Despite the many benefits of exercise, many people struggle with sticking to a regular exercise routine. There are many reasons why this may be the case, including lack of motivation, lack of time, lack of knowledge about how to exercise, and feeling overwhelmed by the idea of starting a new routine. By understanding the challenges of sticking to a regular exercise routine, it becomes easier to put in place strategies to overcome them and make exercise a consistent part of our daily lives.

Tip #1: Set Specific, Measurable Goals

A. Setting goals is an important step in making exercise a regular part of your routine. Having specific and measurable goals gives you a clear direction and something to work towards, which can increase motivation and help you stay on track.

B. When setting goals for exercise, it is important to make them specific and measurable. Specific goals are those that are clearly defined and easy to understand, such as "I want to be able to run a 5k in under 30 minutes." Measurable goals are those that can be quantified, so you can track your progress and know when you've achieved your goal. For example, "I want to increase the amount of weight I can lift on the bench press by 20lbs."

C. Some examples of specific and measurable exercise goals are:

Run a half marathon in under 2 hours

Perform 20 consecutive push-ups

Increase my endurance by biking 50 miles in a single ride

Perform 10 consecutive pull-ups

Improve my overall body composition by losing 2% body fat

Run a mile in under 8 minutes

It's important to keep in mind that goals should be challenging but also attainable. You should strive to set a goal that will stretch your abilities and make you work hard, but also one that you can achieve in a reasonable amount of time.

Tip #2: Make a Plan

A. Having a plan is crucial for sticking to a regular exercise routine. Without a plan, it's easy to get sidetracked by other commitments, to procrastinate, or to make excuses for not exercising. An effective exercise plan should include what type of exercise you will do, how often, and for how long.

B. To create an effective exercise plan, first decide on the type of exercise you will do. This might include cardio, strength training, yoga, or a combination of different types. Then, decide on how often you will exercise. It's recommended to aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity per week, or a combination of both, but you should also consider your own personal fitness level and goals. Also, it is important to consider the time and place that you will exercise.

C. Scheduling regular exercise into your weekly routine is a key component of sticking to a regular exercise routine. One effective method is to schedule your exercise sessions at the same time each day or week. This way, you will know when your exercise sessions are coming up, and you can plan your other commitments around them. Also, consider finding a partner to exercise with, and make plans in advance to work out together. Not only will it make it more fun, but it will also make it harder to cancel.

It is important to remember that exercise plan is not a one-time event, it should be flexible and adaptable. Your goals, time, and schedule may change, so make sure to adjust your plan accordingly.

Tip #3: Find an Accountability Partner

A. Having an accountability partner can be a powerful tool in sticking to a regular exercise routine. An accountability partner can provide motivation, encouragement, and support when you're struggling to stay on track. It's someone who will hold you accountable for your actions and help you stay motivated to reach your goals.

B. To find an effective accountability partner, look for someone who has similar fitness goals and is dedicated to sticking to a regular exercise routine. It could be a friend, family member, co-worker, or a personal trainer. You can also look for an accountability partner online or in an exercise or fitness class.

C. There are many ways an accountability partner can support your exercise routine. Some examples include:

Setting regular check-ins to discuss progress, obstacles, and goals

Helping to keep you on track with your exercise plan

Encouraging you to push yourself and try new things

Keeping each other motivated during times of low motivation

Helping each other stay accountable for missed workouts

Celebrating progress together and being each other's cheerleaders.

An accountability partner can also provide a sense of accountability and also provide you with a workout buddy, which can make your exercise routine more enjoyable and social. Regularly working out with someone else can also give you a sense of accountability and competition, which can motivate you to push yourself harder.

Tip #4: Mix Up Your Routine

A. Incorporating variety into your exercise routine can help keep you motivated, prevent boredom, and reduce the risk of burnout. The body can adapt to the same type of exercise routine over time, leading to a plateau in progress. Changing up your exercise routine can also help target different muscle groups and improve overall fitness.

B. There are many ways to incorporate variety into your exercise routine. Some examples include:

Trying different types of exercise, such as yoga, Pilates, cycling, or swimming

Incorporating interval training into your cardio routine

Using different equipment, such as resistance bands, weights, or a stability ball

Varying the intensity and duration of your workouts

Incorporating new exercises into your strength training routine

Incorporating short-term fitness challenges or try different workout programs

C. Mixing up your routine keeps your body guessing, it can prevent boredom and burnout from settling in. By switching up your workout routine and trying new exercises, you'll prevent your body from adapting to the same routine, which can result in a plateau in progress. It also allows you to focus on different muscle groups and improve your overall fitness. Additionally, it provides mental stimulation and keeps you engaged with your exercise routine.

Tip #5: Reward Yourself

A. Positive reinforcement is an effective way to motivate yourself to stick to a regular exercise routine. It provides a sense of accomplishment and gives you something to look forward to as a result of your hard work and dedication. By rewarding yourself for reaching milestones and goals, you'll have an added incentive to stick to your exercise routine.

B. There are many ways to set up rewards for sticking to your exercise routine. Some examples include:

Treating yourself to a massage or spa day after reaching a big fitness goal

Buying a new workout outfit after reaching a smaller goal

Treating yourself to a special meal or your favorite snack after a workout

Giving yourself permission to watch your favorite TV show after a week of regular exercise

Allowing yourself a cheat day or a day off from working out after reaching a milestone

C. Rewards act as incentives to keep you motivated and make it more likely for you to stick to your exercise routine. It can be especially effective in helping to maintain motivation during difficult times. When you're feeling demotivated, remember to think about your rewards, it can help you to stay on track and push through those tough moments. Additionally, rewards can also provide a sense of accomplishment which can give a boost of motivation to keep going on.


A. In summary, this article has provided five simple tips for sticking to a regular exercise routine: setting specific, measurable goals, making a plan, finding an accountability partner, mixing up your routine, and rewarding yourself. Each of these tips provides practical strategies for overcoming the challenges of sticking to a regular exercise routine and making exercise a consistent part of your daily life.

B. Regular exercise is essential for maintaining physical and mental health, it has numerous benefits such as improving cardiovascular fitness, building muscle and bone strength, and reducing the risk of chronic diseases.

C. To make exercise a regular part of your life, it's important to set specific, measurable goals, make a plan, find an accountability partner, mix up your routine, and reward yourself for progress. By implementing these tips, you can overcome the challenges of sticking to a regular exercise routine and enjoy the many benefits that regular exercise provides. Remember that the key is to stay consistent and to find what works for you, stick to it and make it a lifestyle change.


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