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Why I hate Mondays and how you can avoid them

Mondays are the worst. They're a day to dread, filled with work and responsibility. There's nothing worse than waking up on Monday morning knowing that you have to go into an office and sit at a desk for eight hours straight. I hate Mondays so much because they are so uninspiring: there's no reason to look forward to them! That's why I've come up with some ways for you all to make your Monday better.

By Courtanae HeslopPublished 2 years ago 6 min read

Mondays are the worst. They're a day to dread, filled with work and responsibility. There's nothing worse than waking up on Monday morning knowing that you have to go into an office and sit at a desk for eight hours straight. I hate Mondays so much because they are so uninspiring: there's no reason to look forward to them! That's why I've come up with some ways for you all to make your Monday better.

Work! Ugh.

I think we can all agree that work is a necessary evil. While you can't avoid it, there are ways to make your job tolerable. It all starts with having a positive environment and good habits.

Start by making sure you have a comfortable place to sit and work in. Your office should be well lit, but not too bright (you don't want to get eye strain). If possible, get a white noise machine to drown out any external distractions like traffic or people talking nearby. Make sure your chair isn't too uncomfortable; otherwise you will end up spending most of your day slouching around trying not to fall asleep on the job!

Next up: good old fashioned organization skills! Having all of your paperwork organized makes it easier for other coworkers or clients as well as yourself when looking for something specific later on down the road which leads me into my next point…

Shitty morning routine.

A shitty morning routine is one of the most common causes of Monday blues. Your morning routine can help you avoid all of this and make your mornings less stressful.

If you're waking up late, get ready for work in a hurry, don't eat breakfast, skip exercise because it takes too much time or shower before leaving home then chances are that all these things will leave you feeling frustrated during the day.

These things might seem like small details but they can have a big impact on how your day goes so make sure that every morning starts out well by having a good routine in place!

Bad sleep habits.

  • Don't watch TV in bed. Watching TV before bed can make it difficult to fall asleep, because your brain associates the events of the show with wakefulness. Therefore, if you want to sleep well on Monday night and every night after that, skip the late-night Netflix binges and try taking a book up to bed instead.
  • Don't use your phone right before going to sleep. It may seem like harmless relaxation time for you and your spouse or roommates but it could actually be hurting their ability to get a good night's rest as well! A study out this month found that excessive screen time before going to bed can significantly increase the risk of poor sleep quality (and therefore make Mondays even worse).
  • If you have an alarm set on your phone or computer at all times then turn off all notifications! You don't need Facebook telling you someone liked something when you're trying not only get some shut eye but also work on Monday morning!
  • Eat dinner early enough so that no one is hungry by 9pm then eat breakfast early enough so no one has stomach pains at 7am!

Not doing something you enjoy on Sunday night.

I know what you're thinking: "But it's Sunday night! I need to get up early for work tomorrow!" No matter how hard you try, getting up early on Monday is going to be tough. If you have any chance of making it through the rest of the week feeling positive and energized, I recommend doing something that makes you happy on Sunday night. It can be anything - binge-watching a TV show or reading a book - but make sure it's something that relaxes and interests you.

It helps me so much when I do this! After a long day at work, I come home and watch an hour or two of TV before bedtime. It feels so good when I know that even though my week starts tomorrow morning at 7AM, at least one thing has gone well today - and that's taking care of myself!

Setting unrealistic expectations.

  • Expecting to do everything perfectly, all the time
  • Expecting to be the best at everything, all the time. This can lead to you comparing yourself with others in an unhealthy way. Let's say you're a writer and someone else publishes a book that gets more attention than yours does. You could feel like a failure because of this, and that might be why your mood is so low on Monday morning. The truth is, it doesn't matter how many books someone writes or how many followers they have on Twitter; no one person can compare with everyone else in every single aspect of life (or they'd never get anything done). The only thing that really matters is whether or not we've achieved our own goals - and those goals may change from day-to-day or even hour-to-hour! So remember: don't compare yourself with others…

It's just a name, it doesn't have to be bad.

You can make it a good day. You really can. Just think positive thoughts and stay in the present moment, and you'll find that Monday is not so bad after all! Don't allow yourself to get caught up in the name - just focus on enjoying this new day as much as possible, whether it's through going for an early morning jog or spending some time with friends over coffee and brunch (or both!).

If you make Monday a good day, it will be a good day!

So, what do you want to accomplish on Monday?

Perhaps you have a list of things you'd love to try or learn. If so, that's great! And if not, then maybe it's time for one. Perhaps this is the year in which you'll finally get around to learning how to code or mastering another language - or perhaps just simply being able to send an email without feeling like it was written by a toddler with no grasp on grammar or punctuation (I'm looking at myself here). Whatever your goals may be, make sure they're achievable and realistic: don't set yourself up for failure by trying something too difficult right off the bat. Pick something small and manageable that can serve as a stepping-stone toward bigger goals down the road if necessary - and most importantly: always reward yourself with treats when achieving those milestones!


Doing all these things will make Monday a great day! If you start off on the right foot, it is much easier to keep the momentum going. You'll find that your whole week starts with a bang instead of a whimper.

PS: Hi! I am a freelance writer with a passion for writing. I am open to most genres, but my primary expertise is in content and blog writing. If you would like to discuss any upcoming projects please feel free to contact me by email at [email protected]


About the Creator

Courtanae Heslop

Courtanae Heslop is a multi-genre writer and business owner.

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