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19 tips for a good mood in the autumn - winter season

There are difficult months for many, when the days become unbearably short, gray skies and rain and snow are depressing, and colds seem inevitable. Our mood, like a mirror image of cloudy weather, is also getting worse, and many feel sluggish.

By Elena Sunshine MagazinePublished 3 years ago 5 min read
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It is winter again, it has become cold, and we want to go to the sea, warmth and sun, there is not enough daylight. We miss the fragrant herbs and flowers, fresh vegetables and fruits, spices of the oriental bazaar. You can "experience" winter in a different way – each season is beautiful and precious in its own way, including the winter months.

We have compiled a list of how not to give up on the gloomy weather and get the most joy, warmth and light out of the cold season.

1. To light the candles. They are incredibly uplifting at this time of year. You can light one for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and if you are at home and working at the computer-then at the workplace too. Garlands and lanterns look cheerful on the balcony and windows.

Photo of the author

2. Make yourself a hot drink. For example, every morning or before going to bed, brew yourself green tea with jasmine or white tea with mango and ginger. A cup of coffee of your favorite variety or really thick dark cocoa, hot chocolate for an afternoon snack-they warm and banish melancholy, especially if you sit with a cup at the window and watch life on the street.

3. Eat breakfast slowly. Every morning, try to spend a little more time preparing your breakfast. Listen to the cozy rumble of the kettle, stir the porridge on the stove and inhale its aroma. Slicing vegetables for a sandwich, toasting toast all this creates a good mood for the whole day.

4. "Catch" the light. First thing in the morning, open the curtains to let in daylight. If possible, try to get out for a walk (even if only 20 minutes), when the sun peeks out from behind the clouds.

Photo of the author

5. Walk at a brisk pace. It is difficult to leave the house on a cold, gloomy day, but if you persevere, a walk always rewards-it invigorates the body and calms the confused mind. In the evenings, it's so cool to walk along the brightly lit streets, look at the people, lit candles in the windows of cafes, garlands and lanterns.

6. Make appointments. In winter, I want to "hibernate" and not leave the house, but i know that if i force myself to "get out into the light", then i will feel better after. In addition, on a cold day, it is especially pleasant to go to the cinema, theater or exhibition. There is a great way to find a company for a cultural trip. every two months, send an email to friends and acquaintances with cultural plans for the next two months — who wants to, let them join. Oddly enough, it works, almost did not have to go anywhere alone.

Photo by Luke Michael on Unsplash

7. Surround yourself with bright colors. It can be noted that in winter, you are drawn to rich pink and yellow – they feed with warmth and light, make you laugh, cheer up, increase self-confidence and remind you that summer is just around the corner. It is difficult to grumble and fall into melancholy when you are wearing bright polka-dot or flowered socks or trousers, a sweater with a funny floral print. By the way, considering the shades of the surrounding nature on a walk and choosing the most accurate definitions is also a fascinating art therapy.

8. Watch interesting TV shows, favorite comedies, listen to music (you can make playlists for each mood) and read books – especially large gift series-about gardens and flowers!

9. Look forward to the winter holidays. There is such an idea . You can put candy in the boxes for everyone and eat them in the morning. In the evening, put a note with something good that happened during the day, or a small gift made with your own hands.

Photo of the author

10. Spread out all over the house: on the sofa, bed, armchairs, chairs, large warm blankets and bedspreads. They warm and create a sense of comfort.

11. Wrap up in a large scarf, wear oversized cardigans and dense socks.

12. Arrange winter picnics, go skiing, skating and sledding, go for a walk in the winter forest.

13. Bake biscuits: with apples for dessert, with vegetables for dinner, when waiting for guests. They always turn out delicious and please everyone.

Photo by sheri silver on Unsplash

14. The next important thing is to learn a new hobby. A new hobby will give a lot of positive emotions, cheer up. Learn something new: sculpt flowers, make candles, learn calligraphy, play the piano.

15. Plant a small garden on the window: when it is gloomy and cold outside, it is so pleasant to look at the green sprouts on the windowsill.

16. Understand your own thoughts and make new plans. If you perceive winter as a time for reflection and thinking about new ideas and projects. This process is fascinating.

17. It is also important to monitor the cleanliness of the house, organizing a general cleaning, imagine how a bad mood disappears along with the garbage.

Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

18. Do not forget for physical activity and movement, which are also effective in combating winter melancholy. Even if any movements are difficult, you need to force yourself to do a physical warm-up or dance to cheerful music. Running in the morning, swimming in the pool, yoga, meditation-you need to choose something that is close in spirit and will give pleasure.

19. Just admire nature, how magical everything becomes under the snow in the cold.

Photo of the author

As a result, the main factor of success is the banal enjoyment of simple things: friendly hugs and kisses of the second half and even exhausting pre-holiday chores. Feel every shade of the moments that surround you, inhale only the good. And you will have no reason to be sad.

© 2020 Elena Petrova

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Elena Sunshine Magazine

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