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10 Common Causes of Mold in Your Home (& Tips for Prevention!)

Mold is unsightly and it can eventually destroy your health, get rid of it.

By Abena Talks Published 2 years ago 5 min read
10 Common Causes of Mold in Your Home (& Tips for Prevention!)
Photo by Jared Rice on Unsplash

Mold is a common problem found almost anywhere; our homes, offices, schools, restaurants, and even in our cars. It's not just an issue with the outdoors, but also indoors! And while mold isn't necessarily dangerous, it can cause health problems when you come in contact with it for too long. Mold can cause serious health problems like asthma attacks, allergies, sinus infections, skin rashes, headaches, nausea, fatigue, coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, dizziness, eye irritation, and more.

The good news is there are ways you can prevent it from growing or even kill off existing mold if it does start to appear. Here we'll go over some of the most common causes of mold growth and how to remove them entirely or prevent them from growing further.

#1- Moisture

The first thing that needs addressing when dealing with a problem like mold growth is moisture. Moisture comes from many sources, including leaks or damaged pipes, humidity levels inside the house, condensation on windows, etc. If your home has a leaky plumbing system, this will lead to water damage, allowing mold spores into your home. Thus, it would be best if you made sure to seal all of these areas as soon as possible, so they don't become breeding grounds for mold. You should have professional help do this work because it involves cutting holes through walls and ceilings to fix the issues.

#2- Airflow

If there's not enough airflow around an area where mold grows, then the mold will have trouble getting rid of its spores. So, one way to keep air flowing is by opening doors and windows whenever possible. Another option would be to install fans throughout the room to circulate the air. These options may seem expensive at first, but once you see what happens without proper ventilation, you might want to consider investing in something better than nothing.

#3- Temperature & Humidity Levels

Too much heat or low temperatures, combined with high humidity levels, can create ideal conditions for mold growth. The best solution here is to use dehumidifiers to lower the temperature and increase the amount of dry air circulating in the space. In addition, you can open windows during hot summer months to allow for fresh airflow. However, remember that doing this won't solve any underlying problem - like having too little circulation due to poor insulation or lack of vents.

#4- Food Sources

When food goes bad, it creates more bacteria which leads to increased chances of mold growth. To avoid this happening, try storing foods properly and always wash fruits and vegetables before eating them. Also, never leave leftovers out overnight since this allows bacteria time to grow. Finally, clean surfaces regularly after cooking meals to eliminate excess grease and other debris. What makes mold growth from food sources so dangerous is that it usually starts small and slowly spreads until it becomes noticeable. And by that point, it's already hard to rid your home of it.

#5- Water Damage

A leaky roof, broken pipe, flooding, etc., all lead to water damage. This type of damage allows mold to increase. This moisture is excellent for mold activity because it provides nutrients needed for their survival. It also helps mold spread quickly between rooms via cracks and crevices. Therefore, fixing the issue right away is essential to preventing mold growth. Once again, hiring professionals to handle the job is recommended. They know what steps to take to ensure no new problems arise.

#6- Contaminants

Some contaminants, such as paint thinners, cleaning products, pesticides, fertilizers, etc., may contain chemicals that allow mold to thrive. When using these items, follow instructions carefully and store them safely. Make sure to dispose of unused materials thoroughly and adequately clean everything afterward.

#7- Pets

Pet dander and urine left behind by pets also contribute to mold growth. If your home has a pet, make sure to keep them indoors. You should also vacuum up hair and fur on floors frequently to prevent insects from settling down. Lastly, if you notice excessive amounts of mold growing near areas frequented by animals, hire professional help immediately.

#8- Dirty Disposables

The presence of dirty dishes, trash cans, diapers, pet waste, etc., can attract insects and other pests that carry disease. These pests can contaminate items that you end up throwing away. As a result, they become breeding grounds for mold spores. So whenever possible, keep things tidy and throw them away when necessary. It's important to note here that an untidy environment is usually a good breeding ground for mold. So you might adhere to the suggestions in this article and still have to deal with mold. The bottom line here is, don't wait until there are visible mold growth signs before taking action! Make it a habit to keep your environment clean and organized at all times.

#9- Poor Ventilation

Not having proper ventilation means that air doesn't circulate properly, making it easier for mold to grow. For example, if there isn't enough airflow through a room, warm moist air will stay inside longer than cool, dry air. This scenario causes condensation to form on walls and ceilings. Condensation is perfect for mold growth! To improve ventilation, install fans throughout rooms in the house with poor ventilation. Fans work because they move air around efficiently and effectively.

#10- Cleaning Products

Using inferior cleaners and disinfectant sprays can increase the amount of mold present in your home. The reason why? Because they may not obliterate dirt or germs. Instead, they may mask them temporarily. In addition, some cleaning agents have ingredients that cause mold to flourish. As much as it's prudent to cut costs whenever you can, always do your research when buying household supplies. Read labels carefully and choose only those that meet safety standards.

In conclusion, we hope our list of 10 common causes of mold in your home helped clear any confusion about mold. We've provided tips on prevention too so hopefully you'll be able to avoid getting sick due to mold exposure. Remember though: Don't let mold go unchecked until it becomes serious. Hire experts to get rid of it fast!


About the Creator

Abena Talks

I write about lifestyle, entrepreneurship and other things.

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