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The Real Sauce

Best Digital Marketing Advice I Ever Heard

By Kier Anthony Dela RosaPublished 12 days ago 3 min read

Being in the digital marketing world for years, I have discovered a lot of things. We live in an environment that is complex and saturated with promotional content wherever you go. Whether you're on social media platforms, restaurants you eat, bus stops, or simply everything around you is composed of marketing.

The discovery that shifted my perspective on marketing's operation in the world is this: Marketing is about values. The goal is to inspire people, convey your purpose, foster a sense of belongingness and build a community around it.

What and Why of Marketing

While every individual and organization is adept at understanding their actions, few delve into the fundamental question of why they do what they do. And by "why" it does not mean to "make a profit or gain revenue" because that's a result and it always will be. When I refer to "why," I'm addressing the core aspects: your purpose, beliefs, and impact. What drives your organization's existence, and why should it matter to others?

How does Digital Marketing Influence Consumer Behaviour?

The most influential organizations, companies, and even our inspired leaders, regardless of their size and industry, all share a common approach. We believe in them and buy what they give us because they all think, act, and communicate from the inside out. By communicating from the inside out, it engages directly with the brain's behavioral control center, enabling individuals to rationalize messages through tangible actions and words. This connection is the origin of gut decisions. Conversely, communicating from the outside in provides an understanding of intricate details such as features and benefits. However, it lacks the emotional resonance necessary to drive behavior.

Take Apple, for instance. The reason that they are at the top of the food chain is because they have built a community around us, and everybody understands it. The way they have defined their purpose of enriching the lives of people, missing out on the latest Apple release isn't just about missing a gadget; it's about feeling detached from a community bonded by shared values.

Imagine if Apple took the conventional marketing route like everyone else. Their approach might sound something like this: “We make the best products. They're beautifully designed, simple to use, and user-friendly. Want to buy one?” Sadly, this is how most of us communicate - relying on familiar scripts, highlighting our strengths, and expecting a desired response. But let's be honest, it's not particularly inspiring.

On the contrary, Apple's communication strategy goes like this: "At the heart of everything we do lies a commitment to challenging conventions. We embrace a different way of thinking. Our products enhance people's daily lives through exquisite design, simplicity, and user-friendliness. Making exceptional products just happens to be our forte. Care to join us?" Notice the stark contrast? Simply by articulating their purpose, they've managed to captivate your interest.

Digital Marketing Game-Changing Realization

What game-changing realization is that people don't buy what you do; people buy why you do it. Look at Apple - they're no different structurally from Google, Samsung, Huawei, or Xiaomi. Yet, what sets them apart is their purpose. Rather than focusing on differentiation, what actually matters is defining your purpose and being better than the rest of your competitors.

Marketing Ultimate Goal

The ultimate goal isn't to serve every person in need of your product or service. The goal is to build relationships with those who share your beliefs and values.


About the Creator

Kier Anthony Dela Rosa

Take more risks when you are younger and less risks as you get older.

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