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Pineapple Waste Turned to Profit: Sustainable Textiles, Eco-friendly Plates, and Natural Cleaners

Pineapple Scraps

By Ally AllanyPublished 11 months ago 3 min read
Pineapple Waste Turned to Profit: Sustainable Textiles, Eco-friendly Plates, and Natural Cleaners
Photo by Phoenix Han on Unsplash

Over a decade ago, pineapple leaves were considered worthless waste, discarded without a second thought. However, a visionary designer's ingenuity breathed new life into these overlooked by-products by reviving a centuries-old technique to extract fibers from the fruit. This groundbreaking discovery led to the creation of convincing alternatives to leather and innovative types of yarn. Today, the popularity of pineapple-derived products is soaring, with major fashion brands like Nike embracing the sustainable revolution. As pineapple crops cover vast expanses worldwide, an increasing focus is placed on reducing waste and harnessing the potential of these leftovers to create profitable and eco-conscious ventures. In this blog, we delve into three companies that have harnessed the potential of pineapple scraps to produce textiles, disposable plates, and eco-friendly cleaners, ushering in a new era of sustainable practices.

Turning Pineapple Leaves into Sustainable Textiles

Ananas Anam, founded in 2016 by the visionary Carmen Hijosa, has been at the forefront of using pineapple leaves to create sustainable textiles. Inspired by a centuries-old technique used in the Philippines to make a fabric called Pina, Carmen was quick to realize that pineapple leaves offered the perfect blend of strength and flexibility. Her company, Ananas Anam, forged partnerships with Dole Sunshine Company and independent farmers, employing over 500 people to skillfully harvest and process pineapple leaves that would otherwise end up as waste. The extracted fibers are carefully shipped to Barcelona, where they undergo a transformation into Pina yarn and Pina text. Pina text perfectly mimics the qualities of animal leather, while Pina yarn serves as a versatile yarn replacement. This sustainable alternative to leather has gained widespread acceptance among major brands like Nike and Hugo Boss, along with smaller companies that use the fabric to produce a wide range of products like notepads, backpacks, and handbags.

Pineapple Crowns Transformed into Eco-friendly Plates

In Colombia, the visionary company Life Pack has discovered an innovative way to utilize pineapple crowns effectively. By shredding the crowns and blending them with recycled paper, they ingeniously create compostable plates and other sustainable packaging materials. This ingenious approach not only helps in reducing plastic waste but also harnesses the latent potential of the seeds inside the pineapple crowns, allowing for potential vegetation when the plates are appropriately discarded in suitable environments. Claudia Barona and Andres Benavidez, the visionary founders of Life Pack, have steered their eco-friendly plates into three large supermarket chains domestically, with ambitious plans to further expand their reach, aiming to reduce plastic waste, one plate at a time.

Cleaning with Fermented Pineapples

In Vietnam, Fuwa Biotech is pioneering the use of fermented pineapple enzymes for the creation of natural soaps and detergents. Through a carefully orchestrated fermentation process, pineapple waste is broken down, releasing enzymes and acids that possess powerful cleaning properties. Fuwa Biotech sources fruit waste from a canned pineapple factory, diligently fermenting it over several months to create a natural cleaning fluid. Their fruit cleaners provide an eco-friendly alternative to conventional chemical cleaners, significantly reducing the environmental and health risks associated with harsh chemicals. With the potential to replace household bleach and detergents, fruit enzyme cleaners are showing immense promise, although extensive research is needed to confirm their efficacy and shelf life.


The revival of pineapple waste utilization marks a significant stride towards a greener and more sustainable future. Through their unwavering creativity and determination, entrepreneurs like Carmen Ijosa, Claudia Barona, and Andres Benavidez are making a profound impact on the planet. As they continue to innovate and refine their processes, the potential for even greater waste reduction and environmental conservation becomes ever more apparent. With consumers increasingly embracing eco-friendly alternatives, the pineapple's legacy extends far beyond its delicious fruit, now intricately woven into the fabric of a more sustainable world. As we stand on the threshold of a new era, where the potential of pineapple by-products is boundless, these companies serve as inspirational examples of how creative thinking can forge a harmonious relationship between industry and the environment, fostering a greener, healthier planet for generations to come.


About the Creator

Ally Allany

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