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Politics Is The Art For Looking For Trouble


By umer aliPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Politics Is The Art For Looking For Trouble
Photo by Brian Wertheim on Unsplash

Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies, and expecting the same results.

The great Louis Armstrong once said, “Music is the medicine of the soul.” That's about all I'm going to say about it…

Artists are trying to deal with something in the world that isn't present and can't be found – the truth. Many have a hard time getting through that, as they struggle to see the positives and the beauty of the world.

The struggle between seeing the world in a positive way and seeing the world as a negative is quite common. Some take their plight too seriously and they get too far off track. They go too far away from seeing the world as an art piece, and the truth in its complexity and diversity, and too far toward a political purpose.


Over the past few months, I've noticed artists struggling to express their true feelings about the state of the world in a poetic way. I've had artists calling me all of the time, saying they are stuck in depression over political life and they can't cope. Many are staying away from being involved in the arts because of the politics.

I can remember growing up and seeing politicians in politics being portrayed as fools and villains. When the people get fed up with politicians, it becomes a challenge for artists to portray politicians in a positive light.

Artists want to create the truth. Their ultimate goal is to depict the truth, not promote political opinions. Artists want to draw a picture that shows people the reality of life.

Artists are trying to portray the world as it is. There are problems, troubles, tragedies, struggles, politics, confusion and things that make it hard for people to see the world as a beautiful creation in a complex and unique way.

A lot of artists are trying to convince themselves to ignore politics because they're seeing the bad in it, not the good. Art has become an escape, from finding the truth about life. It's a place for people who see the world in a negative way, wanting to get away from it.

Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies, and expecting the same results. That is what's happening now in the art world. Many of the artists who are suffering from the crises in politics are probably looking for excuses for their bad art.They're focusing on what they see as failures, instead of what they see as possibilities.

They're looking for any reason not to create anything because they're looking for reasons to make excuses.

But that's not what artists do. Artists create in times of crisis, and they have to work together. They have to communicate, as artists.

The best way to avoid politics in the art world is to stay away from trying to create the truth. Politicians can't be the source of truth, and artists have to realize that the world is not a political entity.

If you are an artist and you are working on a piece that will not be released until next week, and you are in a state of deep depression over the state of the world, please take a step back. Take the politics out of it, and start working on something that can find a happy medium between the world you wish to paint and the political discourse you are fighting.

If you are an artist who has decided that you are not going to work on political art, and you decide you're going to paint something you like, the last thing you should be doing is ignoring your own TASTE.

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umer ali

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