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17 Simple Living Tips For Simplify Your Life

17 Simple Living Tips

By Payal Badhran Published about a year ago 6 min read

Living a simple life is becoming increasingly popular these days. We are surrounded by so much choice and information, it can become overwhelming and stress-inducing. There is also the pressure to ‘keep up’ with the latest trends and most modern luxuries. But is it really necessary to live life in such a complex manner?

There are many advantages to living a simpler life. These include higher levels of happiness and peace of mind, improved mental clarity, reduced distractions, and the ability to focus on more meaningful activities. Moreover, simple living can be an environmentally friendly way of life.

In this article, we’ll provide you with 17 simple living tips that will simplify your life and help you to enjoy the bliss of a simpler existence.

Have a Clutter-Free Home

One of the first steps to living a simpler life is to declutter your home. Having too much stuff can make your home feel chaotic and disorganized. It can be difficult to relax and unwind in an environment that’s full of clutter.

Decluttering is about removing the things you don't need or want and only keeping the items that are essential and that you truly enjoy. This could be items of clothing, old pieces of furniture, or forgotten trinkets from vacations.

Limit Your Social Media Usage

We’re all addicted to our phones and social media. The constant notifications and distractions are simply too tempting to ignore. Limiting your social media usage can be key to living a simpler life.

Take a break from checking your accounts and notifications as often as possible. Put your phone away while you’re working or out with friends, and remember that you don’t have to be constantly glued to your device.

Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness can be a powerful ally in living a simpler life. It involves being present, attentive and aware in the moment. It is about being aware of your thoughts and feelings, and paying attention to what is happening around you.

Practicing mindfulness can help you become more focused and mindful of the decisions you make and the activities you take part in. It also helps to reduce stress and anxiety, making it easier to live a more peaceful life.

Choose Quality Over Quantity

When shopping for clothes, furniture or other items, try to choose quality over quantity. Buying items that are made from quality materials and that will last will be more cost-effective in the long run.

Cheaper items are often made from lower quality materials and are likely to break or become outdated quickly. This means you’ll have to buy more often, which is counterintuitive to the idea of living a simpler life.

Shop Local

Shopping local can be another great way to simplify your life. Buying from local stores helps to support your local economy and reduces your environmental footprint, as items don’t have to travel so far.

Make your regular shopping trips a social event. Going out to local stores and farmers markets can provide a break from your daily routine, and it often also allows for interesting conversations with the owners or other shoppers.

Eat Simple Foods

Try to eat simpler foods when possible. Choose recipes and ingredients that are simple and easy to prepare. Eating simpler meals can help you save time in the kitchen, and it’s usually healthier too.

Processed or store-bought meals, snacks, and drinks all contain added sugar, artificial flavours and refined carbohydrates, which can be detrimental to your health. Eating whole and natural foods can provide you with the essential vitamins and minerals your body needs.

Reduce Your Electronic Usage

We are surrounded by so many electronic devices these days, it’s hard to keep track of them all. It can be beneficial to limit the amount of time you spend on the computer, TV, and phone.

Take regular breaks from the computer and turn off notifications when you’re trying to get work done. Spend some time away from screens in the evening, and opt for something more enjoyable instead, like reading a book or meeting a friend for lunch.

Simplify Your Cleaning Routine

Cleaning can be a time-consuming and stressful task, so it’s important to find ways to make it easier. Try to limit the number of cleaning products you use, and opt for natural or homemade cleaning solutions instead.

You can also simplify your cleaning routine by planning ahead. Set aside a designated time each week to clean, and make a list of tasks you need to complete.

Set Boundaries

Setting boundaries is key to living a simpler life. It’s important to be mindful of your time and energy, and to set clear limits around what commitments and activities you’re willing to take on.

Don’t be afraid to say ‘no’. If you’re feeling overwhelmed with too much on your plate, it’s okay to take a step back and take a break.

Get Enough Sleep

Sleep is essential for physical and mental wellbeing. Aim to get 7-9 hours of sleep each night. This can help to make you more productive and alert during the day.

Try to establish a regular bedtime routine. Stick to it as much as possible, and avoid using electronic devices before you sleep.

Take Time for Self-Care

It’s important to make time for yourself, even if you have a busy schedule. Take breaks throughout the day to relax and recharge. Spend time outside in nature. Take a bath, meditate or just curl up with a good book.

Fitting in a few moments of self-care each day can help you feel rejuvenated and ready to take on the day.

Stay Organized

Organization is key to living a simpler life. Make use of calendars, planners, to-do lists and other organizational tools to keep track of your commitments, activities and tasks.

Staying organized allows you to stay focused, and it can help you to remember what needs to be done so that things don’t get forgotten or overlooked.

Focus On One Task at a Time

It can be tempting to try and multi-task, but it can actually make you less productive and efficient. Instead, focus on one task at a time, and try to complete it before moving on to the next one.

This will help you to stay focused and not get overwhelmed with the number of tasks on your plate.

Control Stressful Situations

It’s impossible to eliminate stress from your life completely, but you can try to control stressful situations in order to make them more manageable. This could include deep breathing, positive self-talk or planning ahead for difficult tasks.

Eliminate Toxic Relationships

It can be hard to do, but it’s important to eliminate toxic relationships from your life. Cut out the people who drain your energy, bring you down, or who are always negative.

Surround yourself with positive people, and those that make you feel good about yourself.

Appreciate the Little Things

It’s easy to get lost in the hustle of daily life, so take a few moments each day to appreciate the little things. This could be the warmth of the sun on your face, the beauty of nature, or the way your morning coffee tastes.

Allow yourself to be present in the moment and appreciate the simple things that make life enjoyable.

Commit to Living a Minimalist Lifestyle

Studies have shown that living a minimalist lifestyle can reduce stress levels and help to improve wellbeing. This involves reducing your possessions, both physical and digital, to the bare essentials.

By embracing minimalism, you can free up time, energy and money, allowing you to focus on things that are truly important to you.

Find Joy in Simple Activities

Finally, find joy in simple, everyday activities. Whether it’s taking your dog for a walk, painting, cooking or playing outside, find activities that are relaxing and enjoyable.

Focus on activities that make you feel good, and that bring you closer to nature and the people you love.


Living a simpler life can have many benefits, including higher levels of happiness, increased mental clarity and a reduced environmental footprint. By following these 17 tips, you can easily simplify your life and enjoy the peacefulness and tranquility of a simpler existence.

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About the Creator

Payal Badhran

Fashion and Travel enthusiast ✈️💃 Sharing my stylish adventures and wanderlust-filled journeys ✨ Join me for fashion inspiration, travel tips, and a glimpse into my fashionably nomadic life: Ideas and Mind 🌍👗 #FashionandTravelBlogger

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    Payal Badhran Written by Payal Badhran

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