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The Beginning of a New Era!

Why I choose the path of acting!

By Wasif ChowdhuryPublished 5 years ago 3 min read

It's been a while since I wrote something on here as I was kind of busy and I most likely won't be writing as much, but I will try to. I want to write differently from reviewing TV shows and movies. I want to discuss why I am aspiring to be an actor, so...

Why did I want to become an actor?

I always wanted to get into acting, but I never got around to do it because my parents are from an Asian heritage and they wanted me to pursue a different career path, so that's what I did. What attracted my attention was Computer Science at first because I use to play a lot of games when I was young. So I went to University pursuing this for a couple of years then I gave up with it because I did not enjoy my time at University.

I met a few friends and stuff, but I wasn’t really into it as much. So stupidly enough I dropped out in my final to pursue my life long dream of acting. As I said, I always wanted to be an actor, and I should have continued a long time ago. I don’t blame my parents for it as they wanted me to be happy, but it felt like they were forcing jobs that didn't suit me at all. I feel like being part of Asian heritage is tough for most people like me, maybe that's why there aren't many Bengali actors around.

I wasn’t kind of shy and not that confident at school, so that didn’t help but once I started my first retail job in Superdrugs that helped me gain a lot of confidence because I was able to interact with customers and staff. The main thing I loved about the situation was the staff because they were lovely and it felt like a family. I did consider staying there for a while, which I did, three years to be exact. Yes, that's a long time, but I knew I couldn’t stay there much longer as I did want to pursue my future aspirations.

The only thing that's holding me back was the money and also my age, but now that's not a problem because I researched that there were actors that starting acting at a late age and I do consider myself quite young.

I am currently on holiday, but once I come back to the UK. I am going to do more training in acting like mainly introductory level in screen acting, method acting, and also other skill sets that will help stand out from the crowd; like Archery, Martial Arts, Stunts, Dancing and many more.

Welcome to a world where social media is our biggest asset so that I will use that to my advantage. Finding connections across the globe.

My dream movies franchise or TV shows I would love to be in are: Marvel movies; this is probably most actor's dream of being part of. I simple adore Marvel and it is probably going to be one of the most long lasting franchise that I would love to be part! It would be very cool to have a Bengali superhero or villain haha. I also wouldn't mind being part of DC Universe either because I loved watching Arrow Flash and Gotham. I started watching Titans too which is very interesting! Speaking about TV shows I will be making a suggestion of TV shows to watch because I literally rinsed out Netlfix, Amazon Prime, and Now TV so I am up to date on all TV shows I would love to share my experiences with you lot.

I also would love to be part of CW network shows, but in particular, I would love to be in Legacies; I love the whole vampire franchise of The Vampire Diaries and The Originals. The cast of Legacies seem like a great family that I would love to be part of, and it will be a dream. I doubt this, but if Julie Plec were to read this I would be ecstatic, but doubt it as we do live in a small world, it's not that small.

On that note, I do hope you enjoyed reading this as I was quite bored on my flight, so I was like let me write something on vocal! I will probably be writing again sometime in a few weeks!


About the Creator

Wasif Chowdhury


I will be posting reviews on movies. games and tv shows. I hope you enjoy my content because I will taking my time making these reviews!

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