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QADR which means "power" or "decree" and its also known as Surah Laylatul Qadr

By solandoPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Surah Qadr, also known as Surah Al-Qadr or Surah Laylatul Qadr, is the 97th chapter of the Quran-e-pak. It is a short surah consisting of only 5 verses but holds immense significance in Islamic faith. In this article, we will explore the meaning, virtues, and lessons from Surah Qadr.

Meaning and Context

Surah Qadr is named after the Arabic word "Qadr" which means "power" or "decree". The surah emphasizes the importance and value of the night of Qadr, which is considered one of the most significant nights in the Islamic faith. The night of Qadr is also known as Laylatul Qadr, which means "the night of power" or "the night of decree".

The surah was revealed in the early days of Islam in the holy city of Mecca. It is believed that it was revealed during the last ten nights of Ramadan, particularly on the night of Qadr itself. This is why Muslims recite Surah Qadr during the last ten nights of Ramadan in order to seek blessings and forgiveness from Allah.

Virtues of Surah Qadr

Surah Qadr holds great virtues and blessings for Muslims who recite it with sincerity and faith. Some of the major virtues of Surah Qadr are:

1.Reward of worshipping for a thousand months: The surah states that the night of Qadr is better than a thousand months. This means that worshipping Allah on this night is equivalent to worshipping Him for over 83 years. Therefore, the reward for praying on this night is multiplied and considered to be one of the greatest acts of worship in Islam.

2.Forgiveness of sins: The night of Qadr is a night of forgiveness and mercy. By reciting Surah Qadr, Muslims can seek forgiveness for their sins and attain Allah's mercy.

3.Increase in blessings and sustenance: The surah also mentions that the night of Qadr is a night of blessings and sustenance. Muslims who pray on this night can expect an increase in their blessings and sustenance from Allah.

4.Elevated spiritual status: The act of worship on the night of Qadr elevates the spiritual status of the believer. It is believed that the angels descend upon the earth on this night and pray for the believers. By participating in this prayer, Muslims can increase their closeness to Allah and attain a higher spiritual status.

Lessons from Surah Qadr

Surah Qadr teaches Muslims many valuable lessons that can guide them in their daily lives. Some of these lessons are:

1.The importance of seeking knowledge: The first verse of Surah Qadr emphasizes the importance of seeking knowledge. It states that the Quran-e-pak was revealed on the night of Qadr, indicating that seeking knowledge and understanding of the Quran-e-pak is one of the most important acts of worship.

2.The significance of sincerity: The act of worship on the night of Qadr holds immense value only if it is performed with sincerity and faith. Muslims should strive to perform all their acts of worship with sincerity in order to attain Allah's pleasure.

3.The power of Allah's decree: The surah emphasizes that Allah's decree is powerful and cannot be changed. This teaches Muslims to trust in Allah's plan and accept His decree in their lives.

4.The importance of gratitude: The night of Qadr is a night of blessings and sustenance. Muslims should be grateful for Allah's blessings and strive to show gratitude in their daily lives.


Surah Qadr is a short but significant chapter of the Quran-e-pak that holds great virtues and lessons for Muslims. It teaches the importance of seeking knowledge, sincerity, trust in Allah's plan, and gratitude. By reciting this surah during


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  • fun Zoneabout a year ago

    Wow I love it

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