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5 Astrology Remedies to Do Vashikaran on an Ex-Girlfriend

vashikaran specialist in Mumbai - Gurumaa Vidyavati Ji

By Astrologer Guru Maa VidyavatiPublished 11 months ago 3 min read
5 Astrology Remedies to Do Vashikaran on an Ex-Girlfriend

Are you struggling to get over your ex-girlfriend and wish to win her back? Well, you're not alone. Many people face a similar situation, but astrology can be a powerful tool to help. Vashikaran is an ancient practice that involves using specific remedies to influence someone's thoughts and actions. In this article, we will discuss five effective astrology remedies suggested by vashikaran specialist in Mumbai, Gurumaa Vidyavati Ji that can help you do vashikaran on your ex-girlfriend and get her back.

What is Vashikaran?

Vashikaran is a Sanskrit term that means to attract, influence, or control someone's thoughts and actions. It is an ancient practice that has been used for centuries in India to solve various personal and professional problems. Vashikaran is based on the principles of astrology and involves using specific remedies to harness the power of the planets and stars.

Why use astrology remedies for vashikaran?

Astrology remedies are an effective way to do Vashikaran, as they work by channeling the positive energy of the planets and stars in your favor. These remedies help to balance the negative influences of the planets and make them work in your favor. Astrology remedies are safe and effective, and they have been used for centuries by Vashikaran specialists to help people overcome their problems and achieve their goals.

5 Astrology Remedies to Do Vashikaran on an Ex-Girlfriend

Here are five effective astrology remedies that can help you do Vashikaran on your ex-girlfriend and win her back.

Remedies #1: Chanting Mantras

Chanting mantras is an effective way to perform vashikaran on someone. It involves reciting specific mantras that are designed to influence the thoughts and actions of the person you wish to control. You can consult a Vashikaran specialist astrologer to know the right mantras to chant for your specific situation.

Remedies #2: Yantra and Tantra

Yantra and Tantra are two powerful Vashikaran remedies that involve using specific symbols and rituals to control someone's thoughts and actions. Yantras are graphical representations of specific mantras, and Tantra involves performing specific rituals to harness the power of the planets and stars.

Remedies #3: Performing Puja

Performing Puja is a traditional Hindu ritual that involves offering prayers and performing specific rituals to the deities. You can perform Puja to the goddess of love and beauty, Goddess Kamakhya, to attract your ex-girlfriend and win her back.

Remedies #4: Wearing Gemstones

Gemstones are another effective Vashikaran remedy that can help you attract your ex-girlfriend. You can wear specific gemstones that are associated with the planet Venus, which is the planet of love and relationships.

Remedies #5: Offering Prayers

Lord Shiva is considered to be the most powerful god in Hindu mythology, and offering prayers to him can help you overcome all your problems, including getting your ex-girlfriend back. You can offer water and milk to Lord Shiva and recite specific mantras to seek his blessings.

Precautions to Take While Doing Vashikaran Remedies

While Vashikaran remedies can be effective in helping you achieve your goals, it is important to take certain precautions while performing them. Here are some precautions to keep in mind:

Consult a Vashikaran specialist astrologer before performing any remedies

  • Perform the remedies with good intentions and avoid using them for negative purposes
  • Do not force someone to love you using Vashikaran remedies
  • Respect the free will of others


Getting over an ex-girlfriend can be a challenging task, but astrology can be a powerful tool to help you win her back. The five astrology remedies discussed in this article, including chanting mantras, using yantra and tantra, performing puja, wearing gemstones, and offering prayers, can be effective in doing Vashikaran on your ex-girlfriend. However, it is important to perform these remedies with good intentions and respect the free will of others.

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About the Creator

Astrologer Guru Maa Vidyavati

Astrologer Guru Maa Vidyavati ji is a tantra mantra expert, and black magic love vashikaran specialist in Mumbai. If you're looking for an astrologer you can contact Guru Maa Vidyavati ji at +91-8146854180 or visit

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