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Why It’s So Important to Leave That Toxic Job

Does your job make you want to put your head through a wall when you wake up? Read this to know why you should start looking for something different.

By Katie WhitePublished 5 years ago 2 min read

Having a job is an amazing sense of independence and freedom. You meet new people, find strengths within yourself you probably didn’t know you had, and get to reap the benefits of your long hours served for your company. The paycheque. Now, you’re stuck in that crazy 9-5 drag every single day. And as if that didn’t make it hard enough? You work in a toxic environment. Your bosses do not take into consideration, the commitment you have, the sacrifices you have made. Your complaints are not being heard or addressed. You are being mistreated, not only by peers. Now by yourself. Your mental health is now at risk. You come home more emotionally exhausted then you are physically. You become snappy and snide. Rude to people you do not intend to be rude too. You have no energy anymore; no drive. You can feel your good days slipping through your fingers like sand.

Feel this. Recognize these emotions. Your body and brain, are telling you. Enough is enough. You need to recognize you are an essential puzzle piece of any company you are apart of. You do not deserve to be mistreated, underappreciated and plainly abused, in your place of work. Not only are there supposed to be high standards of professionalism. But respect. No one wants to work, so why make it miserable for the people you spend your every day with? Here are some reasons for you to leave. You can actually physically become sick if your workplace is toxic. Your immune system becomes weak and your ability to even fight a common cold suddenly disappears.

Your mental health is important. More important than you realize. Your workplace is not supposed to leave you so mentally broken down that at the end of the day you have zero energy to even go grocery shopping. You cannot be expected to do a great job and overachieve for the company that makes you so bitter your everyday functions suddenly become an impossible task.

You do not deserve to feel these ways. There are jobs out there that will appreciate your effort. Who will recognize your skills and abilities and accommodate to your needs, as a give and take? No job is worth such depressive mental states.

Sometimes all you need is a little push, a sign.

Let this be your sign.

That job you feel will fall apart without you? They will be fine without you.

That job you feel you cannot leave because you are unsure any other job will be better? There are a million jobs out there that would love to have you be a part of their team. Take the leap.

You are a valuable asset. Don’t let yourself be treated as anything less. Value your worth. Once that happens, everything will fall into place. Trust me.


About the Creator

Katie White

Just a girl with a lot of thoughts, husband works in camp, so this is my speaking platform

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