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When Is The Write time?

Observations On The Best Time To Write (For You)

By Mike Singleton - MikeydredPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 3 min read
When Is The Write Time? A Night Café Creation By Mike Singleton

So What Is This About?

We are all writers in one way or another. Even a conversation is a form of writing though you may not think of it like that, but conversation with friends and interesting people can be a stimulant to create something.

The idea for this story just came out of nowhere. Obviously, the title includes a homophonically correct but meaningfully wrong word but since William Shakespeare and before writers have been using that construct to fool and impress their audience.

But it is just some thoughts on how we decide when it’s a good point to actually create something.

So When Is The Right Time to Write?

I often get ideas while out walking, listening to music, watching TV or film or reading a book and I let those ideas gel until I am ready to actually write the thing down. Often when I start writing I do not know how the piece will develop or it will finally end, but it’s a bit like going on a train journey on a line you do not know.

You know the name of the place you are going to, you may know the places you are going to pass through, but, assuming you are not on an underground train, you will see all the buildings and country that you pass through and that you can take in. This is how my writing usually develops.

Sitting Down To Write

This is the time you need to be (well I need to be) alone, in solitary confinement because you can't have any distractions when you hit the keyboard.

As I write this I am on my phone, using my thumb on the virtual keyboard, and there is no one to distract me

If there is someone else there, you usually have to at least acknowledge them, and that affects the process of creation. If you have to look after children, do housework, or make meals for more than yourself your creation will be affected. You need time, space and quiet.

Someone recently remarked on the brevity of my writing, and whether it is laziness or me being efficiently laconic my stories are on the short side, but I do make sure everything is in that needs to be in. The benefit of this is that you can read my stories fairly quickly and that may be why that generally my read count has dropped significantly since March this year.

I do write to be read and that is the main aim of me getting things down, and sometimes to unload heavy stuff as well, but often what happens is that I want to be positive, so stories that are dark or negative are often dropped.

Always Try And Lighten The Mood

I find I cannot write if I feel down, or rather the stuff that comes out is too dark and unacceptable, so I put on some music to lift my spirits, also good weather helps a lot as well, and having something to look forward to.

If your mood is good the likelihood is that your writing will be reflected in that, so always get something positive going.

In Conclusion

Speak to friends and fellow creators, they should point you in a good direction.

Get your idea, maybe sketch it out on paper, make a plan, and then find somewhere quiet to actually write your story. Believe in yourself and you will create something absolutely amazing.


About the Creator

Mike Singleton - Mikeydred

Weaver of Tales, Poems, Music & Love

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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  5. On-point and relevant

    Writing reflected the title & theme

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Comments (2)

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  • Dharrsheena Raja Segarran2 years ago

    I would love to read the dark and unacceptable stuff. Please do write it

  • Cathy holmes2 years ago

    Good advice, Mike.

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