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Some Simple and 100% Workable Tips to Boost Earnings on Medium

Must read if you really want to earn good money on Medium

By makelivingonlinePublished about a year ago 3 min read
Some Simple and 100% Workable Tips to Boost Earnings on Medium
Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

The first reason for your existence on Medium is "earning." I think if Medium stops paying writers, 90% of writers will leave the platform. That's fine to set your goal to earn money on Medium and it's totally fair to wish to get paid for your writing. If you are providing helpful content, you are putting effort to create good content, you are struggling to entertain others through your writing, and you are making an effort to provide quality reads to your readers – then! It's totally fair to wish to be get paid for your writing stuff and you deserve it.

So here, I am going to share some simple ways to boost your earnings on Medium

#1. Optimize your heading

Optimizing a heading means writing a very clear, to-the-point, and simple-to-read heading. Also, optimize by a Search Engine Optimisation point of view so that your article's chances increase to be get ranked on the internet. You can use certain heading optimizing tools to know the quality of your heading. The well-optimized heading is one that contains some features like: proper tagging (H1 to H6), is to the point, easy to understand (meaning even a 10th-grade student easily reads it).

#2. Write relevant content

Don't only focus on the heading. Be loyal to your readers. I saw some writers on Medium choose clickbait headings. When I open their article, now relevant content inside. They start telling here and there stories. Soon, I lost interest. So, don't make it a purpose to get clicks by readers. It will not serve well. Because you do not earn by clicks. As you know you get paid by member reading time. So, it is also important to engage the readers till the end. If you choose a clickbait heading, make sure your content is engaging and relevant same as your heading.

#3. Write in a simple way

Whether you are a native writer or not, make sure to write in a simple and easy-to-understand way. Because Medium's content is consumed by the entire world. People belong to different languages. Not all are native English speakers. So, to keep them engaged and increase your reading time, write in an easy peasy, and comprehensive style.

#4. Attach relevant post link

At the end of every post, attach the link to other relevant articles. Someone can be interested in your articles but they might not find those articles directly before. So they will be referred to another article through your current article.

#5. Share email subscriber

While posting a story click on it "send an email to the subscriber." The option is available by default. Sometimes, followers don't know when you post a new article. But they will be notified and will get back to your post when they will get an email notification of your new post. Make sure you mark the green tick on the option.

#6. Share your referral link

Share your referral link at the end of your story. Always post it in your bio as well. Because sometimes, readers like your stuff, and they really want to appreciate it. So, if you will share your referral link with a kind note at the end of your story, it will make access easy and readers might bother to join with your referral link.

#7. Must activate tips

Medium gives you a lot of opportunities to boost your earnings. The tip is one of the best features that Medium launched some time ago. The tips option is not activated by default like vocal media. You have to manually activate it. Go to settings>activate tipping by adding your payment method link there. It will also boost your earnings on Medium.

Final thought.

Medium gives you so many options to enhance your earnings. When Medium launched the referral link option – everyone was talking like it will not work. But I think the Medium audience (readers and writers) is very sensible, friendly, and supportive. I saw how people support each other from getting the first 100 followers to monetizing content. I read an article once, a person got 164 referrals. It really makes me feel that yes, people support their favorite writers on Medium. Medium is a greater source of income, only you need to know how to use it.

how to

About the Creator


A passionate writer, freelancer, blogger, explorer, and learner. If you want to learn to survive in the online world—join me hear.

❦Freelancing ❦Blogging ❦EarningMoneyOnline ❦Writing


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