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What do you do when no one supports your business

[Resources and Guides Mentioned]

By Tina LopezPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
What do you do when no one supports your business
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

Join Our Online Entrepreneurs Club where you can be part of a growing community of online entrepreneurs that are on a similar journey like yourself.

Ever feel like entrepreneurship is a lonely journey?

Are the people around you unsupportive of your entrepreneurship endeavors?

We live in a society where we promote job promotion rather than job creation.

It may feel like you're the only person on this earth who fully understands what it means to be an entrepreneur.

It may feel like everyone around you is expecting you to fail while you try your damndest to succeed.

Honestly, it's really hard to work on something when your only support system is yourself, and you too have some minor doubts come in.

I want you to know you're not alone.

You started this business because you believe you are meant more for something beyond just working a 9–5.

You started this business because you are a creator that wants more out of life than what they were given.

You started this business because you rarely stand for the status quo and you want your life to differ from the carbon copies of the world.

You are different, and that 100% should be celebrated.

But what do you do when the people you love most are not supporting you in the process?

For the time being, you can momentarily block them out of your lives. It may seem harsh, but it's the truth.

I have this rule where if someone is not where I want to be, or has not gone through similar experiences like I have, I don't pay "special attention" to their advice.


Because taking advice from someone who has not walked the same path, you will have has no business telling you how to run a goddamn business. Make sense?

Consider having a filter for those that give you advice; another rule that I have is:

If they're not with me when I am having a full on meltdown and it feels like everything is going to shit in my business, then they can't advise me on the subject. If they don't see the breakdown moments, then more than likely I won't be celebrating with them on those "high moments".

#2 Find Community

By Hannah Busing on Unsplash

In my experience, I've found more decent human beings that I can call friends online rather than in person; I met my biz bestie online, and we met in real life a couple of years ago. I think it's easier to meet people online rather than in person. With the rise of community platforms like Facebook Groups, Clubhouse, and LinkedIn Groups, its easier to connect now more than ever.

You can even "filter" your potential friends by making the audiences industry specific. For example, if my business is in online coaching, then I will more than likely join the online coaching community Facebook groups. At the very least, by doing so, you know that the people you are talking to "actually get it" because they are like-minded individuals that are on a similar path like yourself.

A little action step after you join these communities:

  • Post in the groups for a potential coffee chat to get to know each other. By creating this opportunity, it's a low stakes environment where there really is no further expectation other than getting to know each other better. It would surprise you how many people would love to take part in this as well!
  • Host a coworking session or get together in real life! These online communities have individuals all over the world and we can safely assume that some of them may be in the city that you're in. Honestly, it was doing this activity specifically that allowed me to meet my biz bestie in person.

Bonus: Join our Online Entrepreneur's Club Newsletter

  • Get access to a network of industry professionals that want to help you
  • Submit a request to connect with people IRL
  • Be part of a growing community of online entrepreneurs that are on a similar journey like yourself

#3 Invest in Industry Specific Coaching Programs

By KOBU Agency on Unsplash

People may not agree with me on this, and that's okay.

I am a genuine believer in investing in your personal and professional development. Joining industry specific coaching programs has skyrocketed my success in entrepreneurship and has made it a hell of a lot easier than doing it by myself the entire time.

Why are they so great?

They allow you to learn and network at the same time.

You get to be on a similar journey as the other clients in your cohort and you get to form special relationships with them beyond just business. It also creates a safe space to share all the "shit" that's going on in business and know that you're not alone in the process - more than likely other people are going through the same thing that you are.

If you're looking for a coach in your field, I encourage you to search on Instagram.

You can simply type in "business coach" in the search bar, check out their page, review their testimonials, and see which coach resonates with you best.

If you want more of an in-depth analysis on how to pick a coach for your business, highlight this sentence.

. . .

In summary, you're not alone on this journey of entrepreneurship. It doesn't have to be a solo journey. Find industry specific communities online that are on a similar path like yourself. Host coffee chats and in real life opportunities to get to know each other. Finally, find industry specific coaching programs so that you can further learn and grow your network at the same time.

Join Our Online Entrepreneurs Club where you can be part of a growing community of online entrepreneurs that are on a similar journey like yourself.

Check out our:Online Entrepreneur Resources (You Don’t Want to Miss Out)

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About the Creator

Tina Lopez

I help online entrepreneurs increase their productivity and revenues while working less. Learn no BS strategies on automation, life hacks, and mindset shifts.

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