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The Daydreamer's Thoughts

"Pilot" Writing

By Sydney OrganaPublished 7 years ago 3 min read

Employee Thoughts

Well, welcome to my mind. I work in a job where I have one job and one job only: to sell things, cars actually. So when no one is here and you've made the phone calls you need to make in a day, there's really not too much else you can get up to. So of course, like a small child, I sit here and imagine all of the things I could do if I had super powers, was rich, or just had a day off. I think about all the things I have to do this week (because if having a full time job isn't enough, I'm also a student athlete at my local university) and about how people should be able to order chicken nugget bouquets instead of flowers... Because let's be realistic, they're way more useful. I think about the possibilities that I'll have once I've graduated and get to work "for real" in a job that I love. And on those really rough days, I think about a rich, handsome, hilarious man that would come and steal me away and I'd never have to work again... Then I realize I'm not nearly attractive enough for that and continue making phone calls to disgruntled people who just want us to sell them things basically for free. It's really not a tough job, and I get paid quite well for the amount of effort I put forth on a regular basis, but that doesn't mean I can't dream, right?

So you're at work, thinking to yourself, I wonder if being able to teleport would be as awesome as I think it is? Would I be able to take people with me? Just teleport out of work and off to some sunny destination for the afternoon? I know I think about it on an almost daily basis. What I think would be the coolest super power (teleportation would either be included in this power or a close second) would be the ability to pause time. I'd love to be able to pause time and be the only one who could move and look at things in my own time. Pause time and have a nap at work? Pause time and take your own vacation somewhere? Pause time and procrastinate the assignments I have to do for a week until I actually get bored and do them? If you hold someone's hand they get to come with you? I'm pretty sure this might have been a movie I watched once, but it was honestly such an amazing idea to me. I mean, if I was rich I could make my own "super powers." *cough* Batman *cough*

If I was rich you can bet your ass I'd be done with my degree already, since I wouldn't have to worry about bills needing to be paid on time, or debt collecting interest. I always sit here and think if I was rich, and had my degree(s), would I still work? Or would I just say I had them and use them if something ever happened that I wasn't rich anymore? I believe that I'd probably still work, but I'd work out of my own practice so that if I ever wanted to take off for two weeks, I could, and no one would ever be mad. I'm not really sure that people with money (and I mean a lot of money, not just "well off") see how well they have it. They can go places without thinking about having enough money for bills, they can buy themselves and others things that they really want, they can even just not work and go to school and focus on that without the looming thought of debt and bills hanging over them while trying to write a paper. I'm just saying, if a guy and I hit it off and he said, "Hey, you're awesome, by the way I'm rich and I want to help you through school," I'd be in a fantasy world... But boy would I want to stay there.

So for now I'll sit here, listening to the radio play the same songs over and over again, dreaming up super powers, and waiting for some sort of celebrity to come and find me... Happy work days everyone!



About the Creator

Sydney Organa

Just an employee with too much time on her hands... Spilling thoughts that I'm sure are more common than you think.

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