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Sunset Glow

Anatomy of An Indian Summer

By Cezarina TronePublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 4 min read
Sunset Glow
Photo by Jordan Wozniak on Unsplash

I met the twenty-five women who arrived at our Lotus Heart retreat centre on Friday. I knew they came to practice yoga therapy throughout the entire weekend. What I did not know was that their whole weekend would be spent in silence; only their female mentor would speak to guide the varied hatha yoga, breathing and meditation practices. My heart was filled with joy in anticipation of this unfolding for their soul’s deepening connection with self and nature here in the countryside Ontario. At the end of the day yesterday, I wished them all good night, knowing they will appreciate the quiet starry nights here.

Early this my dream recall, I was aware that I was speaking with my aging Romanian mother back in Caprioru village, informing her about her soul’s eternal nature; I would repeat over and over the word “nemuritoare” which means “immortal” to make sure she heard it and that she also absorbed all of its subtle layers within her own Being. She seemed to understand. Good. Then my eyes were gently opening back here!

Here and now… I woke up this morning in my bed at the Lotus Heart Centre with the bird songs calling me outside... as always. And my bare feet were eager to feel the cool dew drops caress them in the grassy meadow near the wooden decks.

Morning dew footbaths are so revitalizing! Try them sometimes.

By Nick Page on Unsplash

Not too much longer after my grounding ritual was complete, liquid sunshine started to pour in through the tree branches. I saw a few of the women walking slowly and quietly towards the willow trees. Each of them was walking with such grace. I stared and smiled as I could tell they were truly sincere in their loving encounter with Mother Gaia.

Then I stepped indoors and started my tasks for the day, but the sunshine kept calling me back outside. Late morning, I came out again and I was able to witness several women lying on the earth in such a blissful state that; shoes were left here and there, almost forgotten and my eyes followed the natural curves of the open meadow that led to the fourteen willow trees. I could not help but smile when I caught a glimpse of one lady doing a cartwheel. Another woman was quietly walking in a straight line greeting each willow like a dear friend.

And this is what the New Earth looks like!

Isn’t it glorious? I heard an inner whisper.

I brought my journal out and started to take dictation again. Mother Gaia never ceases to amaze me for these past two years since she has made it clear to me that I needed to put into writing any detail of a new aspect and pattern of life that she displays for me. O ne day you will enjoy some more of these writings, but for now... I will continue this special story.

During this silent retreat, I receive written notes from the women and their teacher instead of verbal questions. I was delighted to open a new note under my door by late afternoon:

Namaste, Cezarina. Where can we see the sunset on the property tonight? We would love to practice a sunset meditation together. Also, we ask if you would sing a healing song for us. Thank you.

I committed to meet at 7 pm and walk the group of women up the hill on the property here and through the meandering paths and reach the clearing where the old oak tree witnesses each glorious sunset. Their teacher brought a meditation bell and she gently reminded everyone to use an earth mantra as they walk up. She began to walk and speak the words.

I have arrived.

I am here.

I am home in my body.

A great silence descended upon all of us as we walked in stillness. I could feel the energy of this long procession of twenty-five bodies like a gentle wave lifting itself through my own body and making my climb up the hill easier. The afternoon songs of crickets tickled our ears, the lively color scheme of wildflowers (especially the goldenrod and the purple aster) delighted our eyes, and we finally approached the big golden sky near the oak tree.

Crickets began to sing louder.

The meditation bell rang…and everyone was guided to gaze at the bright canvas on the sky for a moment then breathe in the sunset light directly through their spine and into their feet, then breathe it out and let it settle in the entire body. A wave of bliss suddenly filled me. I was in a state of timelessness again and I am not sure how long I remained there; then I felt a soft touch on my shoulder. A signal to sing when ready.

The sounds from within me came on their own as they always do. I close my eyes and I am in awe of each new different song emerging in each moment. The soundwaves were undulating through my throat, swirling threads of light arriving through the ethers at the end of this day. It seemed as if the cricket songs were weaving themselves into my own sound offering.

And for a moment…for just a wink of a moment… the many bodies of women, the trees, the earth, the sun and the sky had merged in their own gratitude for such an existence as This!

Enjoy a sound walk with the willows at the Lotus Heart Centre by clicking here. Namaste, Cezarina


About the Creator

Cezarina Trone

Writing a new world into existence, bringing magic, ease & wholeness to others 'making them light up from the inside'. Apart from writing, I dedicate all my time facilitating sound therapy and quantum energy sessions:

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