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10 Health Benefits Of Green Tea

Or why you should start drinking green tea right now

By James HeavystormPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
10 Health Benefits Of Green Tea
Photo by Laårk Boshoff on Unsplash

Green tea is a drink that heals our body and soul for over 4 thousand years.

Ever since it was discovered that this tea has healing properties, people use it every day. It is delicious, healthy, and has a lot of beneficial properties for each of us.

Before we tell you about the countless benefits that this drink has, you should know that it comes from the tea plant called Camellia Sinensis.

Besides its healing properties, green tea has therapeutic and detoxifying properties. In other words, we have plenty of reasons to drink this natural and healthy tea.

The benefits of green tea for beauty

Everyone wants to stay young and beautiful for as long as possible, but for this to happen, we must know how to maintain our beauty and youth. How? Natural remedies are the best and best answer to this question.

Below, we present how you can use green tea to keep your skin elastic, your hair shiny and healthy, and also young skin.

1. It helps you keep your skin always young

Green tea is a true elixir of beauty. Because it is rich in antioxidants, vitamin C, vitamin E, mineral salts, and carbohydrates, green tea reduces the risk of premature aging of your skin.

Choose to drink tea or use it in the form of compresses, whenever you feel the need. Your skin will be brighter, more elastic, and will give you a feeling of freshness.

2. Acne will no longer be a problem!

Regardless of your age, acne is an unpleasant and unsightly problem. Use facial masks with green tea and you will see that the effects will not belong in coming. Dilated pores and acne-prone skin will be a thing of the past!

You can also use compresses on your skin so that the skin makes the most of all the beneficial properties of this tea.

3. Green tea treats your stretch marks

Almost every woman knows what it means to have unpleasant stretch marks. Green tea can work wonders in this case too!

How? It invigorates the cells and allows them to recover much faster after stretching your skin.

4. Healthy, white and beautiful teeth

A healthy tooth means a beautiful smile! Green tea contains fluorine. This fluorine is the one that destroys a bacterium produced by dental plaque. So, if you drink green tea constantly, your teeth will thank you.

5. It helps you have shiny and healthy hair

There are a lot of bacteria and small parasites on our scalp that weaken the roots. In this way, the hair ends up breaking, and our hair ornament is no longer as healthy as we want it to be.

There is a solution to this problem as well! Drink 2–3 cups of green tea a day, but also use hair masks based on such tea that will help you prevent such problems and even combat them.

6. It helps you lose weight!

As I told you in the article here, green tea accelerates the process of burning fat. Don't forget that regular consumption of green tea will help you improve your body, will give you the energy you need, and will make you feel better.

Any drink, but also any food consumed in excess will have negative effects that we must avoid. Therefore, we mention that a proper amount of green tea means about 2–3 cups of tea a day.

7. Green tea prevents disease

Even if it seems hard to believe, green tea is an extraordinary source of polyphenols. Free radicals, in turn, have harmful effects on the human body, and thus, we get sick or age faster than we should.

In other words, green tea has a lot of beneficial properties that it would be a shame not to all take advantage of.

8. Relieves depression

According to studies, regular consumption of green tea can relieve depression. It also gives you energy if you are tired and this can make you feel better, fitter. Try it too!

9. Strengthens the immune system

Having a lot of vitamins, but also mineral salts such as sulfur, calcium, and potassium, green tea helps strengthen the immune system. To make sure that this tea will have its full effect, we recommend squeezing half a lemon to put in a large cup of tea.

This lemon contains a lot of vitamin C, a vitamin that will ensure a strong immune system throughout the cold season. Do not forget to introduce this tea to the diet of the little ones.

10. Reduces the risk of heart disease

Because it has very powerful antioxidants, green tea reduces the risk of heart disease.


About the Creator

James Heavystorm

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