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Stop Making Excuses and Start Writing

How to Get into the Flow of Writing

By Rebecca Field: The Write SpacePublished 3 years ago 4 min read
Stop Making Excuses and Start Writing
Photo by Luke Southern on Unsplash

There can be a lot of excuses that writers use to delay their writing. And it can sometimes be the main thing that prevents them from doing so. When you keep making excuses to not write, you can develop this mindset that even though you want to write you just can't do it.

This is a habit that many people have a hard time breaking when trying to write. But if you can break through your own barrier that is preventing you from doing just that, you will find that those excuses were really just holding you back from your love and desire to write. Here are some excuses that are common with writers, and some advice on how to get past them.

1. There is no quiet place to write - While this might be true, you can certainly make or find a quiet place so that you can write. You can remove yourself from the room you are in and go into a room that is quiet. You could even leave the house and go somewhere, such as a library, that would be quiet. And there is always the option of using headphones. There are sounds and music that you can listen to that will not only block out the noise around you, but also help you to concentrate.

2. I don't want to be judged - Sometimes having your writing judged can be quite scary, but the only way that your writing is going to get better is to have someone critique it. Constructive feedback can actually help you discover things that you missed yourself and can help you become a better writer. You may not agree with everything that someone has to say about your writing, but it will most likely be helpful to create something that you will be proud of.

3. I'm too busy to write - There is always something that needs to be done, but there are things that could be put off until later to make time for writing. If there is a load of laundry that needs to be folded or the house needs to be vacuumed, just tell yourself that you can do those things later and use that time to write. You could also take the time you would use to do things you enjoy doing, such as watching TV, and use it for writing as well.

4. I have writer's block - This will always be a factor for writers because it seems to plague them at the most inconvenient times. But the best way yo overcome this is to persevere and move past it the best way you know how. If you need a break to get back to writing, then do so. But don't put off writing indefinitely.

5. I don't know where to start - While it is important to know where to start in your writing, it is not the most important thing. Even if you start writing your story and it happens to be the middle of it and you have to go back and write your beginning and end after, at least you started somewhere. Sometimes the best thing to do is just start writing whatever comes to mind and then go back and fix it later.

6. What if I'm not taken seriously - Wanting to be taken seriously as a writer is a big deal. Especially if it something that you are truly passionate about doing. Telling your friends and family that you want to pursue a career in writing can be an amazing feeling - as ling as you get the support you are hoping for. While there might be those that are not supportive of your writing, there will definitely be those that do. And that makes writing worth it.

7. I don't know what to write about - Knowing what you want to write about helps to shape and create your story. But even not knowing is okay, too. Jotting down some ideas can help get the creative train going, and before you know it you have a story that you are itching to write. All it takes is a little dedication and some imagination to come up with what you want to create.

8. I have no talent - Not everyone who writes is destined to be a New York Times best selling author or write articles for the New York Times. But if you have asked someone to read something that you have written and they tell you that it is good and that you are a talented writer, believe them. You are your own worst critic of your writing and should always take to heart what others think of your writing over your own doubts.

9. It might be too difficult - This is true, but only to a certain extent. This all depends on your drive and determination to truly write. Because yes, it will be difficult. But if you are passionate about writing and you believe that this is what you are meant to do, then getting over the humps that arise will be something that you will make happen. No matter how difficult it may seem.

10. Fear of failure - Nobody wants to fail, and as a writer your goal is to be published and be successful in what you do. Fear of failing is very real, but the truth is you will get no's, probably a lot of them, before you get a yes. But as long as you continue to push forward and keep envisioning the day that you get your yes, then it will happen. You need to believe that it is possible and as long as you don't give up, you will not fail.

Eliminating excuses can be difficult, and a lot of writers face them daily. But as long as you have determination to make it happen, then the excuses will no longer hold you back. It can be challenging to write, but at the same time it can be extremely rewarding. All you need to do is believe in yourself and the rest will begin to fall into place.


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Rebecca Field: The Write Space

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    Rebecca Field: The Write SpaceWritten by Rebecca Field: The Write Space

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