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Miracle Ben

By Alice AlaricPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

She took one last glance through the door at her mom and her two sons asleep on the couch. She smiled as she hefted her work bag over her shoulder and went to her car. Tonight was her first night at her new job, after the big layoff at her old job. Things have been tight and the last bit of money she had went to "work clothes". As she pulled into the parking lot, she began to shake. The bright neon sign flashed PARADISE GENTLEMENS CLUB. With no-one hiring this was her last option, and she would do anything to feed her boys. She took a deep breath and gave herself one last pep talk. As she entered it was dimly lit and the music assaulted her ears. Making her way to the dressing room doubts flooded her head. The girls, much to her surprise greeted her with smiles and introductions. Several of them sharing similar stories. It all seemed a little less scary now. As the night progressed the girls took her under their wing, and showed her the ropes. It seemed simple enough. She noticed that all the girls made a point to stop by one particular man at the bar and give him and hug and say thank you. He hadn't spent any money all night so this piqued her curiosity. She approached the man and introduced herself, her voice still trembling from her nerves. He smiled at her, "You have the eyes of a doe lost". She was surprised and caught off guard. "I'm sorry, I'm still learning the routine". He gently laughed and asked her to share her story with him. As she did she began sharing more than she intended. Before they knew it they were laughing at failed camping trip her and the boys had last summer. The man gently pulled a little black book from his inside coat pocket and asked what her name was. Nothing about the man gave her any dangerous feelings so she obliged him. Smiling he wrote her name down. He then got up from his chair and bid her a goodnight. One of the other women full of joy ran to congratulate her. "I don't understand. Why are you congratulating me?" she asked rather confused. "We call him Miracle Ben. If he takes a liking to you, your name goes in that book and wonderful things happen!" Never one to believe in such things, she brushed it off. A few days went by and she was getting used to her new nightlife job, but still applied anywhere she could. One morning she received a call from a company that she applied to. She was asked to come in for an interview that day. As she arrived she was greeted by a young man who seemed familiar. He had such a warm smile, he led her to the boss's office. The doors opened and there sat 'Miracle Ben' behind a grand desk, she was speechless. As she sat down, the young man stood by Ben. They looked so much alike, she asked "Is this your son?" Ben smiled, "Yes, this is James. I hope one day that he will continue to run my company as well and fairly as I have." "But I'm afraid that you wont be getting the job you applied to." Her heart sank... Tears welled up in her eyes and confusion and hurt flooded her. "I.. I don't understand I.." "I believe that position would be a waste of your true potential." Ben interrupted. "Instead I want to give you the sales management position, and it comes with a bonus of $20,000." The tears of joy, shock, and pure amazement poured down her face as she tried to say thank you. This was indeed the Miracle Ben.

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