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4 easy ways to find your resource state?

It happens that completely give up. I don't have the strength and desire to motivate myself, watch videos and read articles on how to achieve success.

By Elena Sunshine MagazinePublished 3 years ago 8 min read
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All week you wait for the weekend, giving all your strength to work, and when this weekend finally came, the forces finally leave.

I just want to look at the monitor and scroll through the feed with cats. Wrap yourself in a blanket, eat junk food and cry. The background in my head is just one thought: "Why can't I do anything?" And I don't even have the energy to get angry, to get myself out of bed and go outside.

Before that, there was a search for yourself, your realization in life. Moments of inspiration from the experiences of successful people. And it seems that it is so easy, because if they succeeded, then I will succeed. You just need to believe in yourself and act. You make plans, and in these plans you are successful, happy, you are madly like the business you are doing. You have a lot of money and can travel the world whenever you want.

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And it seems that there is nothing that you have not tried to do: you took up photography, completed courses of stylists and make-up artists, learned to write selling articles, engaged in public speaking, opened a store selling things from China, made soap, sewed, knitted, rocked the press and buttocks, recorded video tutorials. But everything turned out to be wrong, and the question "What should I do?" hung in the air, to which there are no answers, but only despair and emptiness.

I want to share with you my experience, which helps me get out of a negative state and gain strength for new achievements. After all, life does not end, and only depends on us what kind of life it will be.

Resource state

It is impossible to make decisions and act when you are in a depressed state. We are used to the fact that our mood is influenced by external factors: the atmosphere in the work team, an unpleasant phrase said to us, weather conditions or atmospheric pressure. But the good news is that you can manage your condition consciously. You just need to switch the brain from one state to another. And here is one of the easy ways.

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Give yourself five minutes to find a place where you will be able to stay in silence. Turn off your phone at this time, let nothing distract you. Remember the most vivid moment in your life when you really wanted something, did it, and everything worked out for you. Take your time, give yourself time. You will remember such a case. Remember how you felt then. Who was next to you? What have you been told or heard around you? You may even remember what you were wearing and what smells were around you.

Immerse yourself in this vivid memory, relive it. What is this state for you? Joy, happiness, inspiration, euphoria, trembling tenderness, a solar flare or an endless stream inside – this is your resource state.

Photo of the author

Note what has changed in your body and record your observations:

 Look at your body with your inner eyes and feel where your resource state "is" in the body, and put your hands there. Connect with this part of the body, enjoy this state. What color is it for you? Turn on your imagination and bathe in this color.

 Note what has changed in the body. Where did it become easier and more relaxed? Carefully examine the entire body from the feet to the top of the head. Write down these observations for yourself.

 Note what has changed in your breathing. How much easier is it to breathe and how do you breathe, stomach or chest, at what expense do you inhale and exhale? For example, take a breath and count 1, 2, 3, 4, then exhale-1, 2, 3.

 What smell do you associate with this condition? It may be the smell of flowers or fresh air after a thunderstorm. Give space to your imagination, watch the first associations and immerse yourself in this smell, wrap yourself in it.

Photo of the author

 What does your resource state taste like? Is it the taste of chocolate or fresh spring water?

Pay special attention to how your body feels and how your breathing changes in stressful situations, and consciously turn on your resource state: put your hands on the part of your body where your state is located, fill it with your color, relax your body in certain areas that you noted during the study, adjust your breathing to your account and add smell and taste. In order for you to quickly enter this state, you need to develop a new skill.

Within a few days, consciously turn on the resource state, and over time you will notice that you learn it faster and easier, without prior preparation and in any place. So, when you are calm, balanced and full of energy, you can start the next step.


To get something, you need to know exactly what you want. This should be a real goal. If your desire is large and it takes several years to implement, you can divide it into smaller goals. And then everything becomes possible, your goal becomes real.

Photo of the author

Don't worry about "what if this isn't my goal!?".

In any case, you still win:

a) you will get new skills and experience, which is priceless;

b) you will meet new and interesting people;

C)you will know for sure that this goal is not yours, and feel free to start a new one.

Because you can be afraid for years to start something new just out of fear – " what if it's not mine?". And you can find out in a few months whether it is yours or not, no longer spend time and effort on it and start looking for a new business that will inspire you and bring satisfaction.

Question:" Why do I need this? "

Photo of the author

When you have decided on a goal, ask yourself the question:"Why do I need this?".

This is a very important question, take your time. Take a piece of paper and write in a calm atmosphere everything that will come to you in response.

What will change in your life when you achieve what you want? How will you change? What will these changes be? Will your character and personal qualities change?

What will you learn, and what do you have and know how to do now?

How will this affect your family, your friends, and all the people around you?

Perhaps you will see not just a goal, but your mission. What would your mission sound like then? Describe it in a few words.

When you find your mission, you get an infinite source of energy. You no longer need to force yourself to do something, but you do it because you really like it. All the obstacles in the way become simple tasks that can be solved.

Pay attention to the words you used to describe your goal. Sometimes there is more to a simple word and desire than we are used to seeing. The goal to earn a lot of money is the desire to be free and benefit yourself, your family, and the people who will interact with you. Behind the goal to meet love is the desire to share love, intimacy and your tenderness – to become a source of love and inspiration. And behind the goal of getting an education, there is a great desire to learn, to act actively, to acquire new live experience.

Look carefully at the words you used to describe your goal. If they describe a fixed state: "love", "money", "education", "gratitude", then look at them in a new way, at what actions are behind them: "love", "learn", "thank".

Take the first steps

When there is a goal-a mission, then you need to take the first step. Take small steps, the ones that you can do. Consider everything: your living conditions, your daily routine, your opportunities. Then these steps will be comfortable and easy for you. And you will step by step get closer to your goal. You should start doing them immediately, immediately, in the next few days. So that your goal does not fade, and the energy that you have revealed in yourself, paves the way for you to move forward. It's so nice to see the results of your work, it's very inspiring.

Photo of the author

These can be completely simple and doable steps.

- Find information on the Internet about training courses.

- Buy a useful book and start reading it.

- Ask your friends who have the experience you need, what they did and how they did it.

- Make a plan for your promotion or find a specialist who will help you formulate your goal and your true values.

There are periods of ups and downs, but the main thing is not to stop and search, taking everything in your life as an invaluable experience. And you will definitely find your favorite business, perhaps in a place where you did not even expect to find it. Don't give up, be bold and search.

© 2021 Elena Petrova


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Elena Sunshine Magazine

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