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10 Diabetic-Friendly Hot and Cold Drinks

to Manage Blood Sugar Levels

By Ishaan bharadwajPublished 11 months ago 3 min read
10 Diabetic-Friendly Hot and Cold Drinks
Photo by Datingscout on Unsplash

Maintaining a diabetes-friendly diet requires careful consideration of the beverages we consume. Many popular drinks contain high sugar content, making them unsuitable for individuals with diabetes. However, there are numerous options available that can help manage blood sugar levels effectively. Whether you prefer a hot cup of tea or a refreshing cold beverage, here are ten drink choices that diabetics can enjoy throughout the year.

1 Coconut Water:

Coconut water, often hailed as Nature's elixir, is an excellent choice for diabetics. Despite being slightly sweet, coconut water is low in calories and packed with essential nutrients, including potassium, electrolytes, and vitamins. Alongside managing blood sugar levels, it promotes digestion, supports skin health, and boosts immunity.

2 Chaas (Buttermilk):
Unlike other dairy-based drinks, chaas doesn't require sugar or any sweetener. Adding spices like cumin, ginger, or coriander enhances its taste and nutritional value. Chaas offers a refreshing experience while providing additional health benefits.

3 Sattu Sharbat:
Sattu sharbat, a traditional drink made with roasted chana (gram flour), ginger, mint, and black salt, can help balance blood glucose levels. It is important to note that while some recipes include sweeteners like jaggery, diabetics should be cautious as these are also forms of sugar.

4 Barley Water:
Barley, with its low glycemic index, is considered a diabetes-friendly ingredient. Incorporating barley water into your diet can be beneficial for blood sugar management and overall well-being.

5 Karela Juice:
While fruit juices are generally not recommended for diabetics, vegetable juices can offer substantial benefits. Karela (bitter gourd) juice, for example, contains compounds that aid in natural blood sugar management. It is also low in fat, calories, and carbohydrates, making it suitable for weight-conscious individuals.

6 Amla Juice:
Including amla (Indian gooseberry) in your diabetes diet can be advantageous due to its low glycemic index and high vitamin C content. Amla also contains chromium, a mineral that regulates carbohydrate metabolism, enhances insulin responsiveness, and helps maintain stable blood sugar levels.

7 Methi Water:
Fenugreek or methi seeds are known for their blood sugar-regulating properties. Soaking these seeds and using them to make tea can improve insulin sensitivity and combat insulin resistance, making it a popular choice among diabetics.

8 Cinnamon Water:
Cinnamon, a potent spice, offers antioxidant properties and may boost immunity and aid in managing cholesterol. Starting your day with cinnamon water can be beneficial for individuals with diabetes.

9 Green Tea:
Green tea is a highly recommended beverage for diabetics. Research suggests that green tea can not only help manage diabetes but also prevent it to some extent. To maximize its benefits, it is advised to consume green tea without adding milk, sugar, or sweeteners.

10 Turmeric Tea:
Turmeric, a commonly used Indian spice, is renowned for its healing properties. Consuming turmeric tea, rich in immune-boosting and anti-inflammatory compounds, can aid in diabetes management. It is advisable to reduce or skip the addition of honey to maintain a low-sugar drink

here are a few more drink options suitable for diabetics:

Herbal Infusions:
Herbal infusions, such as chamomile, peppermint, or hibiscus tea, are great alternatives to sugary beverages. These caffeine-free drinks offer soothing effects, aid in digestion, and can help regulate blood sugar levels.

Lemon Water:
Starting your day with a glass of warm lemon water can have positive effects on diabetes management. Lemon water helps hydrate the body, improves digestion, and supports detoxification. It also provides a good dose of vitamin C.

Ginger Tea:
Ginger is known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Brewing a cup of ginger tea can aid in digestion, reduce inflammation, and potentially improve insulin sensitivity. You can enhance the flavor by adding a squeeze of lemon or a dash of cinnamon.


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Ishaan bharadwaj

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