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The effects of video game addiction on academic performance among high school students

Video Game Addiction: Effects

By RS Creation Published about a year ago 3 min read
Playing video games at home


Video games have become a popular form of entertainment and leisure activity, especially among the youth. However, as with any form of leisure activity, video games can become addictive, leading to negative effects on the academic performance of high school students. This article will explore the effects of video game addiction on academic performance among high school students.

Definition of Video Game Addiction:

online games addiction

Video game addiction is a behavioral addiction characterized by excessive and compulsive use of video games, to the point that it interferes with daily life activities such as academic performance, social relationships, and other important obligations. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), gaming disorder is classified as a mental health condition in the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11).

Effects of Video Game Addiction on Academic Performance:

1. Decreased academic performance:

Video game addiction can lead to a decrease in academic performance among high school students. Students addicted to video games often spend long hours playing games, leading to neglect of their academic responsibilities. This can result in poor academic performance, including low grades, missed assignments, and poor test scores.

2. Lack of focus:

Video game addiction can also lead to a lack of focus among high school students. Students who spend long hours playing video games often have difficulty concentrating on academic tasks, resulting in poor academic performance.

3. Poor time management:

Video game addiction can also lead to poor time management among high school students. Students who are addicted to video games often prioritize gaming over academic responsibilities, leading to poor time management and a lack of discipline.

4. Negative impact on mental health:

Video game addiction can also hurt the mental health of high school students. Students who are addicted to video games often experience anxiety, depression, and stress, which can affect their academic performance.

5. Poor social skills:

Video game addiction can also lead to poor social skills among high school students. Students who spend long hours playing video games often isolate themselves from their peers, leading to a lack of social interaction and poor communication skills.

Prevention and Intervention

Prevention and intervention strategies can be implemented to address video game addiction among high school students. These include:

• Education:

Educating high school students on the risks and adverse effects of video game addiction can help prevent addiction and encourage responsible gaming.

• Parental involvement:

Parental involvement is also important in preventing and addressing video game addiction. Parents can monitor their children's gaming habits and set limits on gaming time.

• Counseling:

Counseling can also be an effective intervention strategy for addressing video game addiction among high school students. Counseling can help students develop coping skills and address underlying issues that may contribute to addiction.

• Gaming regulation:

Regulating the availability and access to video games can also be effective in preventing addiction. This includes limiting gaming time in schools and at home, as well as implementing age restrictions on certain types of games.

A negative impact on student performance due to gaming

It has been discovered through research that some pupils' academic performance is being negatively impacted by video games.

There is an abundance of video games. There are certain youngsters who have developed addictions, according to studies, who are as young as six.

Correctly worried are parents and teachers. Even young children now struggle with social anxiety and mental health issues, which are thought to be exacerbated by video game addiction.

Depression, self-esteem, and how much time a person spends playing video games all seem to be related. Only 6% of video game addicts are female, according to studies, with 94% of them being men.

Several polled males reported reduced self-esteem and being dissatisfied with their social lives.

These two characteristics logically could have an impact on a student's academic achievement. The participants of a study with 3,034 individuals were in the United States.

Nine percent of the teens surveyed displayed addiction-related symptoms. At least 50 hours of video games were played by 4% of people weekly. The study subjects played for about 20 hours each week on average.

Video game addiction was common among students, and these students frequently performed worse in school than their friends who were not affected.


Video game addiction can hurt the academic performance of high school students. It is important for parents, educators, and mental health professionals to recognize the signs of video game addiction and implement prevention and intervention strategies to address the issue. By educating students on the risks and adverse effects of video game addiction, setting limits on gaming time, and providing counseling and support, we can help high school students develop responsible gaming habits and succeed academically

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About the Creator

RS Creation

Search makes a person perfect, and in today's modern technology world, new information is learned through search.

He is created as a man. I am happy to share with you the many information that I have read and learned through my search.

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