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⭐Video Marketing Successful Secrets to Skyrocket Traffic in 2022

In this digital age, video has become an effective means of sending brand messages to an unlimited number of people today. If the Video is well documented, it can engage viewers more than even well-written text or content.

By Celyn DavisPublished 2 years ago 14 min read

Rather than starting with the same question that my other fellows are answering, I would like to get your attention on why not start with video marketing when it is the most engaging tool to address a global concern, to learn something, to prepare Christmas cookies or blah blah...

Since the population starts consuming content through videos, video marketing strategy has become an essential resource for every small or large-scale business. Some facts even prove it without any doubt.

  • 87% of video marketers say video, in general, gives them a good return on their investment.
  • 93% of marketers report that video has helped them get more customers.
  • 91% of marketers feel video is more important for brands in light of the Coronavirus pandemic.
  • Video ads were the #1-way consumers discovered a brand they later purchased from.
  • According to the Renderforest survey, 78% of users got more traffic to their website after using videos

Now the question is how do I promote my business or product through video marketing? For this, the first thing you should understand is, it is necessary to create high-quality content that drives traffic, engages audiences, and converts leads.

Videos such as onboarding videos, knowledge-based videos, meet the team videos, support video calls, and customer stories are a few ways to help customers and enhance their overall experience.

Google's algorithms are increasingly prioritizing websites with video content. 93 percent of online experiences start with a search engine. Hence, video is also an SEO goldmine for those who are into the video marketing business.

So where do I need to start?

  • How can I engage my channel or video viewers?
  • Is my video really holding a good story?
  • Is my video reaching the right audience at the right time?

There are a lot of questions that might come around in your head before you start thinking about different techniques to improve your video marketing strategy. So, what points do you have to take into account for improving your video marketing strategy?

Let's help you with the following tips.

Understand your Audience

Well, it all starts with knowing your audience's perspective. By doing thorough research, you will get a clear understanding of your audience's needs and preferences. For this, you need to determine:

What challenges or needs they have, so you can provide a solution for.

Once you understand what your audience wants, and are well aware of their searching intent, it becomes quite easier for you to connect with them & to turn your video viewer into your video channel subscriber. When you understand your audience's specific needs or questions, this will drive better audience engagement and more productive results.

Maintain Consistency to Brand Your Videos

Does not matter - whether you are creating live videos or something well-professionally scripted! But, it does not reach higher conversion rates until you do not apply appropriate digital branding. It means you need to keep yourself consistent. Why?

Staying consistent will make it easier for people to recognize your brand through videos. However, there should be a taste of professionalism. After all, it is also about building long-lasting reliability. So, be authentic, maintain the right tone, pay attention to visual parts, and be a creative curator. This is necessary to get your viewers to see your company as the best fit for them.

Consider every small to large branding element in all your videos. So, viewers can easily recognize your video content when they watch it. Make sure it holds a sense of simplicity and is unique at the same time.

Use the First Few Seconds Wisely

The average video attention span is now just 8.5 seconds.

Use this fact when it comes to creating a successful video. You must add a story to life quickly to immediately gather interest. So, people watch your video while scrolling through their feed.

In the first few seconds, you must give clarity - what is your video content all about. It gives the viewer confidence that they are going to watch meaningful and interesting content.

Video Topic Should be Clear

Nowadays, online platforms are featured with tons of video content. It represents that there is high competition in the market. So, what should you have to add to grab your customers' attention and interest?

The foremost thing you need to keep in mind is to keep communication transparent and the topic should be clear.

Do not forget to add a title and description.

For example, if you are planning to create a longer video of five minutes or more, keep up with accurate and informative information only.

Keep the following tips in mind when creating a video:

  • Content should align with your target demographic.
  • Consider and understand the customer's pain point.
  • Knowledge about how to introduce your product/service.
  • Explain how your product or service solves the problem.

In the description part, you need to highlight 2-3 benefits and mention some main points regarding your uploaded videos. You can also transcribe your videos to allow search engines to index your video content.

Start Videos With Stories

Storytelling is essential for effective video marketing.

Viewers have a tendency to remember a funny or inspirational example, which connects you emotionally. Through stories, people easily understand the world around them. It is one of the best ways to communicate a complex situation or idea.

Here are the following tips for creating effective storytelling videos:

Demonstrate Your Expertise - Post customer success stories and create deep-dive videos on a topic of interest to your viewers for highlighting expertise and success.

Stay Up-to-date With Trends - Taking your communication with your audience on hot or trendy topics in your industry will demonstrate your unique thoughts and opinions.

Show a Process - Engaging your audience with How-to videos or behind-the-scenes videos helps them in getting solutions to problems, which explains a step-by-step process.

Share Inspirational Videos - Being a business owner, it is also necessary to share inspirational stories to capture viewers' attention and invoke positive feelings towards your brand.

Be Personal - You can also engage the audience by sharing stories about your brand. It helps them to feel more connected to your business.

Optimize your Videos For SEO

You first need to ensure yourself with current SEO best practices for optimizing videos on each platform, including Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and others.

Upload short videos to Facebook and Instagram directly and add captions.

While optimizing videos for each channel, keep in mind the SEO part.

So, keep the following points in mind while optimizing your videos for SEO:

  • Do thorough planning on keywords for your videos and add them to the title and description part.
  • The title must be short and informative, less than 60 characters.
  • Add video links to your website
  • Use tags with different keyword variations
  • Focus on natural backlinks to your videos
  • Use eye-catching, branded, high-quality thumbnails
  • Optimize your videos for mobile devices
  • After uploading the videos on YouTube by following these SEO points, wait for two weeks to make any tweaks or refine your target audience.

    Many companies, such as Brandit Marketing Solutions, a video marketing firm in Manchester, are following this method to explain their services through video creation. One of the best ways to increase your audience's engagement is to create videos. If the Video is well documented, it can engage viewers more than even well-written text.

    Add a call-to-action

    A call-to-action (CTA) button enables viewers to perform the next action. So, it must be there in your videos. Without a CTA, viewers will leave your videos without performing any action even if they enjoyed them.

    To know about actions and views, add a simple and powerful CTA to your videos to make a meaningful engagement.

    So, inspire your viewers to take action with different calls-to-action, like

    • Ask a question to know about their answers in the comment section.
    • Link them with another useful piece of content
    • Suggest other related videos
    • Lead them to a landing page
    • Refer them to your website
    • Retain them to subscribe to your newsletter or YouTube channel
    • Connect them with other social media channels
    • Offer a free trial for a test drive

    After analyzing 481,514 Calls to Action from 324,015 videos, Wistia found that 95.9% are placing their CTA at the end of the video.

    Encourage Social Sharing

    When we share valuable information on social channels, it makes people view and share your video further among their friends, family, or colleagues.

    However, keep in mind your target audience. And, enhance social sharing by presenting key information that hooks and draws the users quickly.

    Every social platform has a different audience and length. So, do thorough research into every detail before developing consistent, shareable content.

    Reuse Your Video Content

    For keeping your video content evergreen, you need to recycle your uploaded content. You can share quick clips of previously uploaded videos on Twitter or Facebook because the topic becomes more relevant and trendy.

    Additionally, you can also repurpose the video script for an informative blog post. You can also share high-resolution screenshots on Instagram to drive traffic back to the video.

    Track Video Performance

    For becoming a leading entrepreneur, it is necessary to monitor and analyze results in order to maximize your video efforts.

    Tracking performance will help you know whether the time, effort, and money you are investing are worth it and achieving the goals that you need. So, test, again and again, to figure out the optimal content and video timing.

    Here are the different metrics you should pay attention to measure success:

    • Engagement Rate - How much time people are investing in watching videos? How many interactions are your videos getting?
    • View Count - How many times was the video watched?
    • (YouTube 30+ seconds vs Facebook 3+ seconds).
    • Play Rate - How many unique visitors click the play button of your video on each platform (website, social media channels, etc.)?
    • Social Sharing - How many times has your video been shared by viewers on social media? People only take interest in sharing meaningful content.
    • Comments - What kind of comments are your videos getting?
    • Click-Through Rate - The percentage of viewers who click on your video’s CTA (call to action) and continue on to another page of yours.
    • Conversion Rate - This is the percentage of viewers who take that next and most important step by going from viewers to customers.
    • Engagement - All about likes, comments, and shares. Indicates how far-reaching your video is and how much it resonates with viewers.

    What Business Problems Video Marketing can Solve?

    Trust is the main foundation of conversion and sales. However, with the availability of the internet, hackers, and scammers, people get more cautious about businesses and their services.

    That's why building trust in your brand has become one of the most essential things. Does not matter - how good your product is. If your brand is not trustworthy, your prospects will not take an interest further.

    You can get a lot of traction if you create explainer videos. You can boost your sales with the best explainer videos, because when you help your video viewers to get a solution to their problem, you build trust among them.

    For this, you need social proof, authenticity, and some reasons - why people have to choose your business. And, video is one of the most powerful tools to convey your message.

    Video pictures easily capture our psychological functions - attention, memory, imagination, and emotions. Hence, creating a video with amazing storytelling power develops a strong bond between prospects and your brand.

    Fail in Increasing Conversion on Landing Page

    Our brain generally retains a lot of information and prefers to use shortcuts to make it easy to remember. It means you have to explain the benefits of using your products and services. In case, if your prospects do not quickly understand the benefits, they will simply leave your video.

    Nowadays, video marketing is an effective strategy that has the ability to translate complex ideas into an easy and simple message. It will increase the conversion results by 80%. So, whether you need more sign-ups, leads, or sales, video marketing is the key.

    How to Rank Quickly on Search Engines

    Since search engines like Google acquired YouTube, you might have seen a significant increase in how much videos affect your search engine position. If you have embedded a video on a Website, you are 53 times more likely to show up first on Google.

    Hence, creating and uploading videos on YouTube will help to see your business at the top of the SERP of Google. When a user types a keyword related to your video, it will automatically display your video content on the top results. However, do not forget to add a detailed description and relevant tags. Social sharing on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn adds more visibility to video content.

    It means video marketing helps in reaching a wider audience and increasing engagement.

    Incapable To Create Content Strategy

    A proper content strategy depends on your buyer personas. The more you spend time reading customers' profiles, the more likely it will help in understanding what they require?

    Google Trends and BuzzSumo can give a brief about what video content is working best in your industry.

    Adding and sharing the trending videos among people will help in getting more reactions from people. And if you already have lots of blog posts, you can also recycle them.

    Now that’s interesting. Publishing your content on websites, YouTube, and other social media channels brings elevated results.

    DO’s and DON’Ts of Video Marketing

    While developing a video marketing strategy, you must keep the following things in mind to avoid mistakes.

    Let’s have a look!

    Don’t: Promote Brand Consistently

    We know overdoing could be the worst. However, when it comes to a brand, it is necessary to build trust through promoting it on different channels. You need to adopt some strategies through which you can explain how awesome your product is or how great your brand is - could represent your brand as real.

    Therefore, you need to make videos about people’s problems that they might be facing while working with the niche of your brand. In addition, you can also add branding that could help in resolving problems.

    Don’t: Overlook the Analytics

    In the market, there are various marketers who forget to monitor and track the value of their video content through analytics. Or some might follow the same old strategy. This results in a downfall of traffic and audience. No one wants to see themselves in this situation.

    Sometimes, marketers avoid using this strategically beneficial data. However, in order to get higher responses and results, What needs to be done is to keep the analytics in check. This will completely change the video strategy.

    Don’t: Be Inconsistent

    If there are no consistency in your video content and related video marketing techniques, people will turn around. That’s why it is essential to keep up with the baseline.

    Do thorough research and play around to get a great idea to see effective results! Being consistent with your latest video marketing strategy adds more benefits to your bag.

    Don’t: Unrealistic Expectations

    It is in your hand to make your brand a star in hours. But, do not expect things to fast or do not expect to reach on top in the same day. Sometimes businesses dismiss the value of video marketing after failing to capture an audience immediately with one video. So, take a deep breath and wait for some time to get high results

    DO’s of Video Marketing

    Keep yourself at the right pace with these Do’s and Don'ts to add various significant benefits in terms of higher search results.

    Do: Put a Crystal-Clear Concept

    Before creating a video and paying full attention to other details, you first need to identify the target audience and consider the viewers’ journey. Are your videos keeping people entertained? Or, maybe, you might need to add something more? Do your videos require more thorough research over the topic?

    Considering such pain points will actually help in understanding and figuring out where you have to start.

    Do: CTA

    As we discussed above, adding CTA (Call-to-action) is like a takeaway so you can give a reason to your audience to perform an activity. Does not matter - whether it is a simple “Subscribe” button or “Don’t miss a window”. There must be some catchy and light lines that can easily attract the attention of viewers.

    Do: Go Mobile

    Since search engines are paying attention to mobile screen and responsive designs, it is necessary to note down that your videos are also compatible with such devices.

    A fact has shown that 76% of online video viewers prefer to watch them on mobile devices. Hence, keep this in mind while creating video content. But, large and legible fonts are essential on tiny screens.

    Do: Only Add Useful Information

    Do not try to drag your video too lengthy. People usually stay only for 2-3 minutes on one video before getting annoyed or bored. If they find it interesting, they will wait for it to end. Otherwise, they will turn it off in the first few seconds or minutes.

    Therefore the best way is to start the video, deliver your product, or for a better purpose, you can add some interesting scenarios. So, they can use your brand. Editing videos improves video views and channel subscribers. With stunning visuals, you no longer need salespeople to deliver your message.

    Future Scope of Video Marketing

    The world has become a digital era and brought new platforms to view products and services online.

    Leah Logan, VP of Media Products at Inmar Intelligence, exclusively to MarTech Advisor said, “over 85% of teens believe they can do anything if there is a YouTube how-to on it, means that marketers need to fully utilize the format of video.

    This concludes that many students prefer to watch YouTube videos to find the solution to any technical problem, whether it is related to mathematics or other subjects.

    Moreover, video has also become a brand voice through which marketers can grab consumers' attention by integrating their brand message in videos. This further helps consumers to discover new things about your products and buy them online.

    But, the future of video marketing lies in technology, innovation, AI, analytics, and adapting to customers’ dynamic needs. In the entertainment industry, YouTube, Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime Videos, and Vimeo have become some of the main video content platforms.

    In the Education Industry, video content has also become trendy and established its presence worldwide. Because it is providing higher-order learning with remote teaching opportunities and visual stimulation grabs students’ attention.

    Hence, the future of video marketing is bright. If you want to become a popular video content provider, it is right to start creating engaging micro-moments and crafting memorable experiences that inspire action. Also, pay attention to creating engaging short brand videos for showcasing your products and services.

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