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5 DIY Gifts for Christmas...

...or any other time of the year.

By Chelsie BracePublished 7 years ago 2 min read

If, like me, you’re strapt for cash and don’t have a clue what to get your family and friends then you might find something in this suggestion list to satisfy your gifting needs. I've even used a few of these myself this year!


I made chocolate fudge, it tastes pretty great. It's also not a bad choice, everyone likes something sweet! Fudge is always a good shout with family and friends and it's not that expensive to make. It cost me around £6 and it makes about 60 squares of fudge! This took me 15 minutes to make and I left it to set over-night in the fridge, by the morning, it's ready to be chopped up and put in gift boxes.

I got the recipe from Carnation.

Link: Carnation Easy Chocolate Fudge

All you need is...

  • 1 Non-stick pan
  • Weighing scales
  • 1 Mixing bowl
  • Greaseproof paper/Baking paper
  • Deep baking tray
  • Wooden Spoon
  • 400g Chocolate (50% cocoa solids)
  • 100g Icing sugar
  • 1 397g Can Carnation condensed milk
  • 25g Butter
  • 55g Roasted chopped nuts (optional)


Cookies are another great, homemade gift for people. Cookies are pretty diverse. You can add different options into then, it doesn't have to have chocolate chips in it. The ones I made had gold sprinkles and Baileys in them. I burnt them, but the ones that didn't burn were pretty good. I did have mixed chocolate chips in it too.

Link: Bailey's Irish Cream Chocolate Chip Cookies

You don't have to use this recipe, you can use any of your favorites ones or you could make a combination of different cookies!

Personalised Scrapbook

I always think something from the heart is a good gift idea, so a personalised scrapbook of your relationship or friendship with someone is always something that they can hold on to for a long time.

It's also not an expensive DIY, all you need is pictures, a scrapbook, some decorations and your own memories. Nice and easy, you can get scrapbook and decorations from £1 stores all over the UK, and they can be pretty good quality.


Alright, I know it's a little bit old school, but what's better than getting a CD from someone with all the songs that remind you both of eachother?

CD's are pretty easy to pick up and as long as you do it properly, you can have a pretty sweet CD to give to your loved ones and friends! There obviously are restrictions when it comes to making these, as long as you don't illegally download songs, you should be okay!

Personalised Story Book

If you've got a creative flair for writing and can use memories (or can create a unique story), then writing a personalised book for someone special could also be a great DIY present! You could even make them a line of stories for different occasions. I know I'd be pretty happy to read a story that someone made especially for me. All different tales, memories, mysteries... the limit is endless of what you can create!

You can pick up plain books from pretty much anywhere, and as long as you know they can read your writing/images, you are already well on your way to making a special book for someone!


About the Creator

Chelsie Brace

Young, creative and trying to find a place in the world. Will write about anything that sparks some inspiration.

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    Chelsie BraceWritten by Chelsie Brace

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