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3 Lazy Skill Sets to Posess for Business Success

Say bye bye to all the hustle BS

By Tina LopezPublished 2 years ago 7 min read
3 Lazy Skill Sets to Posess for Business Success
Photo by elizabeth lies on Unsplash

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Have you ever felt like we deem entrepreneurship as “word hard, play hard”? But for some reason that doesn’t resonate for you?

Have you ever felt burned out in your business? Overwhelmed by all the tasks that you need to do to keep your business running?

Do you ever feel like you can’t stop thinking about your business because there’s never a moment where you just need to pause?

Whether you’re a brand new entrepreneur, or this hasn’t been your first rodeo, we could all use a bit of more laziness in our lives.

It’s your time to stop letting your business run the show. It’s time for you to step up and be a CEO.

Gone are the days where you wake up and go to bed with anxiety as you fall asleep or wake up thinking about your business.

Gone are the days where you keep pushing your time, limits, and boundaries and continuously say yes to your business for the sacrifice of saying no to yourself.

It’s time for you to get your time back, to get your sleep back, and to allow yourself to be “lazy” whenever you shall please. If you’re looking to do all those things, read on.

We need to clear up the definition of Lazy

Okay, no matter your stage of business, let me tell you that business is not as glamorous as how they paint it out to be in the next social highlight reel. It does take work initially, the goal is to have your business work more while you work less.

We don’t want it to be where the more revenue you create is dictated by the amount of hours you make.

We want it so that the less hours you work the more revenue you make.

It sounds like an extraordinary phenomenon, but I’ve seen first hand both sides of the same coin - let me tell you the latter side is way better, on all fronts.

What does it mean to be lazy?

To be lazy is to have an organized set of priorities, systems, and a plan in place that gives you the opportunity to do whatever the fuck you want to do.

To be lazy does not mean that you don’t work and put in your sweat equity to get a business off the ground. No one who ever accomplished great things in their lifetime did so by doing nothing.

Okay, now that we agree on the accurate definition of laziness, let’s get into the skill sets you need to possess to get there.

Say No Often

“Your success is not measured by your ability to say yes, it’s measured by your ability to say no”


We have an extraordinary ability as entrepreneurs to get sidetracked by a lot of different things, don’t believe me? How many tabs on Chrome do you currently have open? My case in point.

We are creative beings and we get distracted easily, so much so that by the end of the day we look up only to realize that we really accomplished little.

Read this article to help you change that:

We say yes to every project that comes our way because we need to “pay our bills”. But they’re projects that don’t excite us and honestly, you know ‌you should charge more. Everytime you said yes to those unfulfilling projects you said “no” to the time allotted for the projects that do bring you joy.

You forget to focus on your zone of genius.

What’s worse is that you’ve created little time to allow yourself to do so. But you can change that, take the time to value your time.

Do that by saying no to the projects that are not in your zone of genius.

Do that by saying no to the business tasks that you honestly could care less about.

Do that by saying yes to you and only you.

But Tina, how am I going to pay my bills?

Obviously, don’t just jump ship but set a deadline and goal to complete all the unfulfilling projects and allow yourself to only bid/prospect on projects that bring you joy. You’ll be surprised to find out the success you can have when you take a full bet on yourself.

Systematize and Automate the Shit Out of Your Business

I don’t know who needs to read this, but you and I both know that your systems and processes could use a lot more work.

It’s time for you to create recipes and automation workflows.

Everytime I do a task in my business I think of it like creating a recipe:

What are the ingredients I need?

What instructions do I need to follow?

What tools or people do I need on my team?

Think of it like a system. Step C can’t happen unless you have Step B and Step A.

I recommend you first start with automating repetitive tedious tasks.

For example, if you’re a writer and you consistently copy and paste your Google Docs into Medium then you should know you can totally automate that process.

Some ingredients I need to do that are:

An automation platform to connect other platforms

Google Docs


Some instructions that I need to create is how to connect one step to the other:

When I create a google doc and upload it to a folder it needs to create a story in Medium.

A way that I can choose to implement this, well start by reading this article:

Do you see how taking the time to automate things in your business will give you back your time?

Having automations and systems in place allows you to get your time back and allows you to be lazy.

Check out these other automation flows for Medium Writers:


Stay in Your Genius Lane

This is a continuation of the first trait. The same way that you say no to the projects that don’t serve you, you need to say no to the things that are not in your zone of genius.

For example, stop trying to build a website from scratch when you don’t know how to code for shit -> hire someone to do it or finally pay for that software you’ve been looking at.

I have a rule, if I’ve been working on something for over 2 weeks and I still can’t figure out how to do something, then I’ll outsource it. This allows me to at least give it my best shot and also allows me to not be a bottleneck to my business growth.

Don’t be your own bottleneck.

The beautiful thing with outsourcing is that your business will be better for it. It will allow your business to truly be good at everything, even though you know you’re good at a select few things. If you don’t know how to get started with the outsourcing and hiring process then highlight this sentence and it will signal to me that you would like an article on the topic.

In summary, being lazy is not about doing nothing, it’s about having a set of systems, priorities, and processes that allow you to get your time back. You’ve also learned the importance of staying in your zone of genius and saying no to the things that do not serve you.

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About the Creator

Tina Lopez

I help online entrepreneurs increase their productivity and revenues while working less. Learn no BS strategies on automation, life hacks, and mindset shifts.

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