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"Teenage me"

By: J.A.F_Jess A. Fox

By Jessica A. FoxPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
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-Alcoholism thinking of all the dependent steps; am I an alcoholic is a question to test.

- Thinking back to teenage me, I am far from one, now anyway, I see; But let's lay it out because it might be your reality.

-See, I wanted to stop, did it cold turkey too, so no further steps, my actions almost through.

-Okay, I got the maintenance, but back to you, do you see a problem in what you do?

-Do you depend on that drink? Are you coping to no longer sink?

-Without that drink, can you manage the stress of every week?

-Now, wonder, can we turn up at a party? The answer is social drinking, simply occasional, yes, but what about when there's no party is the question to test.

-See, I'm a smoker, dependency is high; the first step to wanting change is realizing why?

-I say, so can you realize or don't feel there's a problem; step one on the cycle for help, one's denials a problem.

-So, can someone come? Come to make you see; no one can help until you realize your problems, G.

-G in if you realize the need for step two, it can happen; pull a chair so I can tell you how it happens.

-Now you're stepping away from pre-contemplation; No, wait, we need to explore it more. Until the need for change, if realized more, no time to educate the importance of change no anymore.

-They can give you all the info, but it's time for you to decide; realize the problem and question what you want in your life.

-In your life, do you want it? Good, you just took another step, Contemplation, Contemplation at its best.

-Now, is it physical or psychological dependence? It's time to identify; Source one defines it better than I. "Physical dependence: …Body becomes so accustomed… it can only function if the substance is present… Psychological dependence is central to a person's thoughts, emotions, and activities that it becomes challenging to stop… (section 2, p1)."

-Difficultly to stop is the smoking for me; then to is to identify, Abuse and dependency? Back out of my standard A B. "Abuse: person continues to use, despite consequences. Dependence: person also dealing with tolerance and withdrawal (section 2, p2)."

-So, are you ready to 1) identify your problems, 2) your dependence, and 3) It's level? Pros and Cons now, can you accept the thoughts of change? Is the new struggle?

-So, for me, I need to quit; I did it once 4 to 5 years too, but then one day, I said I needed it to make it through.

-Here I am far ahead; we call that a relapse, but prepared, I filled in the gaps.

-What leads me to the cigarette and what can take me away; this step is Preparation; are you ready today?

-Yes, so, now you found the cause and a re-direct, about to drop the sources, source: "-Alcoholics Anonymous-' as a source AA, say you're ready for it, no remorse.

-But there's so much more available, especially for the young I say: Like the 'Kids help phone 1-800-668-6868 (Section 2, p17)" call in, they pick up 24 hours a day.

-So, now you say your ready preparations a go. I got it all ready, now to apply it too.

-You find yourself in action, doing all you can do; salute to the dedication within you.

-Now, here we are, no more usage, it happened; Time to question yourself on whether maintenance can happen.

-There are so many things that can make you fall back; I'll let the first source report that: "Abuse or Dependence has no single cause… 1) Genetic predisposition: Children of alcohol-dependent parents… 2) Psychological stress: Used to help cope… 3) Physical illness: Physical health problems or disabilities [lead to the usage but they] are unable to stop using, even after it is no longer needed… 4) Social Factors: …Model its use… 5) Alcohol sensitivity: [Individuals less physiologically] sensitive to the effects of alcohol… [therefore] drink heavily and develop an alcohol disorder, and 6) Mental Health Problems: …Likely to develop a substance problem if they have [disorders] such as Anxiety (Section 2, p11)."

-SO TO YOUNGER ME, Never let relapse intervene.

Source: "Mental health first aid Canada for adults interacting with youth" Mental Health Commission of Canada, 2010. Pgs, (Section2:p1, p2,p11,p17)

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Jessica A. Fox

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