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Solo Moms Struggling to Make Ends Meet? Here's How To Make An Extra $100 Per Week While Keeping Your Sanity

This article shows you how you can make an extra $100 per week as a solo mom :)

By Courtanae HeslopPublished 2 years ago 6 min read

If you're a mom with kids, there's no doubt that your schedule is packed to the gills. You have to find time for school runs and doctor appointments, grocery shopping and meal prep - and all while keeping your house in order! When you're stretched so thin, it can be tempting to just throw money at the problem. But what if there were a way to make some extra cash without having to sacrifice precious hours with your family? Well, I'm here today with a solution: taking on some short-term gigs that won't take up too much time or effort but will definitely earn you some extra moolah. I know what you're thinking: but I'm already doing all these things! Don't worry; we'll get into each task in greater detail below.


Chores are a great way to make some extra cash. If you're already doing chores around the house and want to earn a little bit of money while saving time, look into cleaning houses or doing yard work/yard clean-up.

Chores like this can be done part-time (or even full-time) so that you can still spend time with your kids and get the housework done.

If you have some extra time on your hands and don't mind spending it outside in all weather conditions, consider getting into snow removal.

You can also pick up clients for weekly lawn mowing by advertising yourself online or in person.


Washing clothes is a part of life that's necessary if you want to wear clothes. You can't go around naked all the time, and even if you could, then what would happen when someone asks you to get a cup of coffee? Or invites over for dinner? Or wants to go out on a date with you? You'd be forced into wearing something from your closet - and there isn't an infinite number of options available in there, especially if it's been raining for weeks and all the books are gone from your local library. The point is: don't let laundry deter you from social interactions! Here are some ways to save money on laundry so that you can afford those shoes that go with your dress:

  • Wash everything in cold water (except dark clothes). Hot water not only dries out fabric faster than cold water does but also uses more energy and costs more money. Use half as much soap as normal (and skip any fabric softener!). And use front-loaders whenever possible; they're cheaper than top-loading washers (and they use less water).
  • If possible, hang dry clothes outside instead of using an electric dryer - this allows them to air out naturally which will help them retain more color than if they were dried indoors at high temperatures; plus it saves money on both electricity bills and/or gas for heating your home/apartment space during winter months when temperatures drop drastically after sunset every night between November 15th through February 14th each year!

Home-made meals

Cooking at home is cheaper than eating out. You may not be able to afford the most expensive ingredients, but you can use what you have. If you buy bulk groceries, even more savings!

One big thing that I do is make a large batch of food and freeze it for later. I'm not talking fancy meals like macaroni & cheese or pizza - it's more about simple things like spaghetti sauce and tacos made from scratch with fresh veggies that are also frozen for later use. Then there are also my favorite homemade meals: homemade bread, meatloaf with mashed potatoes, etc… These are all recipes I found online while searching for ways to save money on food bills because they were too high due to my husband working two jobs (and me being an idiot).

Now don't get me wrong - I love restaurants too; however if possible I will always choose a home cooked meal over eating out simply because it allows me more flexibility when scheduling my free time around work shifts (as well as saving us money).


You can start a carwash business by doing the following:

  • Buy a used carwash machine. These machines are relatively inexpensive and easy to find, but make sure you get one that's in good condition.
  • Advertise your business on social media, local newspapers, and flyers around town. Make sure you include your phone number and opening hours so people know how to contact you with questions or concerns!
  • Get customers by offering good deals on services such as power washing or waxing cars. If people see that they're getting great value for their money, they'll be more inclined to come back - and tell their friends about you too!

Once you have everything set up at home (or wherever), it's time for some fun work! All that's left now is earning those sweet profits…

Lunchbox delivery

Lunchbox delivery is a hot new business model, but if you have no experience in food preparation or delivery, it can be difficult to get started. Here's what you need to do:

  • Market yourself online by creating a website and social media accounts.
  • Offer several packages at different prices. It will be easier for customers to decide between two options than twenty.
  • Use an app such as Square ( or Paypal ( so that customers can pay easily through their phones without having the hassle of entering their credit card information into a form on your site every time they order something from you!

Now that there are only two things left: getting customers and keeping them happy while they're using your services!

Pet sitting or dog walking

If you're a dog lover, this is a great option for bringing in some extra cash. The best part? Because you'll be taking care of someone else's pup, your own canine companion will be happy to stay home and relax while you enjoy some time away. Here are some tips:

  • Find clients by posting on Facebook groups or Craigslist and asking people if they need help with pet sitting or dog walking services. You may also want to check out websites like Rover that connect owners with sitters in their area (though there are fees associated with using these sites).
  • Set your rates based on what other sitters charge in your area - and don't forget about taxes! In most places, money earned through self-employment is taxed at the same rate as income from working at an office job (around 15%), so keep this in mind when calculating how much money per hour you should charge clients who need help looking after their pets while they're away from home; it could make the difference between earning $80 per day vs $125 per day for example! If possible try not only charging one flat rate but offering different packages as well so that customers can choose what works best for them - for example maybe offer basic hourly fees where customers only pay according "per visit" charges instead of weekly contracts which might make things difficult when trying balance budgets across months."

You don't have to waste your time and energy on mindless tasks.

  • You don't have to waste your time and energy on mindless tasks.
  • Focus on the tasks that bring in money: The thing about all of these things is, they're not just a waste of your time, but also a drain on your mental capacity. They take up space in your brain that could be used for more important things - like earning money! And even if you'd rather do something else, like work out or call an old friend from high school, it's still important to prioritize the things that put money in your pocket and keep it there.
  • Focus on the tasks that are a financial burden: If you're making ends meet as a single mom (or any kind of mom), then I can guarantee there are some areas where you could be spending less money and getting more value out of what little cash flow is coming into the household each month. Find those areas and cut them down to size!


So there you have it, seven ways you can make an extra $100 per week while keeping your sanity. I know it sounds like a lot, but I've done it in my own life and I know that if you stick to these strategies and take some action today, then before long that number will be coming out of your bank account every week like clockwork.

PS: Hi! I am a freelance writer with a passion for writing. I am open to most genres, but my primary expertise is in content and blog writing. If you would like to discuss any upcoming projects please feel free to contact me by email at [email protected]


About the Creator

Courtanae Heslop

Courtanae Heslop is a multi-genre writer and business owner.

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