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10 Natural Air Purifying Hacks For the Home

Natural and effective

By Abena Talks Published 2 years ago 5 min read
10 Natural Air Purifying Hacks For the Home
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Air pollution is a severe problem in today's world. It causes health issues such as asthma, respiratory infections, allergies, and even lung cancer. The only way to get rid of these pollutants is to use an air purifier. However, there are many different air purifiers out there, each with its pros and cons.

There are also many ways to clean the air around your house. Some people prefer using natural methods while others choose to use conventional ones.

In this article, we'll share ten natural air purifying hacks for the home.

#1- Use a humidifier

Humidifiers help keep your home dry by increasing humidity levels. They help prevent mold growth, which can cause damage to your furniture and other household items. Humidity also reduces dust mites, pollen, and other allergens that may trigger allergy symptoms.

#2- Keep your windows open

When you have fresh air circulating through your home, it will naturally remove toxins from the air. Open your windows during the day so that you can enjoy some fresh air. If you live in an area where the weather is cold or rainy, you might want to close your windows at night to keep heat inside your home. Keeping your windows is a simple and natural way to purify your air, and it doesn't cost much either.

#3- Clean your air filter regularly

An air filter is one of the essential parts of any air purifier. It filters particles like pollen, dust, smoke, and bacteria from the air before they enter your lungs. Make sure to change your air filter every month to ensure that it works properly. You should replace your filter when it becomes clogged or dirty.

#4- Avoid smoking cigarettes

Smoking cigarettes releases chemicals into the air that can be harmful to your health. Cigarettes contain nicotine, tar, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, acetone, ammonia, hydrogen cyanide, benzene, arsenic, and lead. These chemicals can irritate your eyes, throat, nose, and lungs. They can also make your skin look older than it is. Smoking does not just pollute the air for you, but also those who spend time around you. So if you have the habit of smoking -- and you're serious about naturally purifying the air in your home, it's time to take a step back and quit.

#5- Avoid secondhand smoke

Secondhand smoke contains more than 7,000 chemicals, including carcinogens, that can harm your health. Secondhand smoke can aggravate asthma attacks, increase the risk of heart disease, and cause premature death. Children who breathe in secondhand smoke are at a higher risk of developing asthma and other respiratory illnesses. To avoid secondhand smoke, don't allow anyone to smoke in your home.

#4- Houseplants

Plants absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen into the air. They also reduce airborne contaminants by absorbing them. Placing plants throughout your home can improve indoor air quality. Filling your home with plants has been shown to improve mental well-being. Also, houseplants can lower blood pressure, boost energy, and promote relaxation.

#5- Clean Your Carpets

Carpet cleaning removes dirt, pet dander, and other allergens from carpets. Cleaning your carpet is a great way to purify your air because dust and debris settle on the floor, which gets stuck between the fibers. To clean your carpet effectively, vacuum or have them cleaned professionally.

#6- Use fans

Fans circulate air throughout your home. When you're sleeping, they can help cool down your bedroom. During the summer months, your fans can bring in cooler air. And in the winter, you can use fans to create a drafty effect in your home. Using a fan is a natural way to purify the air in your home, compared to using air conditioners. Fans are inexpensive, easy to install, and effective. In contrast, an air conditioner uses a lot of electricity and produces heat, which may not be as effective as a fan.

#7- Natural Deodorizers

Natural deodorizing products work by removing odors with essential oils. Essential oils are potent antioxidants that fight free radicals and protect against environmental pollutants. They also have antimicrobial properties that kill odor-causing bacteria.

#8- Essential Oils

People extract essential oils from plants and trees using steam distillation or solvent extraction methods. They are highly concentrated plant extracts that effectively treat minor headaches, sore throats, and insect bites. They are also known to relieve stress and promote relaxation.

How are essential oils great for purifying the air? They remove odors and toxins from the air, eliminate germs and bacteria, freshen up stale air, and add fragrance to the atmosphere.

The best part is that essential oils come in many different scents. If you want to use one scent all day long, you can. But if you want something fresh during the morning, you can mix several different scents.

#9- Throw Out Your Harsh Cleaning Products

Cleaning products can damage your furniture and appliances and even harm your family's health. They can also emit toxic fumes that can linger in your home long after you've cleaned up. Instead, use natural household cleaners like baking soda, vinegar, lemon juice, and borax. Using homemade cleaning products will save you money on store-bought products and prevent unnecessary exposure to harsh chemicals.

#10- Take Time To Properly Groom Your Pets

When our pets are dirty, the quality of air in the house decreases. Pet hair, dander, and saliva can become trapped in carpets, curtains, and other fabrics. Pet hair can also collect on surfaces like walls and windowsills, creating an environment where mold and mildew thrive. All of this can result in allergies and infections. If you want to keep your home clean and healthy, take time to groom your pets regularly.

In conclusion, there are lots of ways to purify the air in your home naturally. Many of the solutions don't require any special equipment, but some do. For example, you can buy a HEPA filter vacuum cleaner or use a regular vacuum cleaner to suck up dust particles. You can also make your natural air purifiers using essential oils and baking soda. The most important thing to remember when choosing how to purify the air in your home is to choose a solution that works well for you.


About the Creator

Abena Talks

I write about lifestyle, entrepreneurship and other things.

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