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5 Benefits Of A Hanging Bioethanol Fireplace Indoor

Hanging Bioethanol Fireplace.

By Josephine MacleodPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Hanging Bioethanol Fireplace.

It only takes one look to understand why a bioethanol fireplace is so popular. These handy and simple-to-install décor pieces can brighten up your living space by simulating the ambiance of a real fire without the usual choirs.

Bio-ethanol fireplaces are an excellent way to add an inviting centerpiece to your living room. A few home décor items can pique the interest of onlookers, like a hanging bioethanol fireplace.

Unlike traditional fireplaces, these unique and innovative heating devices burn cleanly, allowing you to place them anywhere, even in tight spaces like hallways or smaller apartments. Consider reading your favorite book while curling up beside some gently burning embers. If you choose an outdoor ethanol fireplace, this can be your reality no matter where you live.

The top 5 benefits of using bioethanol fireplaces


Hanging bioethanol fireplaces can make a big statement, and a well-placed bio-ethanol fireplace will surely draw the attention of any guests who come across these unusual décor pieces. Bio-ethanol fireplaces, unlike traditional fireplaces, do not require a flue, so they can be mounted almost anywhere, with some models specifically designed to hang on walls.

Choose a fireplace finish that complements your current décor. There are marble, steel, and stone options available to finish your next fireplace perfectly. Use your finish to bring out the colors in your accent décor and draw attention to the details of your decorative scheme.


Bio-ethanol fireplaces are extremely simple to install because they do not require a chimney. These units are extremely simple, and most have a start button. Higher-end models typically include a remote to give you the most control over the ambiance of your room.

A remote is a fantastic feature to have, and it can really up the wow factor when you walk into your room, and your fire lights up to greet you. As technology becomes more integrated into our daily lives, it is not surprising that some manufacturers are beginning to develop mobile apps to enhance the functionality of their devices.

Efficient And Clean

Bio-ethanol fuel burns extremely cleanly, with only a trace of water and carbon dioxide as byproducts. Unlike a traditional wood fireplace, bio-ethanol produces no smoke, ashes, or suit that can damage your furniture. With these hanging bioethanol fireplaces, there is also little indoor air pollution. This is a highly efficient fuel that burns cleaner than most other fuels used in fireplaces today.


What use is a fireplace if it doesn't keep you warm? Bio-ethanol fireplaces heat a room and distribute the heat evenly to the surrounding areas. This gives them an advantage over many electrically powered hanging fireplaces. They cannot compete with the amount of heat produced or the distribution qualities that bio-ethanol possesses.

Many hanging fireplaces do not even have real flames and instead rely on internal heaters to keep you warm. Flame effects fireplaces are helpful in areas where real fires are not permitted, but nothing beats the convenience and warmth of a well-placed hanging bioethanol fireplace in your own home.


Few fireplaces are as simple to install as a bio-ethanol unit, and because some are free-standing, you may not even need to install them. Wall-mounted units are also simple to install. Simply drill the bracket into your wall, using a level to ensure proper alignment, and then hang your fireplace. It doesn't get any easier than that.

Given that a traditional wood-burning fireplace can cost thousands of dollars and take hours to install, why wouldn't you opt for a bio-ethanol unit? With these innovative centerpieces, you get a real flame, natural heat, and clean-burning fuel.

Selection Of A Good Bio-Ethanol Fireplace

Knowing yourself and your overall decorative theme is essential when selecting the ideal fireplace for your home. There are various fireplaces styles to choose from, and deciding on the best fit for your personal needs may appear to be a bit overwhelming at first, but with a little research, you will be ready to make your choice.

5 Final Thoughts On Indoor Bio-Ethanol Fireplaces

Now that you know all the advantages of switching to a bio-ethanol fireplace, it only makes sense to make the switch. When you choose bio-ethanol, you save energy and keep your lungs free of harmful soot and smoke. You can reach out to Zen Fireplaces, if you want to buy hanging bioethanol fireplaces.

By including unique and more efficient heating methods, these innovative décor pieces are changing how we think about fireplaces. With a bio-ethanol fireplace, you can start living a cleaner and healthier lifestyle.

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About the Creator

Josephine Macleod

For the last 10 years I have been a content writer. My specialty niches are technology, education, games, home services, and recipes.

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