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Why Do People Write?

Here Are Some Reasons Why

By Amethyst ChampagnePublished 2 years ago Updated 11 days ago 3 min read
Why Do People Write?
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Why do you write?

I’m positive about this question, whether it be friends, family, or strangers. And if you haven’t been asked, you will be sooner or later.

Maybe you answered the question, shrugged them off, or said to mind their business. You might have grumbled about it internally afterward.

But it’s not a bad idea to think about your answer. If you are feeling stuck or unsure, it might give you some clarity on your path. Here are some reasons people write.

To Express their Emotions

By Brock Wegner on Unsplash

One of the best ways to release feelings bubbling inside is to write them down. Many people only do journaling for this, but sometimes you want to share them.

It doesn’t have to be like a journal entry. I’ve seen many methods, mostly on Vocal, which supports pieces like that.

I have done it through stories and poems if the mood strikes me. It has helped me push my emotions out of my system in a healthy and constructive manner.

To Show Off their Creativity

Like any artist, writers want their work to be seen. This is why platforms like Vocal, Medium, and Substack exist, and self-publishing has become so popular.

I like the idea of creating something for this world instead of only consuming content. It is a good trade-off.

Many of us don’t have the money to use a fancy publisher or publication, so online writing platforms are a great way to showcase our work and improve without breaking the bank.

To Make Money

By 金 运 on Unsplash

Not all writers write for purely artistic reasons or earn income from their writing, like novelists, bloggers, and people like us.

Copywriters and ghostwriters exist because people either can’t or don’t want to write. Their work ranges from books to emails, ad copies, blog posts, and sometimes resumes, queries, and synopses.

These people can make big bucks, too. I have seen many job posts related to them on Freelancer, Fiverr, and Upwork, and they can earn from a few hundred to thousands of dollars per project.

Now, I’m not saying copywriters and ghostwriters don’t enjoy their work. I’m sure they do. Why else would they do it? They just aren’t writing solely for the intrinsic joy of the craft, which is fine.

I’m not sure that I could write for anyone else, though. I mainly write for myself and my audience and don’t want another person telling me what I can and can’t say.

But never say never. Life always has tricks up her sleeve.

To Give Advice/Share Knowledge

By Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 on Unsplash

Of course, you might want to share your expertise with people without needing a teaching degree or a camera to create an online course.

Sharing what you know is fun. I do it with The Writer’s Corner, The Life Of A Gem, and my Medium page.

Yes, information is repeated often anymore, but everyone’s take is different, and you’ll respond differently to each. And it’s nice knowing my perspective might resonate with someone else.

To Tell Their Story

While similar to expressing emotions, this reason dives deeper into one’s past, sharing their experiences, trials, and joys. Biographies, autobiographies, personal essays, and memoirs do this.

I have only written a few pieces about my life, nothing long enough to put into a book. They are about my experiences, some good and others painful, and they have helped me move past them.

It’s funny because your life can feel boring until you see it in words. It’s like seeing it on paper reminds you that you are interesting. And your story can help others feel less alone and more understood.

They Love it

By Jez Timms on Unsplash

But don’t overlook this reason. It is the most important one. So many people write only because it brings them joy. They’re not looking for fame or money.

That doesn’t matter to them. They write for the sake of writing. And isn’t that why most of us start in the first place? I can certainly say so.


It doesn’t matter what your reason for writing is, though. As long as you stay true to yourself and what you want to say, you will be just fine. And keep on writing!


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About the Creator

Amethyst Champagne

I create fiction, short stories, poetry, and more!

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