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14 Things Every Woman Needs to Have In Her House

No television on the list, sorry.

By Patrick TerrancePublished 2 years ago 3 min read
14 Things Every Woman Needs to Have In Her House
Photo by Eric Nopanen on Unsplash

Natural disasters are imminent. No matter how much we try to anticipate these unfortunate events, nature will always take us by surprise.

However, this does not mean that we cannot be prepared for a catastrophe. Small details can make the difference between life and death and can help us survive or save those around us.

Every woman needs to know the 14 things she must always have in the house to deal with disasters. If you are curious about what it is, we can tell you that the external batteries of the phones are a real help, but also the medicines, the lamps, the batteries, and the canned food.

Are you curious about other things that can help you cope with such a situation?

External batteries

Mobile phones and laptops will continue to operate after you run out of electricity only if they are charged.

External batteries and generators can help you keep in touch with your loved ones in an emergency and that's why you should have a few at home.

Battery radio

Although battery-powered home radio may seem like an inappropriate thing to this century, it can be vital in emergencies. It can help you find out what's going on locally and make the best decisions.

Battery-powered radio will allow you to avoid missing any important messages or a warning to leave your home.


As easy as it is to find medicines today, we tend to keep fewer and fewer pills at home. In the event of a disaster, it can be quite difficult to find medicines in pharmacies. Therefore, it is better to always have what you need.


Although flashlights seem to be much easier to keep in the house, they cannot light a room. The lamp can help you withstand a natural disaster.

In addition to the lamp, make sure you have a few flashlights in the house, as well as spare batteries for them.

Flashlight batteries

If you don't know what these batteries are for, find out that they can save you when you can no longer use your phone flashlight. Batteries are something you can't do without in a house and that's why you should have a backup.

Perishable food

Perishable food is a wise investment. In case of emergency, you can use canned food to feed your family. The Red Cross recommends a stock for two weeks.

Pet food

Don't forget your furry friends either! Make sure you always have a stock of food for them. You don't have to eat the best quality food, but one that will keep your friends alive and healthy.


If you run out of electricity or gas, then you will no longer be able to use the stove or microwave. In order not to consume cold food, you can use the bottle, which you can easily store in the garage.

The water

Although you feel that you can find water everywhere in the event of a disaster, this is no longer the case. You should always make sure that you have a water supply for two weeks and that each family member has a ration of 3–4 liters of water per day.


Although you can't start your home repairs, such a set can be vital in an emergency. A basic set containing a patent, a hammer, and a screwdriver can help you get out of unpleasant situations.

Important documents

It is a good idea to keep copies of important documents both on paper and electronically. When original documents can no longer be saved, electronic copies can get you out of trouble.

First aid kit

The first aid kit is important not only in case of disaster but also in everyday life. Everyone should have such a kit. Bandages, antiseptic bandages, scissors, and medicines are essential.

Things that make you feel good

When you are in a hurry to pack for evacuation, make sure you take things that lift your spirits. Whether it's your baby's teddy bear or playing cards, these things can help you get rid of stress and calm your mind.


About the Creator

Patrick Terrance

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