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Where Will COVID-19 Take E-commerce? Assumptions in the Post-Pandemic Era

COVID-19 will change the face of social media and payment systems. Dropshipping and online marketplaces may be the next big thing.

By Hermes FangPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

The epidemic has transformed the business world. Methods of selling have evolved. You no longer have to drive large distances for your purchases, let alone deal with the stress of working in an office before you earn any money. The e-commerce business is booming, thanks to advances in digital and internet technology. When compared to actual storefronts, internet firms are seizing the lead in a variety of ways.

1. E-commerce on Social Networks

The COVID-19 has dramatically altered the population's consumption patterns. Consumers who have heavily utilized e-commerce throughout this time period are more demanding than ever. It is thus up to businesses to evolve their business models to match customer expectations. Companies' initial point of contact is now social media platforms.

Social media e-commerce is a developing trend reshaping internet business today. Social media is no longer merely a way for individuals to communicate with one another. They are more than simply advertising outlets as their sales skills improve. Users may now effortlessly purchase things on their preferred social network. The usage of social networks in business, or social selling, enables you to identify, expedite, and even expand your sales.

2. The Future of the Online Market

Will consumers abandon physical businesses in favor of the internet? Yes, many markets have already evolved and begun selling their services online in order to survive in the long run.

In the next few years, e-commerce will actually explode! The true problem would be providing appropriate support for the internet market. Platforms like as Amazon, Shoplazza, and Shopify will continue to dominate the e-commerce landscape.

Let's toss in some crazy ideas. Farmers that sell their harvests straight to consumers over the internet, vehicle companies that function totally online, or even purchasing your future house via the internet via virtual tours.

Some businesses may just close their shops and focus only on the internet market. They will have a marketing staff as well as a competent team of technicians. There will be no more rent to pay, and the sole running expense will be that of the website. The company will no longer have to pay for superfluous fees that are tough to handle when no consumers are present.

3. Dropshipping

E-commerce welcomes everyone who wants to give it a go or build a career out of it. E-commerce may help you attain your goals, whether they are primary or secondary revenue. Even if you don't have tangible things to offer, you may still set up shop and serve as a link between producers and buyers.

Dropshipping is one of the most productive and trendiest internet sales tactics available today. It, in practice, allows you to sell online without ever owning any merchandise. You set up an internet store and operate as a go-between between manufacturers that sell actual things and clients who order them.

4. Payment

Payment choices will be one of the primary engines that clients will use to execute a transaction. With Touch ID, digital wallets (such as Paypal, Google Pay, and Apple Pay) make transactions more accessible, quicker, and more secure. Besides, Bitcoin has been one of the most popular e-commerce trends. However, its use is still limited today. In the future, the usage of virtual currencies such as bitcoin will supplant credit cards.


The advantages of e-commerce are numerous today. However, the world of e-commerce is ever-changing. The future of e-commerce will be robust, thanks to rising consumer spending power, the usage of social media, and ever-expanding technology.

What are your thoughts on the future of e-commerce? Where do you believe the COVID-19 will lead us? Please leave comments and let me know!

(Contributed by Yorly & Hermes Fang)


About the Creator

Hermes Fang

Eyes open wide, feel your heart and it’s glowing.

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