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The sun will rise tomorrow

Thank you front-line workers

By Shelby JordanPublished 4 years ago 3 min read
photo by: Shelby Jordan, The sun can't hide forever

This morning I was looking up quotes on Pinterest when my significant other asked me what I was doing. I told him what I was doing and he asked me, “Who’s your hero.” Catching me off guard with a question that I had never really thought about as an adult. I sat for a while and thought about what makes someone a hero in your own, personal life. In my head a hero is someone who walks in when everyone else walks out. People who have the courage to push when everyone one else is pulling; fearless everyday people who want not only success for themselves, but for others as well. Unique individuals who know that our world depends on happiness that circulates through. In this time I would have to say that all those large-hearted individuals who are risking their lives during this unforeseen pandemic; they may just be the heroes I described above. Each and every one of them, they play an essential role in our everyday lives. Recognize it or not, half the things we do in our lives, we rely on these kind strangers.

I always tell my daughter that she should always do the right thing, even when no one is around. I explained to her that people who do so, well those are genuinely good people. One, I tell her this in hopes that she applies it to her own life and wants to be that way. Two, I just want her to know the difference in people; when to let go and when to hold on. Most of these people on the front-lines of this pandemic probably don’t realize that they are heroes. If you ask me, in my theory of heroism they would fall under that category. Someone who walks right back into that grocery store, convenient store, etc. as everyone else is headed back to their safe homes to quarantine. What a brave thing to do if you really think about it; talk about running into a burning house.

So here’s to you, you front-line cashier, attendant, nurse, or whoever you may be. I wanted to extend the thank you, thank you for being the genuine person you may or may not have known was in that body of yours, Thank you for honoring your job and facing this pandemic head on so that the rest of us could stay home. Thank you for risking your well-being and pushing past the unknown fears that straddle this pandemic. Thank you for wearing that uniform proudly and greeting every customer with a wide smile behind your face mask, even if we can’t actually tell whether or not you are actually smiling; I appreciate that the most. Most of all, thank you for your service, for serving your community with respect and dignity; being all you can be and then some. You are the heroes of 2019-2020. For those remarkable individuals who lost this battle with Covid-19; rest easy.

“When you walk to the edge of all the light you have and take that first step into the darkness of the unknown, you must believe that one of the two things will happen. There will be something solid for you to stand upon or you will be taught how to fly.”(Patrick Overton, “Faith” line 1,1998) Walk with your head proud and your mind in the clouds; this will pass. Nothing in life is permanent, this isn’t sinking sand. We will rise together and overcome this obstacle; just as history shows before us. Together we will overcome and together we will prosper, don’t lose sight of what is to come, don’t lose that beautiful sunrise that tomorrow holds. Thank you.


About the Creator

Shelby Jordan

Not everything will always go your way. that is life. Everyone has their own story and their own two feet to stand on. Life comes at yea fast, make it worth remembering. Make yourself worth remembering. Nothing too small or too big for you!

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