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The truth behind a woman’s pregnancy.

By Angel AllsopPublished 11 months ago 4 min read

A part of many women’s lives is pregnancy, growing a human inside of her body for 9 months then nurturing it to adulthood for the next 18 years. The circle of life. Many people say pregnancy is beautiful and others will disagree but we never know what exactly they mean. Each pregnancy is different just like every child and mother of the world is different. The things everyone doesn’t like to talk about are the hardest parts of this journey as a women and now as a mother. The constant worry if we are eating enough or eating the right foods, or if we are getting enough or too much sleep because everyone tells you, once the baby is here say goodbye to it. The worry of not feeling your baby move or kick when they are supposed to or checking the toilet paper every time you go the bathroom just to make sure nothing is wrong. Most people will say it’s understandable, you’re growing a baby and it takes a toll on your body but we never talk about our minds. The amount of uncontrollable emotions is tremendous. You can go from laughing to crying within seconds and not know why. You can also go from feeling loved to feeling completely alone. Unfortunately no matter if you have a wonderful partner or supportive friends and family it’s inevitable to feel alone at some point during your pregnancy.

Hello first trimester, it can either be an exciting time or very stressful, depending on if you are happy to be pregnant or shocked. During this time the worry is overwhelming. This is the time where things can go wrong… and it’s constantly on your mind. It is also the time where you think about the things you can’t do because the growth and well being of yourself and the baby are more important . Some people if not most keep their pregnancy to themselves for at least the first 14ish weeks to make sure everything is okay. You are constantly tired because your body is working on overdrive and yet your mind starts going and does not stop.

Hello second trimester, this is the most blissful time to most women. Your energy starts to return, you can now announce your pregnancy with confidence that the baby is here to stay, and you have the motivation to actually get stuff done. Even though this should be the easier part of pregnancy the hormones and emotions still hit hard. No matter how much energy you think you have, you never feel like it’s enough to check everything off of your list. As time goes on, your body starts to change and your belly becomes more and more noticeable. People never warn you about how many times a day you get asked if you are pregnant and if they already know they constantly ask how you are feeling. If we were to be honest and say everything we are feeling we would probably be here for days. It is hard to make connections with people when they start treating you differently. The constant t change of emotions makes it hard to communicate with people. I am either too tired to talk, easily aggravated, or on the verge of tears for no reason. Most days I would find it difficult to even talk to my partner which is unfair to him because he is always trying to help me and figure out what i need.

Hello third trimester, it will either fly by or come to a slow and steady pace. As I sit here at 39 weeks and change finally finishing this piece, I get to thinking… this is definitely the hardest part. I am constantly tired, overwhelmed, and very uncomfortable. My everyday activities are so much harder to accomplish and take so much more time due to constantly having to take breaks and sit down. At this point I thought the emotions would ease up but now worry just takes over. The unknown of some people becoming a first time mom and all the changes that come along with that new title. The biggest thing is being terrified of birth because no matter how prepared you get you drown in the unknowns. Are these cramps contractions? Is this lower back pain contractions? I can’t tell when they start or stop. The amount of people checking on you to see if you have started labor or not can be quite frustrating even though they are excited and means well. No one wants to start labor more than the pregnant lady who cannot get comfortable and is going to the bathroom every 30 minutes. I find it so hard to answer the question, “what do you need and what can I do for you?” It is my body and I don’t even know what to do which is also frustrating because I know people want to help especially my partner but how? Now to sit and wait until baby girl is ready to enter this crazy and scary new world.


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