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27 Different Types of Mint

Different Types of Mint

By Kingsley Ibietela FelixPublished 14 days ago 12 min read
27 Different Types of Mint
Photo by Eleanor Chen on Unsplash

Mint is one of the most popular and beloved herbs in the world. Its unique flavor and aroma can be found in countless dishes, drinks, and desserts. But did you know that there are different types of mint

Each type has its distinct flavor and uses, so it's important to understand the different types of mint and how to use them.

In this blog post, we'll explore some of the most common types of mint and how you can use them to enhance your culinary creations.

Read on to learn more about these different types of mint and how to use them!


The first on our list of the different types of mint is Catmint, also known as Nepeta cataria. This is a type of mint that is most commonly used to repel cats and other pests.

It is a perennial herb that can reach heights of up to three feet and is easy to grow in many different climates.

The leaves of this type of mint have a strong scent that cats find unpleasant, making it an effective natural pest repellent. 

Catmint is often used in gardens to keep cats away from plants or flowers. However, its popularity has also spread to aromatherapy, where it is used for its calming effects.

In addition to its effectiveness as a repellent, catmint offers various health benefits, including relief from digestive issues and headaches.

Licorice Mint 

Licorice Mint is a variety of mints with a sweet and flavorful taste. It has a unique flavor, often described as having a licorice-like taste.

The leaves of the plant are typically dried and then ground into a powder for use in recipes or as an herbal tea. 

This type of mint is usually used to flavor dishes such as chicken and fish, as well as salads, soups, and desserts.

It can also be used to make herbal teas and can be used to add a pleasant flavor to drinks like mojitos. 

Additionally, Licorice Mint, the second on this list of the different types of mint, can help to soothe the stomach and aid digestion.

This type of mint is known for its medicinal properties and can be used to treat several conditions. These include asthma, bronchitis, colds, and flu.


Catnip (Nepeta cataria) is not left out of the different types of mint we have and it's an herb that is part of the mint family.

This plant has been used for centuries as a medicinal remedy and tea. It's also a great option for cats as it has a natural sedative effect on them.

The leaves and flowers of the catnip can be eaten, dried, and crushed for use as a flavoring. 

In addition, the herb's strong scent can act as an insect repellent. Catnip is an attractive addition to any garden and easy to grow.

The most notable feature of this type of mint is its ability to attract cats when they smell it.

Margarita Mint 

Margarita Mint is a unique and flavorful mint developed in the 1980s. It has a mild, citrus-like flavor, which makes it an ideal addition to all sorts of dishes, cocktails, and desserts.

Unlike many other types of mint, this plant has bright green foliage and pinkish-purple flowers, making it a great ornamental plant.

Plus, it grows best in full sun and slightly moist soil, reaching up to two feet in height.

Margarita Mint is a great way to add a unique flavor to your dishes, and its striking appearance will bring life to any garden.


Spearmint is a mint type with a milder, more refreshing flavor than peppermint. Its aroma is sweet and pleasant, often used in teas, candies, sauces, and garnish.

Spearmint can also be used to make a wide range of herbal remedies and is said to have antiseptic and antispasmodic properties. 

Spearmint is an excellent addition to salads, dressings, desserts, and beverages. It can also make minty jellies or jams, add to cocktails, and sprinkle on desserts such as ice cream.

All in all, it is also one of the different types of mint.

Pepper Mint 

Peppermint, one of the most recognizable types of mint, is a hybrid of water mint and spearmint.

It is known for its distinct flavor and aroma and is used in many products such as candy, gum, toothpaste, and even soap.

It is also an herbal remedy for digestive issues, headaches, and other minor ailments. 

Peppermint leaves have a strong menthol scent and are generally darker in color than other varieties of mint.

Peppermint is highly versatile and can be used in various recipes, from salad dressings to sauces and teas.

Banana Mint 

Of the different types of mint, Banana Mint is unique and unusual. It is a hybrid between the Mint and the Banana plant and has a unique, sweet flavor.

This type of mint is often used in teas and desserts to provide a unique flavor. It is also used as an ingredient in salads, sauces, and some alcoholic drinks.

The leaves of the banana mint are dark green with pink or red accents and have a slightly spicy taste that is perfect for adding extra flavor to dishes.

This type of mint is easy to grow and can be used fresh or dried for an interesting and tasty addition to your recipes.

Chocolate Mint 

Chocolate Mint is a delightful hybrid between two popular mint varieties, Peppermint and spearmint.

Chocolate Mint has a distinctive flavor with a hint of cocoa and is especially delicious in sweet dishes.

It can also be used in savory dishes, such as salads and sauces, as it adds a unique flavor to any dish. 

The leaves are dark green with a hint of chocolate color, and the flowers are white. Chocolate mint can be grown indoors or outdoors and will thrive in full sun or partial shade.

This specific one of the different types of mint is easy to maintain and can be propagated by stem cuttings or division.

Chocolate Mint is an excellent choice for gardeners looking to add a unique flavor to their dishes.

Lavender Mint 

Similar to other different types of mint, Lavender Mint is a unique hybrid of two popular species of mint, English Lavender and Apple Mint.

Its fragrant foliage makes it a great addition to your garden or kitchen. 

The leaves of this variety of mint have a slightly more woody texture than other mints, and the stems are dark purple.

The unique flavor of Lavender Mint is very complex, blending the distinct tastes of Lavender and Apple Mint for an unforgettable experience. Its calming scent is great for tea, salads, sauces, and cocktails.

Slender Mint

Slender mint is a hybrid mint created by crossing water mint and spearmint.

It has a milder flavor than regular spearmint, with a slightly sweet, grassy taste that is slightly spicy. Slender Mint is often used in teas, cocktails, and culinary dishes. 

Its leaves can also be eaten fresh, chopped, and added to salads or cooked dishes. Its aroma is light and pleasant, with a hint of sweetness and a hint of menthol. 

Slender Mint is an excellent source of Vitamin C, making it an ideal ingredient for boosting immunity. It also has antiseptic properties that help soothe sore throats and aid digestion.

We cannot discuss the different types of mint without adding the Slender Mint!

Egyptian Mint 

Egyptian mint is a rare and highly sought-after type of mint. This mint has a unique flavor, which is slightly sweeter than other varieties.

In addition to being one of the different types of mint, it also has an intense aroma that can be described as fresh and fruity. 

Egyptian mint is often used in teas, cocktails, and Middle Eastern dishes. It has long been used medicinally in Egypt to treat various ailments, and it is believed to have anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties.

This variety of mint can be difficult to find, but its distinctive flavor makes it worth the effort.

Pennyroyal Mint 

Pennyroyal Mint is a member of the mint family, originating in Europe and Asia.

It has been used as an herbal remedy since ancient times and is known for its medicinal properties.

It has a strong flavor and smell, and is often used in teas, salads, and sauces. It is one of the different types of mint.

Furthermore, its leaves have a light green hue, and its stem is often used in pickling and flavoring foods.

Pennyroyal has been known to treat digestive issues, nausea, and congestion. It can also be used to improve circulation and reduce stress.

Additionally, its oil can be used as an insect repellent, as it repels mosquitoes and other bugs.


Horsemint is an annual herb related to the mint family and a native of North America. Horsemint can be found growing in sandy soils or in gardens, and it prefers full sun to partial shade.

Horsemint is a member of the genus Monarda, which includes other species like bee balm, basil, and thyme. 

Horsemint, one of the different types of mint, has a strong, sharp scent and flavor similar to oregano and spearmint.

Horsemint is often used to make herbal teas or as a flavoring agent in soups, stews, and sauces.

Additionally, its leaves are edible and can be added to salads or cooked like spinach. 

The flowers of horsemint can also be dried and used for decorations.

Horsemint is an excellent choice for gardeners who want to add a unique twist to their landscape with this hardy plant.

Corsican Mint 

On this list of the different types of mint is Corsican mint, an aromatic and flavorful herb that belongs to the Mentha family.

It grows in large tufts of leaves with delicate pink and purple flowers and a sweet minty aroma.

This mint is native to the island of Corsica, located in the Mediterranean Sea, where it has been cultivated for centuries. 

The leaves are often used in cooking and as garnishes, adding a unique flavor and fragrance to dishes.

It also makes an excellent tea or can be added to hot drinks such as coffee or cocoa.

Corsican Mint is known for its medicinal properties, relieving nausea, indigestion, stomach pains, and colds.

Eau de Cologne Mint 

Eau de Cologne Mint is a relatively rare species of mint that originated in the Mediterranean region. It is named for its unique scent reminiscent of men's cologne.

It has very small leaves and grows in a cascading habit, making it ideal for use as an ornamental herb. 

Coupled with that, its flavor is mild but slightly sweeter than traditional mints, with a hint of citrus.

It's perfect for adding a subtle fragrance to salads, soups, and teas, or it can be used to make herbal oils and teas.

Let's proceed with this list of the different types of mint you might not know!

Strawberry Mint 

Strawberry mint, also known as Mentha × gracilis, is an incredibly flavorful and aromatic hybrid mint.

With its bright red and green leaves, this mint variety is visually stunning and provides a range of culinary uses.

Strawberry mint can be used to flavor drinks, salads, and desserts. 

Its distinct flavor pairs especially well with fruits and other herbs, adding a unique sweetness that cannot be found in other mint varieties.

When dried or frozen, strawberry mint retains much flavor, making it an ideal choice for adding a refreshing twist to any dish. It is not excluded from this list of the different types of mint!

Grapefruit Mint 

We are still on this list of the different types of mint. Grapefruit Mint is next, and it is a unique type of mint with an earthy, fruity flavor.

This type of mint is often used in salads, herbal teas, and cooking recipes. 

Grapefruit Mint also has various health benefits, including digestive relief and weight loss.

This type of mint is easy to grow in the garden or indoors and is an attractive addition to any outdoor space.

Try adding some Grapefruit Mint to your favorite dishes for a tangy twist!

Hemingway Peppermint 

Hemingway Peppermint is a type of mint that is a hybrid of spearmint and apple mint. It is known for its sweet, refreshing aroma and flavor, adding a delightful zing to dishes.

This type of mint has long, thin leaves with a mild peppermint taste.

Additionally, it is perfect for adding to teas, sauces, desserts, salads, and more. Its unique blend of flavors makes it an interesting addition to any meal.

Hemingway Peppermint, one of the interestingly different types of mint, also makes a great garnish and can add a nice touch to any dish.

Ginger Mint 

Ginger Mint, one of the different types of mint, is a unique type that has a spicy, zesty aroma and flavor. It is popularly used in tea, beverages, and desserts.

The leaves are broad and fragrant, making them a great addition to salads, sauces, and other dishes. 

As an herb, it also has some medicinal properties, as it can help relieve nausea, indigestion, and respiratory issues.

Ginger Mint can be found in most health food stores and specialty shops and is usually available year-round. This type of mint is perfect for those looking for a bit of spice in their dishes.

Mojito Mint 

Mojito Mint is a distinct one of the different types of mint that has a milder taste than other varieties.

It is also known as a 'Bartender's Mint' and is often used in mojito cocktails. Its leaves are medium-sized, slightly fuzzy, and have a light green hue. 

Plus, the aroma is citrusy and sweet with lime and lemon zest notes. Mojito Mint is incredibly easy to grow and requires very little maintenance, making it a great addition to any home herb garden.

Use Mojito Mint to create refreshing drinks such as mint lemonade, or add it to salads or salsas for a unique flavor.

Hart’s Pennyroyal 

Hart’s Pennyroyal is a type of mint known as Field Mint that has been used for centuries in herbal remedies.

It has a unique, peppery scent and is often used as an essential oil. As an herb, it can be used to make teas and tinctures and add flavor to dishes.

Hart’s Pennyroyal is known for its medicinal properties and has been used to treat digestive issues, colds and flu, and other ailments.

It can even be used as an aphrodisiac when taken in small doses! All in all, it is on the list of the different types of mint you should know!

American Wild Mint  

Speaking of the different types of mint, American Wild Mint is a species of mint native to North America.

It is found in wetter areas, like along streams or in moist woods, and is a perennial herb.

This type of mint has slightly hairy leaves with a pointed shape and a grayish-green hue. 

The plant will bloom during the summer, and its blooms are small and pale purple.

The flavor of American Wild Mint is sweet and mild, making it a great choice for adding subtle flavor to drinks and dishes. Its scent can be quite pleasant and calming, too.

Lemon Balm

A perennial member of the mint family, lemon balm is one of the different types of mint.

Due to its citrus-like aroma, somewhat reminiscent of lemongrass but with a tinge of mint, people use it to make light, lemon-flavored cocktails.

In addition, it is used medicinally and to treat mental illnesses.


This particular mint species tastes somewhat like a cross between marjoram and spearmint. In addition to that, it has a very potent scent that is comparable to Pennyroyal. 

Calamint has several medical uses in addition to preparing meat meals and beverages. Without further ado, it is one of the different types of mint.

Red Mint

Another excellent hybrid of the watermint (Mentha aquatica), spearmint (Mentha spicata), and maize mint (Mentha arvensis) is this kind of mint.

The flavor is highly reminiscent of spearmint and can be added to cocktails.

Also, it is used as a garnish for lemonade and other cool drinks, in iced teas, sweets, and ice cream. This ends our list of the different types of mint you should know! 


Mint is one of the most popular herbs in the world, used in various dishes and drinks. But did you know that there are different types of mint you may not have heard of?

From spearmint to peppermint to chocolate mint, each type of mint brings its flavor and aroma to any recipe. 

In this blog post, we explored the different types of mint you may not have known existed and how to use them in your cooking.

Read the article above to learn more about these wonderful plants! Till later!


About the Creator

Kingsley Ibietela Felix

Kingsley Ibietela Felix has been writing and editing blogs and websites for over 10 years. He is also a publisher and is here to share the best content. You can follow him on all social media platforms @iamkingsleyf.

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    Kingsley Ibietela FelixWritten by Kingsley Ibietela Felix

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