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The Bus Stop

At the bus stop, I discovered not only a group of working women discussing their job-related issues but a also location where they could vent.

By Dana EspositoPublished 9 months ago Updated 9 months ago 3 min read
The Bus Stop
Photo by Sandy Ravaloniaina on Unsplash

As the clock struck the end of the workday, I found myself making my way toward the bus stop, eager to catch the 5:30 p.m. bus that would take me home. Joining me at the bus stop were other women from the neighboring government agencies, all of us seeking solace after a long day at our respective workplaces.

Closing my office took a good thirty minutes, as I packed up my personal belongings, organized my emails, and tidied up my desk. With a quick farewell to my boss, I swiftly made my way out of the office, navigating through the maze of corridors and finally stepping out of the heavy brass door of the building.

As I crossed the street towards the bus stop, I noticed women converging from all directions, each with their own stories and frustrations from the day.

Once at the bus stop, the pleasantries were exchanged before the floodgates of venting opened.

Sandy grieved about a colleague who had introduced a new employee to everyone in the office except her. She couldn’t help but feel invisible, especially since she was dressed head-to-toe in blue. She could fathom how someone could miss her with such a vibrant outfit. “People can be so mean and thoughtless,” she sighed.

Nancy grumbled about being on restricted sick leave, as her boss believed she was taking advantage of her leave privileges.

Mary Ann was annoyed by the last-minute request from two desk officers in her office, who needed travel authorization orders and foreign embassy passport visas for their upcoming overseas trip. With only a week left, it seemed impossible to navigate through all the necessary approvals and obtain the visa in time.

Leslie felt betrayed by a co-worker who had purposely left her off a memorandum that required her input. Frustrated, she had brought the issue to her director’s attention.

Andrea worried that the computer software she had set up for a high-level principal might need some modifications.

Janice whimpered about the overwhelming workload and revealed that she had already completed the paperwork to retire.

Delia was upset after a heated argument with her supervisor, resulting in her boss telling her never to return to the office and threatening to stop her retirement annuity. Despite the turmoil, Delia continued working at the executive office until her retirement.

Carla shared the news that her office director had been demoted due to his failure to follow through on an important project.

Catherine discovered that her colleagues had secretly established a system allowing desk officers to access their cleared papers without her knowledge. The betrayal and hurt she experiences are overwhelming, leading her to make the difficult decision to file for retirement.

David, a male secretary, shares his experience of frequently encountering derogatory remarks about his profession. The outdated stereotype that secretarial work is exclusively for women has subjected him to unfair judgment and prejudice.

Diane recounted an incident where her boss instructed her to address the clutter and untidiness in her office, which had unfortunately led to an unpleasant odor and the presence of rat droppings. She discovered the existence of a deceased mouse in her office, adding to the already distressing situation caused by the filth and smell.

As we boarded the bus, our lovable friend Marcello, also known as Marco, shouted for us to hold the bus. He complained that his boss had forbidden him from wearing women’s press-on fingernails to the office. In response, Marco had filed a complaint with the Department’s newly established LGBTQ Legal Rights office.

A little bit of work-related gossip at the Bus Stop always seemed to lighten our spirits. And with that, our journey home began.


(Copyright Dana Esposito. All rights reserved.)


About the Creator

Dana Esposito

Dana's professional journey weaves together a captivating tapestry of real-life narratives, encompassing her dynamic workplace, adventurous travels abroad, transformative young adult years, and a collection of imaginative tales.

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