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Understanding the Art of Allowing Life to Unfold Naturally

Learn to let go and get more than you could have dreamed of

By Syed BalkhiPublished about a year ago 5 min read
Understanding the Art of Allowing Life to Unfold Naturally
Photo by Kenny Eliason on Unsplash

In life, there needs to be a delicate balance between action and allowing.

It can be easy to get so caught up in pushing towards our goals that we forget the inner wisdom of simply surrendering and letting go. And no wonder; we do live in a world that showcases its best version on social media. While popular culture insists that getting more of everything is the key to happiness.

Understanding how to strike an individualized balance between proactivity and receptivity is necessary more than ever today. You need to create harmony both within and outside of yourself.

In this post, we'll explore how truly understanding our personal power lies within recognizing when it's better to act, rather than causing ourselves further stress by attempting to “force” an outcome or situation into existence. When such outcomes are not needed or perhaps, even, not good for you.

By embodying the art of allowing life to unfold naturally while still having presence in each moment, lets you handle life with poise rather than pessimism. And it can lead to powerful insights, decisions, and changes that improve your life for the better.

Learning to Let Go

When life throws curves and uncertainty takes the wheel, do you take a deep breath and relax?

Or when you have a project due for review, a possible promotion, or expectations from relationships, do you accept the outcomes as they appear?

It's common not to.

But learning to let go of expectations can be one of the most empowering achievements we make in our lives - however impossible it feels.

It means doing our best but letting go of results. That is, you can hope for good things to happen but not obsess about it.

Having the ability to embrace uncertainty without being consumed by it can be incredibly helpful. You'll develop resilience in all aspects of life, from managing a business to making relationships shine.

So take a moment, take a few breaths - and actively choose to open yourself up and navigate any stormy situations that come your way without being unduly upset by them.

Releasing Expectation s and Getting Uncomfortable

Stepping outside our comfort zone can feel overwhelming, but if we're willing to be present with the discomfort, we often find that it leads us to important discoveries and realizations.

For example, let's say a friend asks you to go with them to a new restaurant or go to a concert. And you don't care for either of these experiences. I recommend that you, one, release the expectation that you won't like either of these experiences. And, two, let things happen to you and get uncomfortable by doing things you'd rather not do from time to time.

This could also happen at work with a new supplier seeking you out for a business relationship or your boss asking you to learn something new.

This is life coming to you and drawing you along different paths. Don't hyperfocus on what you think you'll feel (good or bad), and let yourself get into situations that challenge you.

You never know what could happen. You could end up liking the experience, meeting new people, uncovering a new aspect of yourself, or even earning more money (this does happen!) unexpectedly.

The Power of Adaptation and Being Flexible

In the ever-changing world of today, it can be difficult to know how to respond and adjust to all the changes.

The best way to tackle these obstacles is to simply embrace them - instead of stressing over them.

Adapting is an important life skill that allows us to acknowledge our situations and then take steps towards making positive changes for ourselves.

Sometimes that means responding to challenges and sometimes it means going with what you can't change.

Having the flexibility and willingness to shift your mindset paves the way for watching amazing things happen in all aspects of life.

For example, if you're struggling at work, you can choose to work harder and make things better. But sometimes that may not help because you might have hostile management and coworkers. In this case, you might have no choice but to make an exit. But if you choose to adapt and be flexible, you might find new opportunities or even start a new business.

Start by being flexible with your attitude. Be willing to change and you'll practice non-attachment and get the benefits that come with it.

Building Resilience by Personal Reinvention

Regularly reinventing yourself can be the single most powerful step you take to build resilience.

Doing so fortifies and strengthens your best qualities, increases your adaptability, and allows you to bring renewed energy to life's challenges.

It doesn't have to feel overwhelming or require a major overhaul - small mindful steps such as introducing new activities into your routine, changing the way you view failure, and consciously connecting deeper with your relationships can make an enormous difference.

Being willing to change also shows your non-attachment as you embody change and new ideas. Not to mention, you grow in the process.

Appreciating Difficult Moments

We all experience challenging times, but when we take the time to accept the moment for what it is and learn to appreciate it, rather than resist it, we become more open to the opportunities that can be found in even the most difficult moments.

Acceptance as a way of life brings with it a deeper understanding of our own unique journeys.

It helps us rediscover balance, peace, and contentment as we traverse through life's highs and lows.

With this newfound appreciation, everything around us can suddenly become extraordinary; everyday moments seem special and relationships become richer.

When we recognize that difficulty is an inevitable part of life and accept it without judgment or expectation, we are able to approach problems with creative solutions.

Ultimately, acceptance is a powerful tool that provides us with awareness and growth.


We can all work towards simply letting life happen and embracing the uncertainty it brings.

We've explored five different aspects of practicing non-attachment and connecting with your inner self.

While non-attachment can feel difficult at first, don’t forget that challenging moments offer us opportunities to grow.

Living with mindfulness and practicing acceptance are great habits to get into if we want to foster harmony in our lives and gain the perspective necessary to appreciate those seemingly difficult moments.

Practice non-attachment and experience life more fully as you embrace all aspects of it.


About the Creator

Syed Balkhi

Syed Balkhi is the founder of WPBeginner, the largest free WordPress resource site. You can learn more about Syed and his portfolio of companies by following him on his social media networks.

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