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10 Mistakes That Attract Beetles to Your Home

Do you have an insect in your house problem?

By Sally SalingerPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
10 Mistakes That Attract Beetles to Your Home
Photo by Maria Teneva on Unsplash

We all like to have a clean house, free of dirt, bacteria, and … insects! From ants and cockroaches to flies and mosquitoes, insects are the biggest nightmare for children, but also us housewives.

It is perfectly normal to find a fly in the house from time to time, but when the number of insects is in the tens, it means that we are doing something wrong in the cleaning process.

Insects are attracted to our home, most of the time, by food, but also by the conditions we offer: moisture, leaves and dry grass in the garden, garbage, the sandbox of the cat or cardboard boxes, and other things that we don't need them and we store them in the house.

So, there are many mistakes that you make that can attract beetles or other animals into your home. Are you curious about these?

You have moisture in your house

All animals, including beetles, need three things to survive: shelter, food, and water. A broken pipe in the house or any other source of water is like an oasis for thirsty beetles.

Also, check that the gutters are not blocked. Mosquitoes need only 1 cm of water to lay their eggs. Even the high humidity in the house can attract cockroaches like the silverfish.

You leave your dog's or cat's food outside

Although almost everyone does this (at least those who stay at home), it seems that the food bowl becomes like a buffet for beetles, but also mice and rats.

Also, be careful how you store your pet food, as the smell can attract cockroaches to the closet.

You leave leftovers in the kitchen

Even if you sweep every time you eat and mop, there will likely be food somewhere in the house. When was the last time you cleaned under the fridge, for example?

Or under the cupboards? Also, don't forget the oven, grill, and dirty dishes in the sink. Beetles can find food even in a house that looks clean at first glance.

You forget the garden

Beetles and rodents prefer certain yards. Normally, well-kept gardens do not have too many beetles.

That's why you need to make sure you always mow the lawn, harvest the dry leaves, and get rid of weeds and other things you don't need.

You leave the fruit on the table

Some fruits should be kept at room temperature as they may spoil in the refrigerator. However, you have to be careful with those fruits that you leave in the kitchen on the table and throw them away if they spoil.

In addition to the fact that one spoiled fruit can spoil the others, it also attracts mosquitoes or other insects.

You leave the garbage overnight

It happens to all of us that we go to bed and realize that we have not thrown away our rubbish. Most of the time, we decide to throw it away the next day, which is a big mistake. Cockroaches only need a few hours to smell the "food" in the kitchen.

Therefore, it is good to throw away the garbage every night and wash the trash if necessary.

You forget to change your cat's sand

Although this applies especially to those who have cats, it can also be true for dog owners who do not collect dirt in the yard.

Flies are attracted to the smell and that is why you should clean the fur every day.

You invite the beetles to the house

Although broken pipes or crumbs seem to be minor mistakes, there are some cases where you simply "invite" the beetles into the house. For example, you leave your doors and windows open in the summer.

Or do not repair holes in door and window nets. You should also pay attention to cracks or holes in the walls and check the basement.

You collect boxes

We all have boxes in the house where we keep old books, cassettes, or anything else and which have been in the basement or attic for many years. Even if you think your things are safe, these boxes attract termites, silverfish, and other beetles.

This also applies to newspapers and magazines.

You leave bird seeds outside

Although some people do not realize this, birds and squirrels are not the only animals that eat the seeds that you put out.

If you always leave bird food outside, make sure that mice, ants, or beetles also enjoy it.


About the Creator

Sally Salinger

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