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Riding the Waves of Uncertainty

By Uchechi EkePublished about a year ago 3 min read
Photo by Anandu Vinod on Unsplash

Uncertainty rules the land,

Like shifting sands on the wind-swept strand,

It comes and goes, with no warning sound,

Leaving us lost, and seeking solid ground.

Emotions, like weather, can be unpredictable,

One minute you're happy, the next you're miserable,

Trying to make sense of it all, can seem like a daunting task,

As we search for answers to the questions we ask.

But just like the weather, we can't control how we feel,

One day we're basking in the sun, the next we're chilled to the bone and we reel,

In the face of uncertainty, we must remain calm and strong,

Knowing that eventually, the storm will move along.

For every cloud has a silver lining, and every storm will pass,

Leaving us with the knowledge that we've survived, and the world is vast,

Filled with endless possibilities and opportunities to explore,

In the face of uncertainty, we must learn to trust and more.

Trust in ourselves, in our ability to weather the storm,

To face our fears head-on, and emerge with a newfound form,

Of strength and resilience, that will carry us through,

The darkest of days, and the brightest of skies, anew.

So let us embrace the uncertainty, and ride the waves of life,

Knowing that through it all, we'll emerge stronger, and without strife,

For in the end, it's not the destination, but the journey that we take,

And uncertainty is just a reminder, that there's always more to create.

In uncertainty lies the potential for growth,

A chance to discover strengths we didn't know both,

We can learn to adapt and find new ways to cope,

And come out of it all with a renewed sense of hope.

So let us not fear the unknown that lies ahead,

For within it lies opportunities that can't be read,

We may stumble and falter, but we'll rise again,

Stronger and wiser, with a newfound sense of zen.

By Lina Trochez on Unsplash

I understand the uncertainty that you feel,

And the stormy emotions that can be hard to deal,

But let me assure you, my friend, that it's okay,

To feel uncertain and lost, as long as we find our way.

For even in the darkest of times, there is light,

A glimmer of hope that shines so bright,

Reminding us that we're never truly alone,

And that we have the power to make the unknown our own.

So let us remain optimistic, and hold onto faith,

For even in the midst of uncertainty, there is grace,

A sense of peace that comes from knowing we're alive,

And that every moment is a chance to thrive.

Let us look to the horizon, with eyes wide open,

And see the beauty in the world that's all around us,

For even in the midst of chaos, there is order,

A sense of purpose that guides us through the disorder.

So let us keep moving forward, step by step,

With the knowledge that we're never truly inept,

And that we have the strength to overcome any obstacle,

And turn uncertainty into something remarkable.

For in the end, it's not about the storm we weather,

But about the lessons we learn, and the bonds we gather,

And through it all, let us remain optimistic and true,

For the best is yet to come, and it all starts with you.

Let us embrace the uncertainty that lies ahead,

With open hearts and minds, and nothing to dread,

For every step we take is a chance to grow,

And every challenge we face, a chance to show,

That we are strong, and we are capable,

Of overcoming anything, no matter how insurmountable,

So let us remain optimistic, through the highs and lows,

And embrace the journey, wherever it goes.

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    UEWritten by Uchechi Eke

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